Breakfast Time!



It’s that time again!  

Mom’s cookin’ the bacon and I’m waitin’

Dad and me are both anticipatin’

Crunchy good and salty too

Set the table with plates for TWO!

Yesterday was a beautiful day and today is supposed to be too – although I can’t say for sure since it’s still DARK outside………Mom and I get up every morning at a ridiculous time (4:30AM) but I guess it’s not fair of me to say RIDICULOUS when I’m the reason she’s up so early!    If she’s even five minutes later than that I’m at her door yelling for her.  That alone signals “EMERGENCY” for my Mom because I rarely even come upstairs anymore since my arthritis has kicked in………’s a chore – but if I scream at the bottom of the stairs and she doesn’t appear – well – DRASTIC MEASURES MUST BE TAKEN!!!!

Anyway, bacon will be ready soon so excuse me if I leave  in a rush – it will be because Mom has called me and Dad to the kitchen for breakfast.   I know she’s making pancakes today but I could care LESS about those.

My good buddy Charles who is a Cat Scout with me AND a very good friend, sent me this cute poster yesterday – I love adding to my collection!


 Oh boy is THAT the truth!   Thanks Charles!!


I also saw this online which only made me think “what a horrible waste of bacon” !!!!  I guess whoever eats the most bacon gets the “BACON TROPHY” ???

If they ever have the Super Bowl of BACONATORS, you just know though that I will be in the running for the trophy .   Yep – sure will….but if they make the trophy out of bacon, someone better be sure that it will have a BIG HOLE eaten out of it when they give it to me!


SO – if you’ll pretty please excuse me – I have somewhere I need to be RIGHT NOW….

******** “COMING MOM!!!!!!”********

Happy Saturday!  Hugs, Sam

73 responses »

  1. 4:30 is super early to be up. But when there’s food to be eaten, it should always be done as soon as possible, so I understand why you’re down there yelling, S. Enjoy your bacon. Mom and I still have a couple of hours to laze in bed and cuddle.

    Love and licks,


    • Hi Cupcake! Since I can’t get up the stairs easily and Mom is ALWAYS up there on her computer I have to SCREAM from the bottom of the stairs – I can hear Mom laughing when I do that……..well, a guy has to make his NEEDS known right???

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  2. My mum says she didn’t even know that 4.30 existed apart from in the afternoon! She doesn’t like mornings and doesn’t usually go to bed before 1am.
    Enjoy your bacon and have an extra piece for me!


  3. Poetry bacon and early bird specials..Sammy my friend you have it all going on on a saturday…i just get Forrest barking in my face to wake me… being woken by the fire alarm…yikes! have a super brekky my friend 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


  4. So glad you liked the Bacon Poster Sammy. Mom and I are always on the lookout for interesting Bacon items. My mom is also an early riser because we all like our breakfast early.
    Enjoy the beautiful weather today…..
    Scout Charles


    • Oh it’s TRULY gorgeous isn’t it? My Dad is flying – lucky him………Mom is doing laundry (not so lucky?) and I’m sleeping under the dining room table. Today I say goodbye to all my company: SammyP, Raz, Gracie, and Anya.

      Have a super weekend Charles!
      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Barks! Bacon says you like the bacon. Too funny my friend. I think I’ll go see if I can beg some from mom/dad this morning. They are cooking it since Bacon is not here – can you believe that?! Later today, we are all going to pick up Bacon – can’t wait! Happy Saturday. ❤ Houdini


    • I suspect Bacon can’t WAIT to get back home to all of you…….and I hope maybe you’ll celebrate with a bacon-feast at your house that lasts all weekend! Houdini you did a wonderful job blogging while your brother was away!

      Love, Sammy


      • Cousin, I tell you that Houdini here surprised us all. That pooch has some skills. I was really impressed reading some of the things he wrote and comments he made – WOW. He knew right? He even stood up to Hemi here while I was gone – shocker! XOXO – Bacon


  6. Sammy we senior Kitties demand and deserve instant gratification to our every need whether it be an emergency or just ’cause we are lonely.
    Mom was once 5 seconds late getting up…guess what I hissed at her.
    MOL MOL MOL Guess I told her who was boss of her
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Good for you Madi….I think our parents forget that when we get older we need more help, more hugs, more lap time, MORE MORE MORE! If Mom is out of my sight for three seconds I miss her! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sam


  7. I’m thinking by now you have had your BACON! Enjoy your day, Sammy! Bet the CHEESEBURGERS were delicious last night. I thought about them ALL night SO we will… I will, grill a couple tonight for us… 😀


    • Mom and Dad had cheeseburgers one night then crabs the next! They didn’t get home last night until 8:30 from next door where they devoured a whole OCEAN full of crabs! Humans sure can eat a lot. HAHAHAHA Hope your burgers were delish too!!!!!

      Love, Sam


  8. What a wonderful poem ! Bacon Day always sounds like a great day ! Purrs
    PS : can you imagine that we never ate bacon because Dad and Mom don’t like it ?


  9. You, Sammy, are definitely the King of Bacon. The new poster Charles sent you is an excellent addition to your collection, and we very much enjoyed your poem. Hope to see you for Sunday Selfies tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  10. The tummy meter goes off early in your house Sammy!
    King of Bacon is the right title for you!
    Happy Caturday!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, and Mr Jinx


      • Sounds pawsum Sammy. It did get a little cooler here this weekend and weez so gwateful fur dat. Da humiidity is still bad but weez gunna have dat till weez stawrt dwyin’ out fwum all da floodin’ in May and June.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi


  11. Your Mom is so good to you, Sammy – hope you give her lots of sweet kisses for those early risings. Now bacon for ALL!!!

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  12. Mee-you that poster iss grate Unccle Sammy!!!
    Mee hopes you had a bit xtra bacon because mee not get any today!! PICKERELL!! Mee iss goin lodge a purrtest if thiss keeps up!!! 😉
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


      • Yur rite Unccle Sammy..mee nevurr meowed a bit ’bout ‘no bacon’…ladymum did say once Summer was over mee wood have bacon again 😉
        Shee has no fryin pan as thee old one was burnin stuff an efurry fung was stickin to it. Mee will bee payshunt Unccle. fankss fur thee advice…
        Yur luvvin neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  13. Boy, you and your Mom do get up early, Sammy! It is a great time of the day. Love the poster from your friend. Very catchy, Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


  14. Mes so furry happy that it is Bacon Day at your house…it won;t be bacon day at our house in Caturdays until Farm Market season is over…sigh…


  15. 😉 Mee too Unccle! LadyMum eatss onlee Lean Angus Burgerss an shee allwayss gives me a few teenie peecess….mmm mmm good!!!
    Say it MUST bee snack time, mew mew mew …
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


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