Snow – GONE!



The wicked snow has finally departed

And NO I’m absolutely NOT broken-hearted

I was up to my eyeballs in all that white

I dreamed about it every night

I missed my grass, my yard, my “OUT”

I had cabin fever, there was no doubt

But Spring is springing and the snow has gone

It makes me want to sing a song……….



HAHAHA………I’m happy that even though yesterday was rainy and a bit dreary, it got up to the mid 60s.  Just enough “warm” that all that icky snow is GONE from my yard.  Now I could hold mud-wrestling tournaments in my backyard because all that snow melted and made it VERY MESSY.   Mom was out putting more sunflower seeds in the birdfeeders and slip-slided her way across the yard avoiding falling on her buns hind quarter and the birds were cheering her on the whole way.   The cardinals, blue jays, chickadees – all of them were following her as she slid across the yard to the feeders……..the SECOND she filled them they were swarming the scene.    I watched from the living room window and kept myself from giggling (so you better not tell on me!!!!).

Today is a laundry day so it will be QUIET.   I’m all for that………….oh – and I’m sure Mom will let me go out and patrol the grounds a bit.   A guy has to check on what might have been buried under all that snow – who knows what treasures I’ll find!

Sam grazing on the grass in the front yard

Fresh air!  No snow!

Hugs, Sammy

79 responses »

    • I agree……and here they make it even uglier by spreading RED or BROWN sand all over the roads which turns the snow piles into UGLY mounds of glug! Well, it’s all melting away finally. YAY!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Good luck out there, today, S. Since you’re in your own yard, I don’t think there’ll be much to find under the snow, except gorgeous grass. Around the apartment complex where I live, I expect to find all kinds of litter and unusual stuff. Maybe some candy wrappers!

    Love and licks,


  2. that’s a cool ode to NO snow! I love it! Now you can check your kingdom without getting icicles on your paws! I hope the ole snow is back to northpole and we can enjoy spring, summer & fall :o)


    • Easy I’m all for sending Mr. Snow back north for another season………we’re going to have another warmish day today so those little bits of snow that are hiding behind trees or down in the woods just might have to go away too!!! Is it Spring there as well?????? I hope so!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. YAY! The white stuff is going back to where it came from – AMEN! We are dealing with rain still here. I’m thinking I might need some cute little rainbows soon to go run in the back yard a bit. Maybe get Hoo-Hoo a matching pair with mommy. Snorts. XOXO – Bacon


    • Oh goodie! We’d appreciate that……..I know you are very excited and we hope you have a really FUN trip and we’ll try to make sure you have some fun in Warrenton too!!!!

      Love and Hugs…………Mom, David and Sam


  4. Yay for all of your snow melting! Our warmest day was yesterday, above 50 degrees. A lot of snow melted, but we still have a lot to go, and now it’s gotten cold again! Think of us as you are walking around on your now mud but soon to be green grass!


  5. Hip! Hip! Hooray!!! Mes so furry happy that your snow i gone! now mes purraying that yous gets LOTS and LOTS of sunshine to clears up all the muck!
    And mes hopes yous has lots of “discoveries”


    • Hi Nellie!!! I’m pretty happy the snow is gone and even with the mud, at least it’s not WHITE…’s RED clay….I kinda think my Mom would rather I track in wet snow than red clay though!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  6. dood…a paws…a paws…a paws…. on yur ode ta snow poem !!! 🙂 total lee rockin ~~

    N just sew we can a void sayin any thing bout de $$$$$$$ yur mom wasted on BURD ….SEED…

    when her coulda buyed…BACON …FOR…..EWE……

    we will diz cuzz de dow jones…witch opened at like 17,626.84




    • Yep the old Dow took a tumble didn’t it……and my Mom almost took one herself on the way out to the birdfeeder – of course you doooooods would have said “serves her right!!!”……..but after all, it’s mostly squirrels and deer that visit the feeders…….SOME burds but lotsa other “stuff”. This morning we had two BIG FAT raccoons on the front porch looking for a handout. Mom draws the line at that!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Dezi! I’m enjoying these early Spring days………even though it’s still a bit chilly out, it’s nice to have some sun AND for that snow to be gone…….I hope you and Lexi found some nice sun puddles today for yourselves?

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

        • It’s so nice that spring is arriving almost everywhere isn’t it? Mom says we’re probably not far away from needing to turn on the AC in the house at night – it gets warm upstairs where the bedrooms are even in the winter sometimes!

