My Blogaversary Bash


Welcome to my THIRD BLOGAVERSARY party everybody!   I’ve been pretty excited about this party which for many of you is no big deal milestone since you’ve been blogging a lot longer than I have, but to me – well – it’s BIG STUFF!!!!


So, let’s get this party started!   Just because it’s black tie doesn’t mean we can’t have fun in our best duds right?

First of all, please come on inside and Jeeves will take your coats and announce your arrival to the HUGE THRONG of party-goers down in the ballroom.



Now for the introductions of the guests in “fancy dress” !!   Sundae and I will await you at the bottom of the stairs…………………


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Welcome to everyone!



The string quartet on the other side of the room will keep us entertained and please feel free to take your partner out on the dance floor if you wish……………..those of you who came alone to the pawty – there are lots of “singles” here so please take a dance partner out there and glide across the floor to some elegant music.   Ladies, you’ll find a little souvenir of the evening on the dining room tables – a crystal rose as a little remembrance of tonight – don’t forget to take it home with you!


Elegant music!

Elegant music!


For the ladies!

For the ladies!

The buffet is delicious – it’s in the alcove at the other side of the room – please help yourself as there’s plenty of everything including champagne!!   My friend easy brought some with him, didn’t you Easy?


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I also want to show the blogaversary cards I got yesterday – there may have been some more arriving this morning and as they arrive, my Mom (who is functioning today as our Housekeeper!) will add them in……………but thank you everyone who sent a greeting for my special day.


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I do hope you had a wonderful time everyone………….please feel free to take a doggy/kitty/fish/horse/guinea pig/mini-pig or WHATEVER bag with leftovers home with you…….you can enjoy it as a midnight snack!

Big Hugs to everyone for making

three years go by so quickly with your

love and support –

Mom and I love all of you –

Thank you for coming to the party!  

Your always friend, Sammy

P.S.  Before you go – check out the fancy moves Pickles and Doc are doing on that dance floor!  WOO WOO WOOO!!!!


140 responses »

    • Hi Sparkle!! Glad you could come to my party to help me celebrate – I wanted all my friends to come by and that means YOU!! I know your Mom’s at Blogpaws so it’s especially nice that you were able to come. Have fun – eat, dance, laugh and don’t forget to take home a crystal rose!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Oh no! Whee totally forgot to send in our pigtures! Whee will have to crash to pawty late and sneak in through the air vent!

    Have a wonderful Blogoversary Pawty

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


    • Hi Guys! No worries – just stay and have a blast – there’s lots of food on the buffet (and actually there’s a lot of stuff that’s fallen on the floor under the table so that’s easier to get to for you guys!!!!! 🙂 )……have some fun and PARTY!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Mr. Herman and Mr. Bowie….thanks SO MUCH for being here for my blogaversary party…..I hope you have fun (and some food and champagne and DARK CHOCOLATE from the dessert table)……and I really do appreciate you stopping by!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Charlie!!! I’m so happy you’re here my friend…….as you can see from the crowd here, there are a lot of our friends who came in their “furs” only. Fancy dress wasn’t required – I just wanted all my friends to be here today and to have some fun so PLEASE DO!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Winter! I just read your first blog post – it was super nice learning how you came to be with your Mom and I think you’re going to LOVE having a blog and meeting lots of new, fun people! We’re following you now! I hope you have fun at the party – it’s fun to be with all my friends today!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Happy Blogavewsawy Sammy meez so glad meez got tu know yous and yous mom. Ya’ll awe da bestest furiends. Da pawty is wunnewful. Da place is kwite luvvly, and da food…..OMC Sammy dis spwead is amazin’. Meez so glad meez kuld be hewe tu celebwate wiff yous. Hav a Pawsum Pawty and wunnewful Day!!! 😀

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



    • Hi Dezi – thank you for being at my party – I love when all my favorite people are around me on an occasion and this is so much fun!!! I hope you’re getting asked to dance by all the guys – you look so pretty in your dress!!!

