Teaser Tell All


Well, I know I confused the HECK out of some of you yesterday morning when WHAMMO my blog goes live and there’s no Teaser Photo there………….would you believe I was just seeing if you were paying attention?  No?  Well I didn’t think you would…………the actual reason it wasn’t there is Mom woke up in the middle of the night in a panic because she thought she’d previously used the photo she has ORIGINALLY put on my blog for the Teaser and got to the computer in time to keep that photo from staying on my blog.  She removed it and uploaded different photos to her computer but FORGOT TO INSERT THEM ON MY BLOG!   DUH…..MOM…..good grief!

SO – my girlcatfriend, the beautiful Sundae, emailed me to say “SAMMY – CHECK YOUR BLOG ASAP” – which I did and saw the error and some smarty-pants comments from you early birds about the Non-photo.  Mom took care of it and VOILA………we’re back in business!

Here’s the photo that was briefly NOT on my computer……………………


I had some great guesses – I discovered by following up on some of those guesses that the chateaus and castles, etc. in the Loire Valley look a LOT ALIKE………..!   However, THESE photos were taken at the beautiful Chenonceau Chateau which was one of my Mom’s favorite stops on their tour through France.   What a beautiful place – kind of fairyland-like and magical she says.   Here’s a better shot of the whole thing:


So who was the first RIGHT GUESSER???   My buddy Easy!   Leo from Doggy’s Style guessed another chateau which looks VERY much like Chenonceau though and a couple of other people guessed that same one too.    Easy, here’s your PURPLE BADGE :


AND those others of you who guessed Chenonceau get THIS:


AND those of you who didn’t have a clue get THIS:



Now, those of you who aren’t on board for the big Valentine’s Day Ball affair that ‘s happening in Blogville might do well to visit HERE to get the scoop – the clock is ticking – time’s a wasting’ and if you want to see yours truly and his hot date Sundae there, get going my friends!   And if you wanna go to the Ball but don’t have a date – visit EASY – he’s the guy to see if you need to be “fixed up” (and I’m not talking surgery here gang – I’m talking about getting a DATE!).


In other news, I got a NEW award from my buddies Mollie and Alfie – never seen this one before and all I need to do to accept it is thank them (THANK YOU!!!!!), link to them (DONE) and nominate six other friends for this beautiful award!


Well that’s quite something to be one of the “Best Blogs Around The World” don’t you think???     Who do I nominate????  Hmmm?????

Queen Nellie!

Bacon (My Cousin) the Piggy

Katie Isabella

The Florida Furkids


Two Blind Cats and Crew

We also managed to squeeze out some snow yesterday and last night………it’s still dark or I’d show you what it looks like outside……………although you HAVE seen snow before so no big deal right?????   Right!!!

So that’s about it for my show today ya’ll………………..tomorrow’s another day…………..in fact it’s a THURSDAY kind of day and I’ll be seeing you same time same channel.

Your Man About Town

Sammy !!

68 responses »

  1. Sounds like a tricky techy situation but then your mum is a pro at these things. Wow, you think blogging in your sleep Pam? No wonder it’s so fun here 😀 I guess I was in the wrong country and continent…well that sure is a beautiful place….oooh la la. I think a prince might live there. Congratulations Easy ! You’re the Teaser Ninja if there ever was one.


    • Oh Mom says definitely a Prince AND a Princess must live there although nobody was there when she and my Dad visited…..quite a gorgeous place though and while they didn’t have places to eat there when Mom was there they do now according to their website. WOW…..dinner in a castle……WOO HOO!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Congratulations Easy!
    How can you say snow is no big deal, Sammy? My cats try to tell me that, so I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Send the snow to me if you don’t want it!


    • Clowie! We got about two inches – a lot less than we THOUGHT we’d get – it’s very powdery light stuff kinda like powdered sugar. Can’t even make a decent snowball with it!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHAHAHa…..Well Cupcake I think Mars is RED……at least I’m pretty sure it is…..and I don’t think there’s any water…..but I bet this castle has some nice SWINGS you could get in!!!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Easy well done..now Easy can start the year off with a win! and Sammy what a wonderful award! poor mum and her computer mishap…shows how busy mum is as your secretary!! and such a stunning castle..very much a fairyland ..have a great day sweet Sammy hugs Fozziemum xx


  4. Good morning, Sammy! Wow, that’s a gorgeous castle…!
    I can’t wait for the Queen of Hearts dance…maybe next year, my “sister”, Gypsy, will be old enough to go!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae……Gypsy definitely needs a bit of age on her before she can handle all the mancats at the Ball. 😉 You and I shall definitely have fun – you will be the “Belle of the Ball” I’m sure!

