Pre-Tease Monday!


Good Morning and WELCOME to another exciting week………..well, maybe exciting – I guess it’s too early to tell right?   I know that for ME it’s exciting because I will be finalizing my Teaser photo for all of you for tomorrow.   It WILL be a Guest Teaser but I’m still deciding WHICH Guest will be teasing you – I have some doozies to choose from  TRUST ME!

Remember we have new badges and I KNOW you want one of those right?  Our winners last week were quite excited about getting new badges so get ready to be FIRST COMMENTER, FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, RIGHT GUESSER or NO WAY BABY GREENIE !!

Other than that, what’s happening in my world?   Well yesterday with the heat and humidity factored in together it was  105 degrees here!   HOT?  Oh yeah baby indeed it was.   I did ask politely to go outside a couple of times but after the second time when I discovered it was hotter than “you know what” out that, I  decided to keep cool INSIDE.   Mom (who must have had a case of temporary insanity) decided to mow the lawn.   Yep – that’s what I said – MOW THE LAWN.   Dad offered to do it but NOOOOOOOOOOO – Mom lathered up with sunblock, put her hat on and out she went.  She got it all done in 45 minutes then came inside and drank a HUGE glass of lemon iced tea.   I watched from inside – thinking Mom would fall off the tractor in a big sweaty heap as she traveled around the front and back yard but she didn’t…..she soldiered on until it was done.

Sam's Front Yard

Those of you who are now official “Sammy’s Pill Watchers” (hahaha)  will be happy to know that I have had my WHOLE PILL for three days in a row!   Maybe I should make a badge for all of you who want to post it on your blogs  showing you’re on my PILL WATCHING TEAM…….HAHAHAHAHA

Hope all of you have a spectacular day……………..Mom’s headed to the grocery and Dad is heading for the airport.  Me?  Why I’m NAPPING of course!

We call this the Grandma Chair - Sam thinks it's a great nap spot.

Hugs, Sammy

82 responses »

  1. three days in a row? that’s pawsome… and you are a superbrave boy! we can’t mow our lawn, it currently rains dogs&cats (butt no Weimaraners, I’ve checked that) I’m ready fur tomorrow… butt let’s say… ummm well….. maine usa?


    • Looks to me like even if you COULD mow your lawn you’d be running over lawn equipment like hedgetrimmers and maybe even Dad if you tried to mow! HAHAHA Loved your PEE and POO toys Easy – only YOU could possibly have stuffies like that! As for Maine – WHO KNOWS – you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out! 😉

      Love, Sam


    • I do love eating and lying in the grass – of course when it’s this hot, I don’t go out there often but when it’s not super hot I love being outside. Mom puts a blanket on the lawn and sits with me!

      Love, Sammy


  2. As one of your “pill watchers” Scout Charles wants to *high five* you for setting a three day record. Please Sammy continue to be good to your mom and continue to take your medicine. Now regarding the 105 degree weather…..that can do real damage. Please have a heart to heart with your mom we need her to stay healthy too.
    Hugs Scout Charles


    • Hi Charles! You know what? Mom was NOT smart to mow in that 105 degree heat…..but at least she did it the right way – with skin and head protection! Today the weather is the same – it’s just DARNED HOT here which is very unusual! Hope you are keeping cool too Charles!

      Love, Sammy


    • Well your coaching speech sure didn’t HURT that’s for sure! Maybe I just needed a HUGE load of encouragement? OR, Mom changing baby food flavors – something worked because I’ve been good for three whole days!

      Love, Sam


  3. I definitely want a pill watchers badge 🙂 Good boy to take your pill 3 days in a row. I am impressed the Mom mowed the lawn. I refuse to learn to drive the tractor because I don’t want to end up with that job. I do inside, hubby does outside 🙂


    • HAHA…..I can’t blame you on the “no mowing” policy you have. Believe it or not my Mom LOVES to ride the tractor around. She and my Dad BOTH do the housecleaning together but only if Mom’s sick does Dad mow…..otherwise he’s forbidden to mess with Mom’s mower! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. OMCs Sammy it is hotter than he (double hockey) sticks here too.
    Thank goodness your mom did not melt away
    Hugs Madi your bfff


    • Might have fertilized the lawn nicely though (hahahahaha)……seriously though, Dad was out watching her from the front porch (in the shade) while she mowed. Cheering her on………..sort of.

      Hugs, Sam


  5. Hi Sammy,
    A pat on your back for having been so brave as to take your pills for 3 days now! That’s really great.
    Quite a heatwave you had. Here it’s still very bearable, with a max of 96, and not too much humidity. The Texas Hill Country usually is not (too) unpleasant.
    I admire your mom, but maybe she should have waited till the evening hours. She could have gotten a heat stroke.
    I haven’t mowed our lawn yet. It doesn’t seem to grow as fast now that we have drier weather. But some time this week it’ll be necessary. Then it’ll take me between 4 and 5 hours, “zooming” around on our lawn tractor.
    Have a great day, and keep being a good boy re your pills,
    P.S.: Chiquita is still quite picky with her pills and food. So we’re trying something different every day. That old girl DOES get spoiled. 😉 But she’s worth it!!!


    • Thanks Mr. Pit – I’m trying to be brave and take my pills every day so Mom won’t get sad. She SHOULD have waited until evening to mow but she figured most of our yard is in the shade and she needed to do it when she FELT like doing it so she did! Tell Chiquita that my current preferred method of pill-taking is (a) Gerber ham with ham gravy baby food AND (2) Gerber beef with beef gravy baby food. Maybe that will last – probably not – Mom will think of something!