      Enjoy yourself…..and thanks for making today so special!
      Hugs, Sammy


      • Aaaw Fank yous Sammy. (blushes) Meez so happy meez kuld be hewe tu. Dis is a pawtastic pawty fuw suwe. (hugs Sammy) Meez hope yous bloggin’ fuw a long time. Meez looks fuwawd tu weadin’ yous postees evewday. 🙂

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



    • HAHAHA…..Hi Cupcake…..glad you’re having fun – you sure look beautiful in that pink dress of yours! I think your Mom is smart to tell you to visit the dessert table – – lotsa goodies over there!!!! HAVE FUN!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Happy Blogaversary Sammy what a beautiful venue and the noms are amazing!! the girls are loading up their evening bags with prawns!! should make for a smelly flight home!! keep up the wonderful fun that you have for us all to enjoy with your blog we love you and mum to bits and wish you nothing but the best 🙂 luvs and hugs Fozziemum and the whole gang xxx


    • Thanks so much for making the party! We got your beautiful card AND the photo of Pickles and Doc “cutting a rug” – which Mom is gonna add to my blog in a few minutes! Thank you for being a part of my big day – Mom and I love you all to BITS!!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Sammy we love you and mum too…ou make us smile and always keep us interested and wanting more!! have a great day Sammy and poor secretary mum!! hugs Fozziemum xxx


  4. Aw, Sammy what a wonderful pawty! You obviously spared no expense to treat your guests to a wonderful time. Concats on three years. My pawrents and I are so happy you began blogging; if not, we never would have met you and your wonderful pawrents!!
    Love, Sundae


    • Thanks for being with me to celebrate Sundae……everybody has said you’re the most beautiful girlcat here and I have to agree!!! I hope you’re having fun – I sure am!! I’m glad that your parents and my parents met thanks to US! YAY!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Happy Blogaversary, Sammy and Pam! Three years is a huge milestone! We may not always be commenting, but we always enjoy your daily updates. Hugs and kitty kisses from Allegra, Ruby and me.


    • Hi Miss Ingrid! Thank you for coming by – you’re so sweet to do that……..I wanted all my friends to be here and they sure are – it wouldn’t have been the same without you! We, like you, don’t always comment on blogs we visit but yours has always been one of the most fun and informative blogs EVER! We appreciate you being at the party!

      Hugs and kisses to you, Allegra and Ruby from me and Mom!


  6. Congratulations on your blogaversary Sammy! We’re so glad we found your blog, mom reads it every morning before she starts work, and reads it out loud to us, so we can keep up with your adventures. Thanks for inviting us to your party!


    • Hi guys!!!! I’m so happy you made it to my pawty! I hope you enjoy yourselves while you’re here – there’s plenty to eat and drink and I’m SURE you’ll meet some new friends here too! It makes me happy that you enjoy reading my blog every day – I love sharing my life with everyone………

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Happy Blogoversary Sammy!! We’re so happy to be here celebrating with you! This is a very pawsome and elegant party! Everyone looks so nice, even those who came their furs are so nicely groomed!! The noms are delicious….we’ll start with some champagne and then hit the buffet.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Hi Allie and Raz! I’m so glad you and your dates made it to the pawty. Quite a joint isn’t it? Complete with Jeeves? I like living this life BUT I like living with my Mom and Dad on top of my hill in Virginia too!!!!! So happy you all are with me to celebrate my third blogaversary – looking forward to the hoedown at Scouts later too!!!! ENJOY!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sam


  8. HAPPY HAPPY Three Year Bloggieversary Sammy! I have so enjoyed being here every ding dang day, well almost every ding dang day. Looks like a great party! I am so happy to have met you and your Mom. You have been wonderful friends and I love the HAPPY I find here on your blog. Big old HUGS and scritches too!


    • Hi Miss Pix! Thanks for being here today – it wouldn’t be the same without ALL my friends here. Through my blog Mom and I have met so many wonderful friends and certainly YOU are one of our favorites EVER EVER EVER! You always make us HAPPPPPYYYYYYY and it’s fun sharing cheeseburger stories and love of life with you. Mom and I just love you to bits!

      Hugs and kisses, Sammy


  9. Happy Third Bloggieversary Sammy!!!!! You have made our lives so much more fun! Great party! Having a ball with all the fun guest! Didn’t know Pickles and Doc could bust a move like that! Off to eat some more yummy sushi!