          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yep Sammy it is. Weez in fur a foo mowe cold snaps cuz dat’s da way of Oklanhoma wedder, but weez awe likin’ da warmer days. Mommy’s been wunnin’ da fans all week and sez weez’ll be usin’ da a/c afur long too.

            Luv ya’

            Dezi and Lexi


          • Dat’s wunnewful Sammy. You know what? Our a/c came on fur a foo minutes this meownin’. MOL We hav one of those purrogwammed kind at knows when to turn on a/c or heat, and it wuz so warm in here it came on and cooled us off a bit. MOL glad yous not havin’ anymowe snow. We always get a day or so of snow and ice afur da end of Apwil, so weez not dun yet, but fur now weez seein’ da high 60’s and low 70’s. and da sunshine. Weez enjoyin’ it. Hav a pawsum day.

            Luv ya’

            Dezi and Lexi


  7. We must admit we have been enjoying the lovely weather the past week, but we do still love our snow that we don’t have and didn’t get much of:(

    Enjoy that greass, Sammy.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • I would gladly have sent a big dump truck (or two or three) full of snow do you but alas, it’s GONE now. I hope my friend Phantom is leaving his tail alone now that it’s bandaged up??? Tell him Cousin Sammy says “leave the monsters alone or you’ll get that conehead again!!!!.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Yes – and as soon as Mom gets to work on those gardens I’ll be happier….there’s a lot of “junk” out there that blew around the yard during the winter…….I always like it when Mom gets things “neatened up” out there!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Our snow is finally gone as well. Yippee! Mom even saw two crocus in our side yard. The humans got to ride there bike today, and Mom swam yesterday, even though it was raining. We think winter is finally gone. Enjoy any outside time you get, Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Good for your humans! I know it’s nice to FINALLY be able to get out of the house and get some fresh air and exercise. Mom and I have been enjoying our morning walks together more than ever now that that white stuff is GONE! Let’s hope we’re right and winter is truly OUTTTA HERE!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Go Unccle Sammy Go!!!!
    Mee has been out inn Condo 3 timess thiss week fur 15 minuttess each time butt it has been neer ZERO again so mee has not been out again….Wee still has 3 feetss of snow an sum hass melted….
    Maybee thiss weekend butt wee are supposed to have rain too…PICKERELL!!! Mind you it WILL melt the snow!
    ***nose bunmpss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  10. Oh Unccle Sammy thee fridge an fureezer died this afternoon an now all thee food iss inn 2 totess on thee patio…pray fur more cold n snow fur us…wee need it to stay cold outside.
    Housin WILL NOT send a reepairman til Monday mornin 😦
    LadyMum iss furreuss an stompin bout like Godzilla….Mee even finkss mee seess flamess shootin frum her mouth!!!!
    Mee iss gonna go hide….
    Bee seein you!
    **nose kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxx


  11. Mee-you Unccle our ‘cooler’ is a Rubbermaid tote! LadyMum filled it with snow chunks innside & then put snow chunkss round it. So far efurryfing iss keepin good alltho the lettuce wilted….
    Iss supposed to be above freezin tomorrow an wee are hopin not!
    Oh thee guy will show up at 9 a.m. an start mouthin off….LadyMum has deeled with him befur an shee said hee iss a nastee littul man with a BIG attytude. Hee bettur not mess with Ladymum beecause shee iss fed up with fingss goin wrong here 😉
    Keep yur pawss crossed ok?
    Fankss yur neffkitty Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤


      • Mee-you ‘mouthee littul man’ wass berry nice to LadyMum an hee showed her thee burnt out part an thee new part an hee even stroked mee an said mee iss a ‘cute littul fella’….
        LadyMum was inn shock 😉
        Thee fridge iss werkin well an thee food iss all back where it beelongss!
        It did rain a bit last nite but wee still has 2 feet of snow left. Which iss ok inn case sumfing goess wrong 😉
        ***nose bumpss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx


  12. You have no snow? Ever lucky! We had a winter storm warnin’ across the whole province and this mornin’, I looked out the window and guess what… IT HAD SNOWED…. AGAIN. MOUSES!



    • OH NOOOOOOOOOOO! More snow? Well thank heavens all traces of the snows we had are now GONE – we had a couple of days in the 60s and today it will be that warm again so we’re actually really sneaking up on Spring here at last!

      Hugs, Sammy


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