Lobsta (yes I’m saying it right)


All this talk about lobster lately – well maybe I should say I wasn’t the one really talking about it – a lot of YOU mentioned it in comments after the Tuesday Teaser………but I digress………talking about it has my Mom absolutely, pawsitively, DYING to go back to Maine to get some lobster.

Do you remember me sharing some photos from the trip they took there last Fall?

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No wonder she wants to go back…………….all that and lobster at every single meal (not for breakfast although she would have had it then if they’d offered it!)………….I’ve never eaten lobster myself.   I do like the occasional shrimp…..and I eat a wet cat food that has crab and tuna in it so I know I like fishy stuff – – – maybe I’d like lobster too????

See?  This guy looks interested in having a bite or two.....

See? This guy looks interested in having a bite or two…..


Oh wait……this is so WRONG! It’s supposed to be the other way around!

As for “Lobsta”…….Mom says that’s kinda how they say it up north……..I say “say it any way you want to – just gimme some” !!   I’d probably even let Mom hide my pill in a chunk of claw meat !!   Hear that Mom?   Huh???



69 responses »

  1. My human loves lobster… and crab… but she feels SO guilty because she knows how these guys are cooked. She eats little enough meat as it is, but one of these days I’m afraid she’s gonna turn around go vegetarian on me! Perish the thought! Well, at least she does not expect ME to eat like her.


    • We agree on the cooking thing but the once or twice Mom has cooked them at home she’s put them in the refrigerator for a while first – at least they’re asleep when they hit the hot tub! It sure is wonderful stuff though as is crab.

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Love lobsta Sammy..and I know what Sparkles mum feels..they should be put in the fridge and they go to sleepies and then cooked..which is actually better for flavour than a live boiled one…but on a happy note…we remember those pretty pics form mums holidays..and I can’t see why mum could not have had say a lobster crepe for brekky,..or lobster omelette 😉 just sayin ..hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


  3. I used to love lobster but I love those crab legs now and there is no turning back! I am joining the others in telling you that I love the new header! I can’t believe it is already time to go back to school. Ridiculous! I think you need to do the Maine thing!!!!!


    • Glad you like the new header – believe it or not Fall is sneaking up on us – EEEEEK! Lobsta – yum – Mom wants to go to Maine in the worst way…….I have a feeling Daddy will win this one though and they won’t be going!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Licks piggy lips. I’ve never had it either cousin. Mom’s family is from Maine where the lobster is abundant, fresh and oh so delicious – well per mom snorts. Now you’ve got mom licking her chompers and she wants a lobsta roll. XOXO – Bacon


  5. Your header is GRRRRREAT… Butt we are really worried about you since we see that Lobsta seems to by Eating YOU instead of the other way around.


    • My parents love all seafood…which is a good thing because if you’re gonna go to Maine you should love seafood! Lots of people don’t like seafood though – I get that – there are lots of people who won’t eat meat too…..there’s plenty of nommy stuff around for EVERYONE though!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Hmmmm looks interesting! We’ve never had any “lobsta” either. If you get to try some, Sammy, let us know how it is!


  7. I bet you would love lobsta, Sammy! I went to Maine this summer, but only for one night, and that was not long enough! Unfortunately, I’m allergic to shellfish, so I had to watch everyone else enjoying their lobster (but I had some nice haddock). Hope your Mom and Dad can get back to Maine soon, then they can bring you back some!


  8. ‘Xcuse me az me wipez drool off chin…..mmmmmm lobsta soundz purrty tastee…me will ask Mum if me can try sum…Mum sayz it iz a mild tastin meet n wif a bit o buttur iz heavenlee…
    Oh KATTZ me iz hungree now….
    ~~head rubz~~
    Nylablue ❤ ❤


  9. yes, they can say it any way … the main thing is to get one of that guys. I hope you will get one of that lobsta-kings, the legends say they are 3 foot tall…. And while talking about lobsta’s …I will ask my grandparents if they will drive with their grandson to the place where there sell the black lobsta’s :o) (but we prefer them deep frozen, no one of us is able to throw them in hot water)


    • I know what you mean about murdering the lobsters…..Fozziemum says they should be put in the refrigerator before cooking because they go to sleep and somehow that’s not as MEAN as tossing them in after they crawl across your counter! Anyway, frozen is delicious too!!!!!

      Hugs, Sam


      • I’m not sure if the staff can do that. They bought 4 lobsta’s directly at the harbor…and my mom gave them a second chance. The lobsta-guys were puzzled and suggested my mom should throw her wonga directly in the ocean next time :o)


        • Oh Easy that’s funny……your Mom’s a tender-hearted lady and purrrrhaps the lobsta-guys were right – tossing her Wonga in the water would have had the same effect!!! HAHAHAHA

          Hugs, Sam


  10. Dat duz sound good Sammy. Mommy likes da lobsta too. Meez had a bite afur and sis Lexi had a whole tail afur and sed it’s pawsum. But mommy sez it be spensiv so weez not get it wegulaw like or anyfin’ Hmmmmm maybe us scouts oughtta take a twip and just get us sum. 🙂

    Luv ya’



    • Oh what a shame your Mom’s one and only BAD GIRL lobster experience was with lobster that was OVERCOOKED! Also it could have been an “old” lobster….when it’s done right it melts in your mouth (so says my Mom)…..and is delish…..and delightful….but since it’s Traif, your Mom better BEHAVE herself and pretend her lobster experience never happened!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Man, mom is drooling,,,,egads mom! Control yourself…really. Mom says she has had it once. Her neighbour when she was in Prince Rupert sent for one from New Brunswick. It was so delicious with drawn garlic butter. Dad says he doesn’t like it….don’t think he’s tasted it….anyway the more for mom. Dad doesn’t like crab….mom says he’s a pheasant….hehehe



    • HAHAHAHA……that’s funny Shoko. Mom doesn’t get to have lobster often but when she does, she goes nuts. When they went to Maine last Fall she had lobster for lunch and dinner every single day they were there. Now THAT’s a “lobster-lover” for sure!!!!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Well Travis, neither have I but I would like to at least have a taste of it some day…..I’m sure there’s plenty of lobstah for us over the Bridge because after all, kitty heaven is DELIGHTFUL, but I’d like to try it here – and NOW!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Sammy, now you have mom’s mouth watering. She loves lobster (no matter how you say it) and hasn’t had any in ages. Maybe you need to get Raz and Pete to offer it on the Fish Fry Truck (as long as they don’t fry it). XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh now that’s a good idea…..seems to me they did serve it on the Bayou trip didn’t they?? Mom’s working on Dad to take her up to Maine in October…..she wants two solid days of lobster. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sam


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