    • Hi Marty! Glad you and Ralphie are here celebrating with me – who knew Pickles and Doc could get it on like that with a string quartet playing! WOW…..impressive!!! Thanks for being here to have some fun at the party!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Congratulations my cousin on your third bloggversary! You are such a wonderful friend. May you have many MANY more years of blogging and sharing your life with us. Love you to the moon and back. XOXO – Bacon


  11. Standing ovation bravo bravo Sammy what a wonderful party! OMCs my assistant is quite impressed w your butlers intros and the video menu. As the fine chefs say food presentation gets the juices flowing. May I have an extra serving of BEEF?
    Thank you and party on
    Madi Raz’s gal


    • Please help yourself to ANYTHING you wish Madi! There’s lots of food, lots of friends to talk to – and a nice big dance floor for you and Raz to glide and slide around!!!!! Have fun dear girl……

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Happy Blog-o-versary! Three years with so many great posts, tuesday teasers, moon trips, camping adventures and howl-o-ween contests. That’s a reason to celebrate and to make a firework with some bottles of the widow Clicquot ! btw: Sammy you are sure, Jeeves is a butler… just asking for “may I take your coat” hahaha


    • Hi Easy! I have to say that these three years have flown by because it’s just so much fun with the trips, Teaser, parties and such good friends such as you!!! As for Jeeves – I think if he said “may I take your fur” everyone would be freaking out…..HAHAHAHAHA…….as it is, he’s rather an elegant dude to have at the door introducing my friends! I got him at “Butlers-R-Us” !!! HAHAHAHAHAHA I hope you’re having fun at the pawty Easy!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks so much for coming by for the party!!! Also thanks for being our blog friends – we give you two paws up too for all the work you do to make life better for those of us without sight.

      BIG HUGS, Sammy


  13. Happy Blogoversary dear friend! Everything is lovely as usual. I must ask where you found Jeeves? He is a keeper and I wouldn’t mind having someone like him to help me out at my place. Love to you my wonderful friend. xoxoxoxo


    • Jeeves was hired through the temporary help agency “Butlers-R-Us” and I’m SURE if you give them a buzz when you need some help, he’d LOVE being “at your service madame” !!! Who wouldn’t?!?!?!?!

      Love and Hugs and thanks for being here,


  14. Happy Blogoversary!!! What a big milestone – concatulations! This party is magnificent! Delicious food, tasty drinks, beautiful favors, and fantastic company – couldn’t get any better! Thanks for inviting us!


  15. Pingback: Mommys’ Little Purrtector | dezizworld

  16. Oh what a wonderful pawty!!! So sorry me is late. What a great host yous is Sammy and Sundae, yous the hostess with the mostest!


    • Hi Nellie! I’m so happy you could catch a flight from Calgary to be here for my pawty. No pawty is completer without the beautiful Queen Nellie. May I have this dance????

      Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


    • Hi Socks and everyone! I’m happy you came by – I wanted the “more the merrier” for my celebration and that’s what I’ve got! Please enjoy yourselves…………..!

      Hugs, Sammy


  17. Happy Blogaversary Sammy! Mate, this is one pawesome pawty you’ve put on. The food is exquisite, the halls beautiful, it truly is wonderful. Three years! Wow, that is amazing. Whee’ve only been blogging for just over 2 months. Have a great day Sammy!
    The Pigs xx


  18. Happy Blogaversary Sammy. What a great pawty. You always throw the best. Everyone sure looks nice. Look at all that wonderful food. Those are great cards(sorry I forgot one). So glad to have found your blog. Always have a fun time here.


    • Thanks so much for escorting the beautiful Gracie to my pawty Tubby! You two sure do make a gorgeous couple…..I’m so happy you’re here – and so happy to call you “friend”…….thanks for coming to the party!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Layla! Thank you SO MUCH for taking out a bit of time to check out my blog party and leave a message…… means a whole lot to me. I wish my Mom could be there to give you TWO BIG HUGS….one from HER and one from ME!!! Have fun at Blogpaws………

      Hugs and love, Sammy


  19. concats on three years!!! I’ve never been to such a fancy pawty before, afraid to touch anything for fear of breaking it! Will take some yummies home though…


    • Please do! Yummies are available and ripe for the taking……….while you’re here – take a turn on the dance floor! Thanks for coming though – that’s really swell of you!!! Happy Weekend!

