Hello Tent!


If you’ve been following me for a while, you will remember the days when I absolutely HAD to have a “tent” to get inside and nap….Mom discovered this need of mine one day when I was pawing at an afghan she has in her office and managed to fashion a rather rudimentary (no…that’s too nice a word….it was a mess!) tent that I crawled under/into and slept for hours as she tapped on her keyboard.    Well, I all of a sudden out of nowhere quit using a tent year before last UNTIL this morning!

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HELLO TENT!   I’d forgotten how cozy you could be………….I went into Mom’s room while she was tapping on the keyboard and pulled that same old afghan down and she realized what I was doing………….she made a nice neat tent for me………..so it’s back to tent life for me.  Maybe since I became a Cat Scout I’ve gained a new appreciation of camping out (only in)?   Not sure but I’m glad I have renewed my association with the lovable TENT.   May I recommend that you ask your Mom to make one for you?  You might discover the joy of camping out/in as well.   I can stay there for HOURS…..my own little hidey hole.

Sam Under Afghan on Couch

How could I have forgotten how snuggly a tent can be! Thanks Mom!

Now in case you didn’t remember, tomorrow is SHOW US YOUR PAW day!   My Three Moggies and I are sponsoring that – we want you to post a photo of you with your paw in the air – or a close up of your paw – however you want to display your poking mechanism!   Here’s the badge to use with your post AND you can keep it for your sidebar after SHOW US YOUR PAW day…………who knows – maybe it will be an annual event!   Of course it probably won’t always be on a Friday the 13th (eeeek) but who cares – it’s more about having fun together right???? RIGHT!!!


Also, visit Mollie and Alfie’s Auction if you can……..there’s some fierce fighting going on with outbidding each other for all the great items in the Auction………you’ve GOTTA check it out!

Now don’t forget –

Try a tent – you’ll be glad you did!

Your Pal Sammy

75 responses »

    • Hi Mollie and Alfie! Auction looks like it’s going GREAT – haven’t been by this morning but will do – I know you were going to update the bids (it’s so hard to find what the bids are going through a bazillion comments!!!!!). We’re just happy it’s a big success so far!!!!! WOO WOO!!

      Hugs, Sam


  1. Oddly enough, none of us kitties have ever been interested in tents. Maybe this is why we’re not in Cat Scouts (or maybe it’s more like my human doesn’t have time!).


    • I think I was interested in the tent experience because I was a ‘fraidy cat for so many years – the tent gave me a sense of security but I could still see what was going on “out there”…..now I just like having the “cave” feeling of being in a little cubby. I’ve never liked cat beds, or baskets or any of those things so tent life is for me. Not everyone’s cup-o-tea though!!

      Hugs, Sam


  2. Oh Sammy..the comforts of a lovely tent 🙂 and how cute and snug you look 🙂 we are ready for paws up and also the auction fun 🙂 have a lovely snooze hugs and loves Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Fozziemum! Love your new hairdo….AND I know you’ve known me long enough to have remembered back when I was in a tent all the time. Well I kind of forgot about them until yesterday. I’m so happy I remembered!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Thanks so much Sammy..such a smooove ginger boy you are 🙂 and yes the Tent…is it like the cone of silence ??? I am so glad you remembered having little caves is really great..doggies love caves ..they love to feel they have theor backs covered at all times..an instinct thing:) and you have your own cave..why you are a caveman Sammy!!!!! hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


  3. Aw….snuggly Sammy! It’s rainy here today, so it’s a cozy day for a tent.I don’t really have a tent, but I do like to be under my blankie. When Motor Man lies down to have a nap, I pat him on the leg to let him know I need some help with it! Aren’t humans grand??
    Love, Sundae


    • Under a blankie is just as good as in a tent….I’m glad your Dad knows what your “signal” is for “help me get under with you Dad???”……….humans can be very helplful!

      Love, Sam


  4. Sammy you look quite comfy. Maybe I can talk mom into making me a tent out of Ralpie’s chair. Mom better get to hopping on a good photo of me tomorrow for show me your paw day! Hope you have a wonderful day!


    • Tents are great Marty……I’m so glad I rediscovered tents because right this second while I’m using kitty telepathy to get my Mom to type on her keyboard for me I’m snoring loudly under my afghan tent in her studio! It’s like having a cozy and private little cave………chairs work great – post a photo of your tent if she makes you one!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Hi Sammy, its me, Calvin. I have a pet hut which I really enjoy, its almost the same colour as me, so sometimes my mom can’t find me. I also like to hang out in my carrier. Mom thinks I like to be in secure places because I spent my first year outside and alone. I sure do love being in an enclosed space. Oliver never uses the pet hut, he’s not interested in it and hates the cat carrier. We’re definitely different 🙂 Have a great day!


  6. Hi Sammy, tents are so much fun. Especially in the winter when its not as warm in the house. A make shift tent can keep one warm for many hours. Kali and I are going to take part in Paw Day tomorrow on our blog. As long as mom doesn’t mess it up. Have a great day Sammy and see you by the campfire.

    Hugs, Shoko


    • I saw your post about declawing – a perfect post for SHOW US YOUR PAWS DAY. We just HATE that people do that to cats – it’s so cruel and I think humans really have no idea HOW cats are de-clawed. Makes me SO sad……

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Samantha will sleep in the same place forever, then all of the sudden she moves to somewhere else. Then months down the road she’ll be back to the old place! One of her favorites is a basket on it’s side inside another basket, which is a tent or fort of sorts!


    • That sounds like a totally wonderful fort/tent!!! I like the idea – and when I was a baby I adored getting in baskets…..Mom would have to get me a SUPER BIG ONE now but it might be an option!!!

      Hugs, Sam


  8. How awesome Sammy! Maybe I should have Mom make me a tent. Looks quite comfy but I do like to keep an eye on things too. Hummm well maybe if I try it I will see if I like it. Very nice tent too.


    • Hi Cody and Miss Caren! I can’t imagine why I abandoned tenting a while back but I did – it was fun to rediscover just how cozy and snoozy a good tent can be though. Mom just snapped a photo of me all tucked inside again – I’ll get her to show it……although I’m sure everyone has had plenty of tent photos from me in the past!

      Hope your email gets fixed ASAP! That stinks! HAHAHA
      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Yow change iz guud as a rest rite Sammy?? me lubz yer Affgan tentz n ya lookz so comfy cozy in dem….
    Maybe beein a kitteh scout haz ree-awakened yer lub of tentz…
    Mum sayz she likez ‘indoor’ campin too 😉
    Lub Nylablue ❤ n Sherriellen Mum ❤


  10. Even I like a good tent Sammy:-) In the winter daddy will bring the duvet downstairs and lay it from the recliner to the sofa and I like to lay underneath it:-)


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