Yep – It’s That Time Again!



Housecleaning…….I mean is it ABSOLUTELY necessary Mom?   Totally?   Just you, me and Dad live here and how much mess can we make???   I might leave my furs here and there but I think you and Dad shed too – I hear both of you complaining about how thin your hair is so  hey –  all of us lose some of our furs right?   Well, I promise to stay out of the way – it’s the LEAST I can do!

Sam napping in the guest room

Staying out of the way!

Yesterday we had a return to winter – well maybe not winter but COLD anyway with a high of (gulp) 49 after having some days in the 70s and the hope of real live SPRING.   Kind of a cruel joke, Mother Nature…..and we don’t appreciate it much.   We thought Spring was here……then you snatched it right out from under us!

Mother Nature, didn't you read the sign????????

Mother Nature, didn’t you read the sign????????

Next week I think my Mom and Dad will be  mulching the gardens with last year’s  ground up leaf mulch.   Now THAT will be exciting – especially for Mom because SHE drives the lawn tractor and I think that she loves doing THAT almost as much as she loves me (I said almost!).

Sort of Spring....pre-mulching

Sort of Spring….pre-mulching

Other than that stuff, things  will be quiet around here this weekend……………which is fine with me because NEXT weekend Mom will be attached to the computer  the whole weekend.   My Cat Scouts Travel Service group that I’m the Tour Director of is having a weekend trip to Paris.   Fun huh?   It will be – we’ll go on the Cat Scouts jet ( haha) and  will be in Paris in about 10 minutes time…………..then I’ve arranged for us all to hang-glide off the Eiffel Tower (I KNOW the right people!) – and have a dinner cruise on a fancy boat  that night on the Seine and we’ll visit Versailles and the Louvre  then fly back home on Sunday.   Amazing what you can do  in cyberspace isn’t it?   Cat Scouts is tons of fun – if you’re a cat  and have time on your paws, consider joining!   Make sure and join MY Troop – The Wildcats……!!!!

Oohhhhh la la!

Oohhhhh la la!

Have a super Friday everybody……………I will – at least I will after the monster goes back in the closet!

Hugs, Monsieur Sammy

72 responses »

  1. It’s not fair that Mother Nature pulled that nasty trick on you.

    Raz and Allie are looking forward to the trip to Paris. Raz is taking the Cat Scouts jet up for a test flight to make sure everything is purrfect for the Scouts trip.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Oh good! I’m excited about the Paris trip too….. Mother Nature is still having a good laugh here today as it’s only 46 and foggy/rainy AGAIN! I hope Paris weather is better!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. It’s cold here this morning too. We had AC on yesterday until the front roared through and we went from a tropical 84 to 57 in a couple of hours. 42 now… crazy! Sammy while you endure cleaning day and the vakoom I have to go food shopping… bah. Enjoy your Cat Scout weekend trip to Paree!


    • I’m sure you’ll enjoy seeing some photos from the trip to Pareee! We will have a blast I’m quite sure……….same kinda weather here – today it’s 48 and last night Dad had a fire in the fireplace? HUH? What’s with Spring? I think it went South for the winter and forgot to come back up North!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Oh la la, je suis ravie! Don’t furget to visit moi when you hop over the pond :o) and don’t furget to buy a truckload of macarons :o) I have to stay on my bed too when we have monster-day, fortunately my momma let all monster out yesterday, so I can enjoy a quiet friday :o)


    • Lucky you with no monster today…..well the monster is back in the closet here too…… so I’m napping now. You should meet us in Paris on april 18th and go hang-gliding from the Eiffel Tower with us Easy. Let me know if you wanna and I’ll send you some of the “photo ops” pictures so you can get your Mom to ZAP you into them and I’ll load them up on Cat Scouts when we’re there. HAHAHAHA that ought to give everyone a bit of a scare…..a flying Weim!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Sammy best you lay low…real low…under a tent maybe if it has cooled again..we had the fire going for the first time the other night…did not quite go to plan..just sayin …loves Fozziemum xxxx


    • Thank you SO much for passing on an award to us…..very sweet of you!!! Cleaning is HIGHLY OVERRATED but necessary – unfortunately……however, happily my Mom and Dad got that done early this morning so it’s nice and quiet and perfect for a nap NOW!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. My Sammy is very excited about the trip and spending time with Maggie and all of you Scouts. I didn’t know about the hand gliding- does he need a permission slip signed? 🙂


  6. Paris sounds awesome cousin – especially right about now. I wish we could ALL leave the Hotel Thompson and come back when things are back to normal. We are so ready for normal. And cleaning. Sighs – it’s one of life’s must do’s. We are almost done here with that part – cleaning and purging. Can you say we are never moving – snorts. XOXO – Bacon


  7. It’s turned colder here too Sammy. I haven’t bothered to get out of bed yet and I know mum is waiting to make it. She’ll have to wait then won’t she! 🙂
    That’s a great picture Thomas has drawn of me isn’t it. Mum is putting it in my Sunday post.


    • Flynn we think Mr. Thomas is amazing and he did a super job with your drawing AND mine too….every one we’ve seen has been fab……I say STAY IN BED…..after all, it’s Friday and we should have a treat right?

      Love, Sammy


  8. I’m taking a break today on cleaning at our house. Been spring cleaning all week. It’s been cold and or rainy here this week. Feels like fall sometimes. Have a lovely weekend Sammy.
    Sue B


    • Nobody should be involved in the cleaning…especially not US – but once in a while I consider myself being HELPFUL to the process if I clear out and hide for an hour or two. That is “helping” in my book!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. The peeps are cleaning obsessed here too. We heard there could be a bad hail storm tonight so they just finished moving things around (and discarding) somethings in the garage so we can put our newes car in for safety
    Sammy you wear a beret better than any Frenchman
    Happy Friday hugs madi your bff


    • Hi Madi! I think you should get yourself a light blue beret for the trip to France…!! I hope you don’t get a hail storm – they told us we might have horrible storms today but guess what – the sun’s almost out and it’s now 70 degrees! The weather peeps lie.

      Love, Sammy


  10. Man, losing fur is our pass time…takes no effort and hey, dad is losing his fur too. So we can’t help ourselves any more than dad can help it.
    I know what you mean Sammy….it’s cool today and yet yesterday was beautiful and sunny. Yesterday it was out and walking. Mom was talking about weeding the flower garden and today….well, just let me say there is no talk about going out even.



    • It was icky here this morning but the clouds are breaking up and it’s managed to creep up from 49 to SEVENTY degrees! We’re supposed to have a nice weekend too. IT’S ABOUT TIME!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Oh my cod! Hag Gliding from the Eiffel Tower! And Paris is my favorite city in the spring! Mes wishes mes was that young again! Mes would bes with yous in a New York minute!!!!
    Kisses and has a Fabulishious Furriday!


    • My Mom used to enjoy gardening a lot more when she didn’t have creaky knees and shoulders…..nowadays she would like someone ELSE to plant everything and take care of it and she could just LOOK at it and enjoy it! In other words we wish we could afford a GARDENER!!!!!

      Hugs, Sam


  12. Sammy, we don’t know about that cleaning stuff either. You spend a week putting a nice coating of your furs on everything and then the mom’s get rid of it. We think they should love to see furs everywhere.
    Andy is looking forward to the trip to Paris. He is really excited about hang gliding from the Eiffel Tower. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


  13. Mau is getting pretty exited for the Paris trip. he’s a bit worried about Mom getting his pictures made for him, but he can’t wait to don a beret. MOL! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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