Oh No…..Snow!


Remember me telling you that our snow was GONE?  Well it came back…….I thought once that stuff melted it was gone but apparently at night when you go to sleep, the sneak back onto your lawn!   This is news to me – or maybe I just never noticed that before.   I had NO snow yesterday and this morning:

January Snow Flurries

Tuesday morning…….

Huh??????  More snow?

Wednesday morning!

Go figure………..you CANNOT trust snow………that’s what I’m saying!

Snow Is Sneaky 

I’m starting to have dreams of SUMMER……….beaches………..sunshine……….thinking maybe this year for my Blogaversary in May, I’ll do a beach party…..yeah I know – it’s not really the heart of summer then but so what?   I looked through my photos for some beach shots……….made me want to do a beach party even more – what do you think??

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So yes indeed…………..this winter stuff and sneaky snow better STOP because I get cranky if I don’t get what I want…………….no more Mr. Nice Guy……………I want some sunny days and no more sneaky snow.

Have a SUNNY day if you can, and if not – be like me – get grumpy about it!

Hugs, Sammy

P.S.   Today is my friend Gracie’s birthday so if you stop by her blog HERE, and wish her a happy one, I bet she’d just LOVE that!!!!! 



75 responses »

  1. Oh Sammy that sneaky snow! well I can say we NEVER have that problem here..but I agree some beach fun for your blogaversary sounds super! we can provide some pics if you like 🙂 an we popped over to wish Gracie and Miss Steph a Happy Birthday 🙂 what a busy day! loves and hugs Fozziemum xx


  2. I so agree… that snow belongs to the northpole to amuse the polar bears… I would like to have a beach party too… with a bbq and with cool drinks and a campfire at night where we can tell an ackamarackus that our fur turns into a bristle-brush :o)


    • I know how you feel Cupcake…..Mom thinks that’s hilarious – I can SEE that it’s snowing but still demand she open the door so I can sniff….then when it IS snowing, I’m upset….what’s with that????!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sundae! Remember the beach party we had last year? It was fun….it was part of the camping trip I guess so maybe that was the year before – WELL whenever it was it was great and I’m thinking it might be another good occasion for bathing suits!

      Love, Sammy


    • My Dad has snowshoes in the basement……in past winters he’s had to snowshoe his way over to the woodpile to get firewood. One year he fell down in the snow and couldn’t get back up because of the snowshoes – after Mom quit laughing, she helped him back up.

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy,
    We have sneaky snow here, too. We never know what we’re going to find when we look out the door. However, we have lots more of that white stuff on our grass and we can’t even see the grass. Mom says it will be like that for a long time. Somehow that just doesn’t seem fair!
    Purrs and Soft Paw Pats from the Frozen Tundra


    • Hi Guys – what’s with the sneaky thing about snow – gone then whammo it’s there again if you close your eyes for a few minutes. Maybe it’s magic? EEEEEK…..I hope not…..that would bother me. I guess we’ll just have to hang in there until it’s GONE for another year and we get Spring and WARM again huh?

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Miss Dee…..I know that you love snow – and I love LOOKING at it…..until it stays and stays and stays then I’m tired of it and want some BEACH TIME! Now that I’m an oldie moldie I can get grumpy about a lot of stuff (and do!). Mom kind of uses that excuse once in a while herself! 🙂 🙂

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh that’s totally fine by me! You go ahead and be grumpy…I do when I’m stuck outside and it’s too hot for me.

        My husband has always joked and said, “You’re allowed to complain about one season and one only. So pick one. Because no where is perfect…You can’t [blankety-blank] complain about them all!”

        Hahaha, least I think he was joking.


        • Hi Miss Dee…..well this morning I’m not QUITE as grumpy as I was – because we have SUN- glorious beautiful SUN with no clouds at all……however (you knew there would be one right?) it’s only EIGHTEEN degrees. When I whined this morning at the door and Mom put my harness on and out we went, I stood on the frosty lawn for about 60 seconds – looked at Mom and yelled (“make it go away!”) and then pulled her back to the door to let me in. SIGH.

          Hugs, Sammy


          • HAHAHA…..my Mom has even looked at the ones they make for dogs at the pet store but I think she knows that I’d stand perfectly still and note move ONE STEP if she put boots on me…..they’d be like ANCHORS not boots! HAHA

            Hugs, Sammy


  4. Sorry your snow is back. At least you can see the ground still. I loved the video and so remember some of those nice warm days on the beach. Oh I will be happy when they are once again with us. Thanks for remembering my birthday. I am so excited about our lunch under the sea. Where do we meet up?


    • Hi Gracie! I hope you enjoyed your birthday today – they become more precious the older we get!!! You’re just a youngster but for me – turning 15 was HUGE. Glad we both are January babies!

      Hugs, sammy


  5. Snow! YUCK!!! And here in Calgary, that evil stuff can fall in any month of the year! But then-we get chinooks… right now it is sunshiny and warm.
    But mes still dreaming of beaches and mes shall goes and sing for Gracie!


    • Hi Nellie! Gracie will love your birthday song – everyone loves it – you sing so beautifully!!!!!! I know you have SNOW – REAL snow – and we just get little flaky bits so should not complain……all I know is I’m glad I’m INSIDE!

      Hugs, sammy


    • Good idea! I’m thinking tuna would be good on a sammich…yep, tuna for me! I’ll let everyone know way ahead if I’m doing a beach pawty for the blogaversary – or for ANY occasion – who needs an occasion to have fun right?

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Dezi and Lexi! Oh I have nice warm dreams – of sand and surf and beaches and sun………and really it won’t be long before we can enjoy the heat – and complain about how hot it is…………HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. *squeekss** Unccle Sammy wee still hass five FEET of snow here an it is tryin to snow today!! Mee iss on LadyMum’s furend’ss PC so mee can check inn with mee Unccless an Auntyss.
    Mee agreess thee snow iss BERRY sneeky!
    Beach?? Iss that a nice place? Can mee come too???
    Luv Neffkitty Siddhartha ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I have heard that sneaky snow has been on the moors near us too. I am glad it hasn’t sneaked up here, but we have had hail and sleet instead. A beach party sounds good.


    • Oh Flynn…….hail and sleet is WORSE than snow!!! Stay warm and cozy my friend……….I’ll be putting a beach party together for my blogaversary….I think that’s what we all need NOW but since my blogaversary is in May, we’ll just have to wait!

      Hugs and Love, Sam


    • Today we’re having some SUN – finally……….and no surprise/sneaky snow last night either! We have frost but I can handle that…….however it’s 18 degrees which is totally ridiculous so I guess I’ll be INSIDE where the monster is………..oh well………

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Well now, I guess this was a few days ago and maybe that snow snuck off again. Loved your summer slide show though. I needed that. I can’t imagine having a that grass to tippy-toe through or gads, mow! That is flippin’ stadium sized lawn, LOL xoxo


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