Pre-Tease Monday



What’s tomorrow??????

Well I’m warming up the cyberspace network today getting ready for tomorrow’s Teaser………….an interesting thing is that my Teaser last week had about HALF the viewers as we’ve had almost any other Tuesday EVER……….Mom says it might be because Summer’s sneaking by and people are on vacation – I hope it’s not that you all are getting BORED with the Teaser????

Anyway, the only thing I can tell you about tomorrow’s Teaser is that (a) it’s a Guest Teaser, and (b) it’s an easy one I think.   Yep – that’s what I said……………….AND remember that I post it at some time unknown to everyone except my Mom since she’s the one who throws the dart at the board with times on it and whatever the dart lands on, that’s the time we go LIVE!

If you should be lucky enough to be sitting on top of your computer when the blog post arrives, you might be FIRST COMMENTER!!!!!   You’ll get this for your effort and you don’t even have to guess where the photo was taken – just comment first on the Teaser post – how simple is THAT????


Then if you are my FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the post – you know where the photo was taken and are the first to tell me, you get this:


If you guess correctly but are NOT first, you’re still a winner – you get this!


If you are left in the dust, caught sleeping, don’t know where the photo was taken or guess and are WRONG, you still get this!


Can I be any more generous with my award badges?  Oh yeah – I know – you want a “Second Comment” badge, and a “Last Comment Badge” and maybe a “142nd Guesser Badge” but I hate to tell you this but “it ain’t gonna happen” !!!  HAHAHAHAHA

Teaser?  YAY!

Teaser? YAY!

So – can I count on you to be here in the morning?   Do you want me to have to complain about lack of Teaser participation again?  NO OF COURSE NOT…………so I’ll see you WHENEVER tomorrow – OK?  OK!

Hugs, The Teaser Dude

Wonder what will be inside the SILVER BRIEFCASE?????

Wonder what will be inside the SILVER BRIEFCASE?????  No – it’s not a change of underwear!

62 responses »

  1. I’m sure some people are just plain TOO HOT to comment, S. It’s a heatwave around here. Plus humid. Plus bad air quality. I took the shortest street nap in history yesterday and then came inside for some of my doggie ice cream.

    Love and licks,


    • I wondered if you’d pick up on that “Easy” Teaser comment……………..we’ll see how well you do tomorrow big guy! Meanwhile – I suggest you stay away from that refrigerator your Dad fixed this weekend – it might blow up!

      Hugs, Sam


  2. Oh, no! The Teaser participation is down….! Hopefully, it IS because lots of folks are super busy with summer stuff: vacations, etc. Motor Mommy’s comments are way down on her blog, too, but sadly, that’s been the case for awhile now, and not directly related to summer.
    But, she still keeps pluggin’ along!
    Hope you have lots of folks guessing on the Teaser tomorrow, Sammy! We plan to be here!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! We kinda think everyone’s blog comments are down in the summer – school’s out and people are on the move, etc. We’ll see how things look tomorrow but the Teaser SHALL GO ON!!!!!

      Happy Monday!
      Love, Sam


  3. Certainly NOT tired of the Teaser! I just have to say it, I think blog comments are down because everybody and their cat and dog are on Instagram. I know so many people that have abandoned the effort of blogging for just a cool click and a post to Instagram. I was/am struggling with my blogging and I have been spending time on Instagram. I think that I would never get tired of the Teaser!
    Good Morning, Sam!


    • We haven’t explored Instagram but we do know lots of people are on there now. Maybe we should check it out…….but Mom gets what little “writing” exercise she has from my blog so I think we may be sticking with the blog for a while. I’m glad you enjoy the Teaser though – you and CH have something to agonize over on Tuesdays! HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  4. Interesting just read Pix comment…she might be right folks are wanting
    instant stuff…like instagram…blogging takes work!!
    hugs madi your bfff not a twitter, a facebooker or a instagrammer


    • Hi Madi my dear…….thanks for being such a fab hostess when we arrived at your house yesterday in that FLAT envelope……HAHAHA……as for “instant” – I think it’s probably true – Instagram is a huge hit. We don’t TWEET or INSTANT anything…..just plodding along on the blog!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  5. I love your blog Sammy and look forward to it every day. I think you are correct that a lot of people are on vacation right now. Don’t feel bad- you have lots of fans.


    • I know that it’s a busy time for lotsa peeps – it was just rather startling to see HALF as many peeps visiting last Tuesday as ever before……………..anyway, school has started and summer is winding down (unbelievable but true!) and things will be back to whatever normal is!

      Love, Sammy


    • He’s probably right……..I know that’s the problem for lots of our followers… fact, it’s why we schedule our blog to go live every day at 3AM OUR time (except on Teaser Tuesdays when it’s a “random” time to keep you on your toesies!!!!!).

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pix is right, a lot of folk are now on Instagram, including me MOL, but we still try and visit all our blogging friends at least three times a week! I’m also keeping on at The Staff to make sure we blog fairly often! A kitty’s work is never done!!! Will be here tomorrow at some juncture. You never know I might actually win something this week! MOL xxxxx


    • Maybe Instagram is the “new thing” – there are so many social network spots these days but we just haven’t joined all of them – heck – we don’t even TWEET! Thanks for coming by though Austin…….I really appreciate it and love seeing you when you’re here……..

      Love, Sammy


  7. Yo Sammy! That’s because mes was gone fishing! When mes not there, nobody is there (that’s what mes believes anyway)


  8. Sammy, it’s just vacation time. There is less traffic on the road, too. I read your blog faithfully every day, I just don’t comment if I haven’t a clue about the teaser. You know I would take a SWAG if I could come up with anything. Heck, all of my guesses are SWAGs! :-).


    • Hi Miss Beverly! I think you’re right – vacations/school – it’s just a busy time. Who knows – today might be a “BANNER CROP” of visitors!!!!! Good luck on the Teaser!

      Love, Sammy


  9. Snorts! It is vacation time cousin. I think a lot of people are trying to crunch in that one last trip before settling down for fall. Most of the kids are back in school and college kids are going now. I for one will be here tail wagging and hooves hoovering over the keyboard in anticipation. 🙂 We are finally getting back into the groove of things here too at the Hotel Thompson. See ya tomorrow! XOXO – Bacon


  10. Wow, this is always such fun! I’ll be back tomorrow…but I never seem to guess the location. BOL/MOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


  11. I wonder why the teaser pictures are always of old buildings? What about teasers showing us cute little (or big) dogs? But big dogs don’t know what cute means. Or you could have a teaser with real kitties in it. That would make it harder to guess. Also have you ever checked into those old buildings you show to see if there are any kitties living in them?


    • Some of the old buildings I’m SURE have kitties living in them……ferals take shelter wherever they can!! AND, I don’t always have old buildings but you know there are a lot of very old structures in Europe and often that’s where my Teaser photos come to me from – friends who live in other places. Today’s is NOT a building……….and it will be popping up SOOOON!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. I’ll be here tomorrow Sammy. I make my mum turn the volume up as high as it goes, then every time she hears the click of an email she has to rush over to see if it is you.


  13. I don’t think anyone is bored with your teasers! I think people are on vacation as you said, or just trying to make the most of the nice weather while it lasts. I know I’ve been outdoors and on the computer less, and keep getting behind on everything! Sometimes we come by and look and read but don’t have time to leave a comment, especially since we hardly ever are first or know the answer! 🙂


    • Today’s Teaser is EASY PEASY……….at least we THINK it is……….anyway, I believe that everybody is cramming in as much summer fun before the cool weather arrives and school started this week too – I bet things will pick up on EVERYONE’s blogs now!

      Love, Sammy


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