The Monster’s Here


Here we go again on a Friday….of course that’s monster day around here and I am as prepared for it as I ever am.   Just keeping an eye on the hallway closet waiting for it to make an appearance.    Then “LET THE CLEANING BEGIN!!!!!”…………………

"Mr. Clean" (?)

“Mr. Clean” (?)

There are two ways of looking at the cleaning thing……… of course is that we keep our homes nice and neat and clean and  tidy, but we should also consider that when we clean, we might be destroying the lives of millions of dust bunnies all across the world!


I say I’d rather do without the bunnies and the sneezing from the dust and live in a nice clean house…….if anyone’s gonna mess this place up it should be ME!   Right?

My toy box is actually a toy WAGON!

Yeah the place is a mess but I like my stuff where I can keep an eye on it!

Tomorrow is Bacon Day as you all know but Sunday is a HUGE day………’s Mother’s Day ( yay for Mom) AND it’s my 4th blogaversary and the party I’ll be giving for YOU – all my friends  –  to celebrate that occasion.  Make sure you stop by  even if it’s just for a minute OK?


Now get out there and start your Friday———————-it’s  the end of the week and  you have to START today to get to the end of today and the weekend!  Right?  Right!

Hugs, Sammy

I just updated my CafePress shop to include some new stuff!  

Click the link on my sidebar to visit my newest “SAMMY’S STUFF”!!

74 responses »

    • Funny but my Mom’s office is where the dust bunnies hide for protection against the monster too. I guess my Mom is one of those dust-bunny appreciators like your human??

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. My mum said she is getting the monster out soon too. I have been enjoying a snooze on the bed, but as soon as I see it appear I will head out to my plant pot in the greenhouse. I’ll be here for your Blogoversary Sammy.


    • Flynn I keep trying to tell my Mom that even though we don’t have a greenhouse, a nice big straw filled plant pot would be a GREAT nap spot! She’s ignoring me so far………….see you Sunday my dear friend!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Since Mom got the Roomba working again, the dust bunnies have nowhere to hide!! We don’t mind the Roomba at all….not scary like the big monster!!!

    We just visited your shop….you’ve got cool stuff there! Mom’s going to look again when she has more time.

    The Florida Furkids


  3. Guess what? my momma said yiiiiiikes! and disappeared as she read your blog… and now she flies around on that vaccula like a witch on a broomstick…. blogging can be very helpful, right? you will notice things you furgot nd you can learn a lot :o)


    • Well Cody it wasn’t TOOOO bad today. Mom got the housecleaning done then went outside to plant purple petunias, then came back inside to do two loads of laundry, then FINALLY sat down so I could have my morning LAP NAP! Whew!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Dust bunnies! Funny!!! It is raining here this morning and we are very happy, we will take it. No cleaning here today in any way, just staying inside out of the rain. Reading, goofing off… 🙂 Enjoy your Friday Sammy and stay clear of the super sucker!


    • Goofing off sounds delicious but Mom insisted on grocery shopping for Mom’s Day cookout with neighbors, planting purple petunias in the garden, cleaning the house, and doing laundry. I’ve had very little “lap time” and I’m not happy about it!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Wow Sammy You’ve inspired us here too… We have to hoover on a daily basis actually because it’s such a small space and with my fur and litter spills it needs lots of monster action but even still we have lots of dust bunnies! Maybe I should instruct the human to do twice a day! hehe!


    • Hi Bailey! Nice to hear from you……….on board Nocturne I’m sure there’s some hovering needed but at least it’s a smaller space and the noise is over more quickly than here at my place with three floors!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Sighs. Your monster today means my monster day tomorrow – on Caturday. Shakes piggy head. I’m with you cousin – I hate monster day. Can you believe that mom actually makes us all do our parts and us anipals have chores? The nerve of her with anipal labor. But I guess we will give in knowing that Sunday is Mother’s Day. Hope you have a great weekend – can’t wait for your party. And please give your mom a hog and snout kiss for me for Mother’s Day okay buddy. XOXO – Bacon


    • We all have to cut our Moms some slack this week because of Sunday’s Mom’s Day celebration……I’m even dusting around here with a feather duster tied to my tail……anything to help Mom out!!!! I’ll see you on Sunday my friend and meanwhile will pass on the hog and snout kiss to my Mom from you – – – – she would want me to pass BACK to your Mom from us a BIG SAMMY HUG and wet nose kiss from ME and a human-hug from Mom!

      Love, Sammy


      • Gotcha – Received and will pass on to mom when she gets home from the worky place. Me and the other anipals helped dad out here a lot today while mom was working. We did laundry – do you know how hard it is dragging my dirty stuff to the laundry room? I’m tuckered out now! XOXO – Bacon
        P.S. See you Sunday for your party!