      Hugs, Sammy


  20. Happy Third Blogaversary, Sammy, and many more to come. The party was fantastic, loved the slide show. Mom had a crazy week so we didn’t get a chance to get dressed up for you, but we send you our biggest congratulations just the same.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Thank you my dear Woos! So happy you came to my pawty………..also hope you’re having fun!! Get some yummy food (take a few doggy bags with you!) and just know that I love that you came to spend my special day with me!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss June! So glad you came to my pawty……….it wouldn’t be the same without ALL my friends and you certainly are one!

      Thanks so much……..sending you hugs from me and Mom,


  21. I hope you don’t mind that I am still here. I just cannot bring myself to head for home. Everything is purrrfect. Happy Blogoversary my dear friend.


  22. Sammy, Mauricio cannot believe he was referred to as Sir. We think efurrybuddy looks so spectacular. So many Cat Scouts showed up to support you. That is so super cool! Concatulations on your third blogoversary. We are honored and proud to be your furiends. Tell Mom Pam our mom will answer her most recent e-mail a little later. Mom says she has been talking up Cat Scouts like crazy. Only three CS moms there that she knows of: Wally’s mom, Crepe’s mom and her. This is a great pawty. Thanks, Bunches! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Thanks guys for coming to the pawty and passing on the message from your Mom while she’s at Blogpaws! I’m glad she found time to send in the photos – it’s been GREAT having you here……..and I hope you have a ton of fun and some great noms! Bet you miss your Mom…..won’t be long before she’s home! Please tell your Mom when you talk to her to say hi to everyone for my Mom……!

      Love, Sammy


      • Mom says she will do that this evening. She’s had to go back to the room, put her foot up with ice ’cause her ankle has blown up like a beach ball. Astrid got to see and talk to her this afternoon when she called home on FaceTime. The rest of us were too busy doing our own thing to be bothered with her. After all…she abandoned us! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


        • Indeed your Mom DID abandon you but she was getting to see all your friends’ Moms that you know and probably is collecting all kinds of treats and surprises for you (now don’t you feel better???!!!!)…..haha……sorry her ankle has swelled up – My Mom has a problem with that too from lymphedema. Not a pretty sight is it?!?!?!

          Hugs, Sammy


  23. Conkatulashunz on yer 3rd Bloggieversary Sammy n Miss Pam…..<3 ❤
    me did not habe time to get all dolled up so came as me iz to show support!!
    Da Sueshe iz deevine n dat Roast Beest iz so juicee n tendur….nom, nom, nom…*burp*…oh xcuse me,,,,sowwy,,,me iz enjoyin meself alot 😉
    Let'z go have a dance Sammy!!
    Lub Nylablue xxxx


    • Thanks for the way beautiful card Nylablue – I love it – I just loaded it up here and it will be on tomorrow’s post too! Sending you and your Mom big special hugs for being special friends……

      Hugs, Sammy


      • We cuud nott let diz speshell day pass by wifout bizitin n sendin ya a card ’cause ya iz da Sammiest Sammy we nose n adore n lub so much!!!!
        Haz a grrreat day sweet boy!
        Lub ❤ Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too ❤


  24. Hi Sammy! Big hugs to you and your Mom! We are so happy for you. This is a fantastic party! We love the music. And wow, the food is just fantastic! We are looking forward to a bunch more years of you guys blogging, and being our wonderful friends.


