Baconizing Day




Thank heavens it’s bacon day…………..I’m hoping it will give me some energy while I crunch on that delicious and salty  treat because I’m just plain BEAT!    Why?  Well, snoopervising was in magnum proportions yesterday because not only did my Mom clean the entire house  without Dad’s help (he usually does the upstairs) she did two loads of laundry, planted petunias, did grocery shopping, and FINALLY caught up on her email.   It’s exhausting just watching her.   But now I can have my bacon and know that today she’ll not be flying around the house doing STUFF because it’s all done.   She finally did “land” yesterday and I immediately commandeered her lap in the recliner……………….

Sam Closeup Lap

Mom I love napping on your legs when you’re on the recliner!!!

Instead of more work today, she and I will continue with my blogaversary party for tomorrow……………….I do hope to see you all for a minute or two as you celebrate with your Moms for Mother’s Day.

…..”Sammy!  Bacon’s ready!”…..

WHOOPS –  excuse me – I have somewhere I need to be and the sooner the better!    Happy BaconDay!

Your favorite  and mine!

Your favorite and mine!

Love, Sammy

66 responses »

    • Hi Summer….you’d think she’d leave the house a mess for the party since it will be that way AFTER the party right? Oh well……humans are tough to figure out sometimes!

      Love, Sam


    • Well Cupcake, that’s the plan for today……….REST…………NAPS………..REST AGAIN…….but I know my Mom and Dad and rarely do we follow “THE PLAN” !!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Goodness me Sammy…mum must have been super ready for a sit down with her favourite gingerman 🙂 and of course tomorrow is a super exciting day too for best YOU rest as well 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


  2. Your mum was very busy yesterday Sammy! My mum wanted to get out in the garden to work but it rained all day. She got the monster out and dusted and polished too. When she finished that she sat in the recliner with a cup of coffee and I joined her. Next thing we knew, it was an hour later. It was a good nap though.


    • Flynn you and your Mom spend time much like me and my Mom! When Mom gets tired of whatever she’s doing she lands in the recliner and I’m RIGHT THERE to join her! Mom-time is the BEST time!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Wow, your mom sounds like a “whirling dervish” yesterday, Sammy. She probably made you dizzy!
    Glad she’ll have today free to do nothing but cook bacon for you and give you a lap upon which to nap!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That sounds exhausting, Sammy! I’ll bet you were completely worn out yesterday from all that work!! You definitely deserve a day of rest. And that bacon! Enjoy!! 😉


    • Good Morning! We are supposed to have sun today but I don’t see it YET…..tomorrow – rain again and rain off and on for the next few days too. Some stupid sub-tropical storm coming up the coast (thanks a bunch Florida). Oh well….whatcha gonna do?!?!?! HAVE A BACON CHEESEBURGER???!!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Morning handsome Sammy…I keep meaning to do you a very impawtant question…….
    Mol mol
    Madi your bffff
    I love you cartoons and recipe


    • Madi, I am the TOTAL “Baconized Boy”…….I do love bacon and I’m not afraid to admit it! If there was a ten step program for bacon-o-holics, I’d be enrolled!

      Love, Sammy


  6. I love this photo of you on your Mom’s lap. I am glad you can enjoy your bacon today with no fear of the monster.


  7. Bacon! Mes WANT Bacon! Mes don’t thinks mes will gets any today though. Kozmo is laying out the backyard for the pawty and wants mes to check every detail!


    • Kozmo needs your expert advice – after all, you’re the artistic one in the family!!!! I enjoyed my bacon today and will have some tomorrow too! YAY!

      Love and Kisses, Sammy


  8. **slapss paw to forehead**
    LadyMum got thee date wrong an here mee iss A DAY EERLEE!!!!!
    Mew mew mew…..thiss iss so funny Unccle Sammy…may mee join you fur sum bacon pleeze???
    Then mee go home an wait fur tomorrow 😉
    ***paw patss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


  9. We hope you enjoyed every last crumb of that bacon, Sammy. AND the rest of the day on Mom’s lap:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  10. Wow, our mom wishes she had half the energy of Mom Pam. Our Mom did work in the yard for four hours today and is pooped. Our humans had bacon this morning. We didn’t care or bother them. Guess it is an acquired taste. Can’t wait for the party tomorrow. Please join us for a Mother’s Day Sunday Selfies Blog Hop tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I think you’re right KB crew……some cats love bacon and others aren’t so excited about it. We’re all just a little bit different aren’t we……I don’t “get” catnip or “Greenies” or some of the stuff other kitties love either but I decided that as long as we’re all HAPPY and HEALTHY, that’s the only thing that matters – oh – and WELL LOVED – mustn’t forget about that!!!!!!

      Happy Mother’s Day to your very lucky Mom!
      Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam


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