Tuesday Teaser



Oh yeah……………………it’s definitely that time again!   Get settled in and be prepared to analyze a photo so you can let me know where you think the photo was snapped – OK?   OK!   You also should know that this is a GUEST TEASER submission.  I’ll let you know tomorrow who my GUEST was!    READY?   ALRIGHT!!!   On with the show!

Here’s your photo for this week.  Let me know in COMMENTS where this photo was snapped – what town/city/village……and what state or country – can’t just say “on a pier” – no fair!


If you’re the first person to guess CORRECTLY where the photo was taken, you will be my official “FIRST RIGHT GUESSER” and will get this!



If you guess correctly  but aren’t FIRST, then you still get this fab award:


If you really are OUT OF IT, have no idea, guess and are wrong or are anything OTHER than correct, you still get something for your time and trouble!


So get those guesses coming in………….if we have your email Mom will probably write to tell you that you’re the FIRST………….and wouldn’t that just be swell?

Sending you GOOD LUCK!!!

Sammy the Tease


105 responses »

    • I agree Cupcake! Lots of people and lots of food (which of course gets dropped on that pier and becomes “easy pickings” for us!!)…….and rides and stuff. Suppose they have any “doggy/kitty” sized rides there?

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Know what? Mom forgot to pick a different time from the normal posting time (hahaha) so it was earlier than usual. Still have lots of peeps guessing already………Mom will tell all of us tomorrow where the photo was taken but it sounds like you and your Mum think like everyone else and believe it to be in sunny California!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. I seriously find no words to express myself now.
    I’m really offended, utterly offended.
    I was looking for videos to show how offended I am but couldn’t find one.
    Instead I’ll leave you this:


  2. Hey Sammy, our mom actually recognizes that because she is older than dirt and getting older this week, and thinks its the Santa Monica Pier, she remembers it from the opening of Three’s Company 🙂 We know we’re not first but we’re hoping this might be the first time ever that we don’t get a greenie!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • HEY HEY! First of all, Happy Almost Birthday to your Mom (my Mom is older than dirt OR dinosaurs!)……..and secondly, we’ll find out tomorrow if your Mom and some of the other guessers are right or not! Maybe this week you’ll get something other than GREEN with envy???!!!! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Shoko what if everybody’s wrong? What if it’s a pier fair in Italy? HMMM??? HAHAHAHA Just teasing – after all it’s a Tuesday TEASER right? Tomorrow we’ll find out if those who guessed Santa Monica were right….or WRONG!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Well it’s a purrrrfectly fine guess – now whether it’s the RIGHT guess or not will have to wait for tomorrow’s TELL ALL but meanwhile – at least you tried – no matter WHAT!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. I know I am far from being first, but when I first saw the picture, I thought of Atlantic City Boardwalk. I am sure that is wrong but it was just fun to have a guess for once 🙂


  4. Mom got up this morning thinking it was Tuesday. What the heck are we gonna do with her. She claims she got confused ’cause of being busy with Cat Scouts yesterday. It does look a bit like Santa Monica Pier, but you already did that a few weeks ago, so we don’t think it is. We are popping over to today, which is Weds. to see the answer. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • WOW…..didn’t realize Santa Monica was that rocky but then Mom and Dad have never been there………Scouts has been BUSY lately but there’s more to come! Dezi’s Sadi Hawkins this weekend and the Monthly birthday pawty and my Trip to Paris! WOO HOO!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


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