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  6. First up, way to go cousin for taking your pills. They are going to make you better and we need that. Second up, way to go mom – she brought new meaning to Nascar Lawncare huh? Third up, dad’s flying again – hooray. I love to see his pictures. Awesome. Have a great day. XOXO – Bacon


  7. This heat is ridiculous. Our humans have been getting up at 7 a.m. to ride their bike, and it’s still too hot. We’re mostly staying in the house too. Today is a good day even though it’s super hot. Chris came to clean and brought us a whole bunch of fresh- picked nip! Lisbeth has been rolling around in it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh boy! Rolling in nip – now THAT’s my idea of a FUN day…….we’ve been inside almost all day here. Mom went grocery shopping at 7AM and it was already muggy out there. BOOO!!!!! Bring on a cool front!

      Love, Sammy
      P.S. Mom will be sending you photo ops for the Grand Canyon trip !


  8. We have all that hot stuff here too, Sammy. Your Mom is very brave to do that mowing in that kind of heat. We are happy to hear she knew how to get rehydrated!!! Stay cool.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  9. Sammie, Is that another of the wonderful quilts you are lying on? I can’t remember what relative of yours who makes them but she does a professional job. Stay cool; West Texas is at or above 100 on the thermometer last week and continues. The coolest places are on the tile floor under the bed (look out Dust Bunnies) or on my old leather recliner. bye.


    • That quilt is a super old one – it belonged to my Mom’s Mom – it was a wedding gift to her and Mom’s Dad when they were married in 1946! It’s so soft you wouldn’t believe it! The other quilts you’ve seen in our house have been made by my Aunt Carol – my Mom’s sister – she realy IS a professional quilter – she’s VERY artsy!

      Love, Sammy


  10. OMC Sammy yous mommy kulda got heat stwoke or sumfin’. Weez sure glad she be okay. It’s 110 here today and weez hangin’ in da house duin’ a bunch of nuffin’. MOL Weez pawful glad to hear yous takin’ yous medicine too. It’ll make ya’ feel better. have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


      • We know Sammy and sissy be gettin’ better and she dusn’t like hers meds eever. But mommy sez she has to have ’em and tells her to open wide. She dusn’t zactly open wide, but mommy can manage to get da syringe in hers mouff and down it goes. MOL Course there’s always good stuffs afterwards.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi


  11. Well done on taking your pill 3 days in a row Sammy. I knew you could do it! Wow! It is hot where you are. I would be a puddle if I were there.
    Pre-Tease Monday huh? Sounds like you did more teasing than you intended. I got all excited when you said what had happened and thought I would get a sneak preview, and what did I see? Zilch, that’s what!


  12. LOVES the new badges! Because of the heat here, Mommy and Daddy both mow, they fire up the old lawn mower and the new lawn mover. Mommy starts in the back and Daddy starts in the front and they both go and go until it is all done. Takes about 1/2 hour. They tries to does it early in the morning when it is still coolish. Today they is unpacking the stuff we bringed back from Calgary…
    Mommy cleaned out her old dresser and gotted 2 bags of clothes she can’t wear unless she losses some weight to goes to the Thrift Store, then she dragged the old dresser out to the curb and she is now filling the dresser from BC with her clothes.
    Next, the boxes of stuff to goes into the kitchen…mes has no IDEA where shes going to puts it…


    • Oh Nellie I think that’s nice that your Mom and Dad mow together! How romantic (tee hee). My Dad just watches Mom sweating on the tractor from the comfort of the shady porch!!!! Sounds like your Mom is getting a lot of projects done now that you all are back in Midway. I bet your Mom will find places to stash everything – Moms are great with stashing stuff!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  13. **Hi-5’SS** Unccle Sammy fur takin yur meddycayshun 3 dayss inn a row!!!!
    Mee an LadyMum are ‘Sammy Pill Watcherss’ mew mew mew….
    Holy friend Pickerell it was so hot there!!! Wee was feelin like 90+ deegreess butt you were hotter…..
    Mee not so sure ’bout this ‘Summer’ stuff at all…..
    Well dun on takin yur pill!! Woo Hoo!!!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


      • Mee agrees Unccle Sammy…too much of a good fing iss just TOO MUCH!!!!
        It iss *hot* on thee patio so far. Mee was out for an hour…waitin till there iss toe-tal shade inn late afternoon an then mee can go back out!!!!
        ***Hi-5’SS*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


          • Mee agrees Unccle Sammy thee shade iss much nicer than broilin Sun!! Mee getss *hot* so eay ben dark furred 😉
            Today has been a purrfect day: sunny, wispy clouds, 75 F…wish all dayss were thiss luvley!!!
            **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


          • Guess what – this morning our weather is PERFECT – cooler, lower humidity and Mom actually had to put a sweater on to take me out for my morning walk!

            Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy


    • In answer to your question Miss Pix, the only thing that smells better is BACON FRYING!!!! HAHAHAHAHA Mom did well out there mowing on a hot day but she said that sweet tea/lemonade combo drink she had when she came in was MIGHTY DARN YUMMY!

      Love, Sammy


  14. Good job on that pill, Sammy! Pardon us for being late commenting: My pawrents deserted me for the weekend…. I’m SO happy they’re back home now! I made sure to wake mom up this morning bright and early at 5 a.m.
    Love, Sundae


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