  7. I would like to skip vacuuming because Phoebe gets so scared, but with 15 cats it has to be done often. I can’t wait to get my bag and Cap ( for hubby) of Sammy 🙂


    • One thing I will say for the Cafepress stuff – it’s GREAT quality. My Dad wears his “Sammy cap” to the airport all the time and he’s had it FOUR years and it looks brand new!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Cleaning is vastly over-rated in my opinion! Unfortunately too much dust makes me sneeze so I have to get around with the feather duster fairly frequently! Thankfully, I am not allergic to cats.


  9. Hi, Sammy! You get to keep your toys – I mean troops – in a wagon? Boy is The General going to be jealous when he hears that!! And you have SO MANY! Just wait until I tell him about this….


      • You have a wagon AND a basket FULL of troops, Sammy?!? What am I doing wrong?! I can’t even get my ONE basket situated where I can access all of the troops. Any strategies you can offer to improve my situation would be much appreciated.

        Very best regards,
        The General


        • Sherman, I do feel “blessed” by the troop situation here in my camp. The troops are located in a safe corner of the room…’s not in the center of the room which of course would be ideal, but it’s still a good location out of the line of fire. My advice to you is be PERSISTENT – it pays off eventually. Humans are rather SLOW when it comes to getting the not so subtle hints we give them but it’s not their fault…..they are, after all, only human.

          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Sammy..i found the worlds largest dust bunny today…i kid you breezed past me from under the island bench..bold as brass..not a care in the world..cheeky thing…the girls juts ignore them…..yikes! i got the vacuula out today..what a know the girls and the pups here i vacuum around!! they cold careless..much like the dust bunnies..we saw on fb you gorgeous tote 🙂 looking sharp my friend :)..i an off to beddies now..been waiting up for fozziedad as he was called out to a road now at 9mins to 3..urghhh loves and hugs Fozziemum xxx


  11. Ah, the sucky monster! Mommy did that this Moanday! Everywhere except the office, she has been avoiding it as it looks like a dumping ground. Piles of stuff everywhere and the dust bunnies bites!!
    PS Mes visited your shop and mes loves yous plant hunting!


    • Hi Sweet Nellie! Thanks for being the FIRST to send me a blogaversary card….makes it even MORE special!! Mom finished sucking up the dusties around here and now I’m thinking QUIET NAP ON MOM’S LAP! Thanks for visiting my shop – I haven’t put anything new in there in a long time but worked on it yesterday.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  12. Can’t wait for your party, Sammy. Bet we can get your house plenty dirty again and help you spread your toys around. What is that huge fuzzy thing in your toy wagon? It is as big as you are. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • HAHAHA….it’s a “fake” raccoon tail and it’s tons of fun to play with. Mom and Dad brought it home from one of those cat show events they go to every year in Carlisle, PA. I’ve had it for about 6-7 years and never get tired of wrestling with it once in a while! See you tomorrow!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  13. Since we have been having so much rain, it seems like every day here is cleaning day – we have seen way more of that vacula and the mop than we care to. Hopefully we will be getting some of that yummy bacon tomorrow too:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  14. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, my Mom does that cleaning routine too! It always makes her really cranky. BOL/MOL I just try to kill her shark vacula monster the whole time.
    BTW: I’ll add your Sunday party to the BCCalendar. See you then!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


    • Hi Sarge! I’ve never taken on my Mom’s monster machine – it’s WAY WAY bigger than I am and noisier too! Thanks for adding my blogaversary to the BCCalendar……I love a BIG pawty and I hope to see you there my friend!

      Love, Sammy


    • It’s a tough battle around here too………….we have wall to wall carpeting in most of the house though so bunnies have some good hiding spots……….our carpeting is gray and so are they!

      Hugs, Sammy


  15. The “monster” is out here every single day. Sometimes twice a day. Mom blames it on me. It’s gotten so I barely bat an eye when that thing roars. Good luck, buddy.

    Love and licks,


    • Poor Cupcake! The monster terrorizes you VERY often doesn’t it…..there must be some kinda law about that……”unreasonable noise pollution” or maybe “unnecessary puppy harassment by a machine” or SOMETHING! Let’s hope you have a quiet weekend!

      Love, Sammy


  16. Mee-you Unccle Sammy mee iss laffin ’bout dustbunniess…there were sum BIG oness under thee bed ehre today!!! Mee tried to do a paw puppet with one butt mee scared LadyMum an shee ran/hobbled out of thee room 😉
    Guess waht? tomorrow Lady Nikki an lady Sheila are takin thee Condo on loan back!!! They iss supposed to bee bringin a seckond one butt mee not fink it will bee as good as thee one mee has….
    So wee will bee offline till they have been an gone…then mee can come Pawty with you ok???
    ***paw patss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  17. Your mom is so organized Sammy. Every Friday you can expect to see the vacuum monster. Around here it depends on how mom is feeling but I must admit the house is never dirty…me?…ya, I’m dirty and mom rushes me out on the deck when I decide to help her make the bed with dirty paws…picky mom!



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