      Love, Sammy


  5. I’m a winner woohoo! Bet that’s the fortune-fly who lives in my crib :o) Concatulations to your super award!!! I can’t wait for the ball and I hope me and Frank will find THE ONE for efurryone :o)


    • Easy I think that’s DEFINITELY because of your Fortune Fly! I told my Mom yesterday not to try and murder that fly that’s been in my house….this morning we found him – he’d gone to the Fly Bridge overnight….probably just exhausted from flying!!!

      CONCATULATIONS on the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER buddy…….it’s been a while for you! WOO HOO!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Funny Sammy! I can just see your Mom jumping out of bed in the middle of the night over blog issues. Good to know I am not the only one that wakes up with a start and wonders if I have messed up something on the old blog 😀 We have another arctic blast.. 😯 Sigh.


    • Oh my Mom has a terrible time getting back to sleep if something “occurs” to her in the middle of the night….HAHA……This was particularly funny though because she was able to get to the blog before it went live but forgot to put the NEW photo in….I teased her about it ALL DAY (little devil that I am!!). It currently is FIVE DEGREES here……and we have about two inches of powdery fluffy snow!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Poor Leo…….you may pout til the cows come home young man BUTTTTT “methinks thou protesteth too much”……you’d better believe though that I’m gonna TRIPLE CHECK next Tuesday before the post goes live!!



  7. Well, Earth got me again in guessing the picture – snorticles. Congratulations on your award Cousin and Thank You so very much for my nomination. I am thrilled beyond words!! XOXO – Bacon


  8. MOL @ Doggy!!! 😉 YAY! I did get it right! makes a change 🙂 Mum says she used to live in a French chateau, but I think she’s joshing me (Caro: Oh yes I did, for a while back in the 70s!)

    What a great award you got from Mollie and Alfie. Not seen that before AND THANKS for passing it on to us too 😀 Do you know, mum is so behind with posting about awards, I think she’s getting anxiety attacks. I tell her to chill and take a nap. That’s what I do! 🙂 Have a triff day, Sammy xox


    • Oh wowzers Miss Caro – a REAL chateau? The seventies were a wild time – I think my Mom lived in some “interesting” places then but NEVER a chateau! I hear you on the awards dilemma though – they fly around like wildfire and it’s hard keeping up with them. I have to admit I understand why some bloggers decide to go “awardless” on their blogs – they don’t have to keep track….. 😉

      Hugs, Sammy and his Mom


  9. Don’t know why but we missed yesterday’s teaser. Mom was going to say a chateau in France. She always gives such generic answers. MOL Mom has always wanted to tour France. She wants to eat all the good food, taste all the wine and see all of the beautiful sites.Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


  10. Me LOVES that castle! And mes KNOWS yous has the BEST BLOG AROUND THE WORLD!!! and – Me! Yous gived mes that award! Oh Sammy, that is just too, too wonderful for words! THanks yous so furry much! HAs a happy Hump Day!


    • Nellie I totally forgot to let my friends know that I’d nominated them!!! DUH…..well, another senior moment I guess but at least you found it without me – my beautiful Queen!

      Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


  11. Dat iz sum castle…Mouseiez…
    When me showed Mum da picciez she thot Germany…so glad me did not show her the pix earleer or she wuud have embarrassed herself….again…..MOL…
    Lub Nylablue xx


  12. That castle is gorgeous!!! We had our smarty pants on but weren’t very smart!!!

    Raz sent his info to Easy. He hopes he can find a date for the dance.

    That’s a great award! Thanks for passing it on to us.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Oh boy! I hope Easy can find just the right hot chick charming young lady for Raz to take to the Ball. It will be a blast. I’m finding out NOW where the ball is gonna be held……if we have to FLY to get there, Raz and his date can come with me and Sundae on one of the FBI’s jets (I’m a member of the Feline Bureau of Investigation you know).

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. That’s kind of funny that you got busted by those early risers, Sammy! I’d never catch it….I’m always late getting here! 🙂 I clearly need to get out more, because I didn’t have a clue where that one was.
    Congrats on that award….that’s a cool one where all you have to do is say thank you and pass it on (I think they all should be that simple).


    • Miss Jan I agree with you about awards….the ones with tons of rules – well – things just get complicated! I liked this one too…..more bling for my bling page. Oh I was SO embarrassed on Teaser day when there was no photo – good thing my girlcatfriend Sundae’s Mom noticed it EARLY and told us…..at least not TOO many people saw it before we got it fixed! Whew!

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. Wow… a cat could really feel like a king, livin’ in a place like that. Beautiful.

    …and CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations on that gorgeous new award of yours. You’ve been blingafied!



    • Oh Spitty – KEEP THE FAITH BABY – one of these days your Human will see a Teaser photo and have one of those “AH HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” kinda moments. I promise. Stranger things have happened!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I think that chateau would be a really GREAT place to run around and look for mice! I’m sure there are a few……and the grounds – all that nice green grass and nommy plants? HEAVENLY!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


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