    • Hi there!!! Aren’t you sweet to come by and help me celebrate my blogaversary! Three years seems like a flash in the pan compared to a lot of bloggers but to me – it’s GRAND! It’s always nice to meet a new friend…and I hope you have tons of fun while you’re here!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  25. dood…we canna tyoe much coz we sneeked over heer via cell ewe lar dee vize…we canna see what we iz typin either coz de keyz iz thiz small(). excuze R spellin!! heerz two a most happee annie fursary…hope ya haz 338 mor…hope yur mom N dad getted ewe stock in bacon…hope ya GETTED sum bacon anda veree happee day two ewe lovez frum de land oh trout xxxxxxx


  26. Hi Sammy, We came by to wish you a very Happy Blogoversary. We really enjoy reading your blog. Mom loves the Tuesday Teaser! It’s fun to guess even though she usually gets it wrong. We will try to stay for awhile, hopefully mom’s internet connection won’t go away. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)



    May your next year be filled with love & cuddles and treats & nip. Lots & LOTS of the nip…. if you know what I mean.


    PS. Ummm… I left a card for you over on your Facebook page. Were you able to find it? purrs


    • Oh Nissy I haven’t been to FB in AGES – but thanks for the card – I’m going to head over there now and find it……….you’re swell to do that – the party was AMAZING!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi CK! How the heck are you doing?? Hope you’re feeling better by now – I think about you and hope that’s the case anyway!!! Thanks for popping over for the blogaversary bash too!

      Hugs, Sammy


  28. Sammy, Sammy, Sammy! Congratulations on your Blogoversary! I’m so glad you are here to liven up the Blogosphere–if every Human was like mine, it would be a dull place indeed! I had a wonderful time at your pawty–I hope you don’t mind that I stole one of those pretty crystal roses–I just couldn’t resist. I mean, why should girlcats get all the cool stuff? Oh, and the buffet was fantastico! Great, great pawty, Sammy! Mancatly hugs, Bro!


    • Spitty I am ever so happy that you were able to clear your schedule enough to pop over here on the whole other side of the US of A to visit my blogaversary bash! It wouldn’t have been the same without THE KING here…..of course I don’t mind that you stole helped yourself to one of the crystal roses. I hope you give it to your human today for Mother’s Day! You don’t have to tell her where it came from – let her think you were out shopping for weeks looking for the purrfect present!

      Hugs, Sammy


  29. I think it must’ve have been one heck of a shing-ding. Everyone is still snoozing at our house. Pretty fancy too. Blossum, Buddy-anne and Jasper-Belle were thrilled to walk down the giant stairs and be announced by Sammy’s Butler 😀 They were really happy to see Grady there too, what a fun guy with the best smile ever. I was indisposed with my own guests, a much smaller party I’m afraid. Thank you for the Crystal rose take away. I shall add it to my scrapbook 😀 xoxoxo


    • So happy Grady made it to my big old par-tay! I bet Grady is graceful on the dance floor – I did see several girls giving him the eye out there!!! When you’ve got it – flaunt it I say!

      Hugs, Sammy


  30. Sammy! I’m so sorry buddy I was on the high seas but I’ve come to wish you a VERY happy bloggoversary and to do ALL the cleaning up to make up for missing it! I’m so happy to see there are still some tasty nibbles to keep me going as I work!


    • Bailey the party was fabulous and I’m sorry you missed it but at least you can see all the photos from the party still! You are having tons of fun out on the high seas I see – it makes me happy to see you enjoying yourself so much doing what you and your Mom and Dad have wanted to do for so long!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  31. Sammy Sammy Sammy!!!!!! I soooo wish I could have been at your amazing Blogoversary pawty!!!! HAPPY HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!! Glad you got my photo (loved how you announced all of your guests!) Hoping all had a great time! Love, Cody and Caren


    • Hi Cody and Miss Caren!!! Hope your Mom had a blast at Blogpaws Cody but I just know you and Dakota and your Dad are VERY happy to have her home again. Hope she brought you tons of swag!!!! The blogaversary party was absolutely fabulous and I’m glad that you could see the photos and enjoy it in the pix….it was tons of fun.

      Love and hugs, Sammy (and Mom)


  32. MOWZERS, what a bash! And here we were, trapped at home cuz our typist was at the conference. MANY BELATED WELL WISHES AND CONGRATS!!


    • I hope your typist had a super fun time at Blogpaws!!!! We heard it was fabulous………thanks for taking a peek at the photos from the pawty – it was FABULOUS and we missed you!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


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