Frozen Friday


BRRRRRRR…………………cold here…………and we started getting some very light snow yesterday afternoon around 2-ish and it snowed all night.  It’s still dark outside so I can’t tell how much we’re going to have BUT the weather lady said yesterday “about 1-3 inches”…….I can live with that but I’m living INSIDE where it’s warm.  Makes me always think about all the animals who don’t have an “inside where it’s warm”….hopefully they will find some shelter.   This guy looks like he’s saying “whoops – I came up too soon – I need to continue tunneling to the back door of my house!!”


This is me when I was younger enjoying a bit of snow…….(not now though!!)

Sammy Following Mom's Path in The Snow

Housecleaning day today but really since all the Christmas stuff is already put away for the year it won’t be a BIG DEAL housecleaning.  Mom did some vacuuming when the tree was taken down and put away and a bit yesterday when we were picking up the debris from my PAWTY!  Good.  That’s a few less rooms to make monster noise in!


Bye Bye beautiful tree – see you next year!!!!!

I got a new award – and was nominated for some old awards I already had too.  The new one was from my buddy Nerissa (aka Nissy) at Nerissa’s Life.   I think this award has the coolest, funniest, name of any award I’ve ever received too.  Ready?

cracking crispmouse award

Cool huh?   Thank you so much Nissy.  Especially since “The Cracking Chrispmouse Bloggywog Award” is given to someone who “spreads one or more of joy, peace, hope and love” with their blog!  Well that’s what I’ve been trying to do since I started “ONE SPOILED CAT” – YAY!    The receiver of this award can pass it on if you wish to ANYONE who satisfies the above rule of spreading one or more of those lovely things.  There’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs you can pass it on to so here are my nominations – some OLD friends and some NEW ones too!


Morris The Cat

Two Blind Cats & Crew

Purrfect Kitties

Friends Furever

My Three Moggies


You MUST MUST MUST drop by Savannah’s bloggy today to wish her a very happy GOTCHA DAY!!!   I’m sure she’ll appreciate that.  You know she’s got a foster sister with her right now named Sage and she’s TRYING to get used to having company around her house again – like when Leo was staying there?  Anyway, please stop by and give Savvy a HUG……she deserves it – just like she deserves her wonderful FUREVER home with Mom Linda and Dad Peter!!


What else can I tell you today?  Well, coincidentally the “eve” of my birthday which was also New Year’s Eve, I found out that the “powers that be” at Cat Scouts had honored me YET again with the “Cat Scout of the Week” badge.  Can you believe it?  Very exciting.  This is my SECOND time of being the “Cat Scout of the Week” so the Scouts in my Troop (The Worldwide Wildcats) added THAT little celebration into the whiz bang birthday pawty they had for me too.  Wow.  How lucky can one guy get?  Well, I think I’m finding that out!  Cat Scouts is a lot of work and a lot of fun – if you’d like me to send you an invite and join up (whether you join my Troop or start your own!) just let me know…….I can guarantee you’ll have fun and get to wear a way cool Scout uniform too.  Woo Hoo!


This is my “Second Time” badge for Scout of the Week !!

Hope you have a HAPPY FRIDAY…………..whether you’re in rain, snow or sun – – – HAVE SOME FUN!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy

93 responses »

  1. I would mind a bit of snow Sammy,wind and rain and hail here,roll on summer!
    Mummy is putting away christmas too,thats a sad moment,aready been over to Savvys,your party was a blast,xx Speedy


    • We’ve got about 3-4 inches of white stuff (not sand!) and 45mph wind (yuck) – but we’re staying INSIDE so no biggie. So happy you were here for my pawty Speedy! See you at Savvy’s!

      Hugs, Sam


  2. Concatulations on your award and Cat Scout of the Week, Sammy! My human’s boyfriend played New Year’s Eve here in L.A., which meant the other guys had to be flown out here. They headed for home (in MD) on Wednesday… and they’re still in transit! Their flights keep getting cancelled because of the weather. 😦 The bass player was smart and stayed longer to sightsee!


    • Hi Sparkle! I bet the bass player is GLAD he stayed there…..we have (here) 3-4 inches of snow but north of here LOTS MORE….and all kinds of flights being cancelled – it’s 40-45mph wind gusts so it’s NOT PRETTY (well, the snow might be pretty but you know what I mean!!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. We’re like Speedy. We’ve got gales and rain AND high tides! It’s not good 😦 Snow would be better, I think ….. maybe!! ConCats on your awards Sammy, especially Scout of the week. You deserve it, all the hard work you put in 🙂 Just going to pop over to Savvy’s now 🙂 Have a great day, buddy xx


    • Good grief – everybody is getting really ICKY weather this winter so far! We have 3-4 inches of snow this morning and super high winds. I’m staying inside on Mom’s lap ALLL day (except of course when she has to dump me on the chair by myself while she goes off to do something else!). Thanks on the new award concats….interesting name on that one!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • We probably were way luckier than most – we only have 3-4 inches but it’s VERY cold. We have 40mph winds and it’s well below zero. EEEEEK! North of us they have 21 inches of snow – DOUBLE EEEEEK!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. It’s still snowing around here. It’s about 4 or 5 inches so far. I’m a little afraid it will touch my belly. That scares me. Mom will put my parka on me to protect my chilly tummy.

    Love and licks,


    • Well Cupcake you stay inside where you can keep warm – I know what you mean about belly-touching snow because I don’t like that either! We have 3-4 inches so far and the WIND is the worst part – I’m staying INSIDE TODAY! Glad you have a parka – you’ll need that when you go outside to go potty!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Congratulations on your awards my cousin. Please try to stay warm. We just got cold here – somewhere in the 20’s. My aunt in Chicago got 13″ – thank you but no. I prefer warmth near the fireplace all snuggled up in mom’s lap – snorts. XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Bacon! Thanks for the congrats on my awards….I am most definitely trying to keep warm – this morning at 2:30AM when the electricity went out for an hour I STAYED warm by burrowing under a fleece blanket. It’s nice in the house but outside is INCREDIBLE. We have high winds too like I bet your Auntie in Chicago has…..I’m staying cozy. Mom’s lap is available.

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Brr shivers – It has been cold here as well. So cold that I actually snuggled up to daddy this afternoon for some loving and heat. Daddy has the fireplace on and it feels good INSIDE. I’m not getting out of these covers. No way – nope – not happening. Stay warm my cousin. XOXO – Bacon


        • I’m doing the SAME thing Bacon…..nothing like a warm Mom and a warm blankie and I’m staying RIGHT HERE until summer….well….I might move a bit if there’s bacon available but other than that I’m staying right here!

          Hugs, Sammy


          • Snorts – I’m hearing you. I did move twice today from the couch and fireplace. One time to potty and the other when daddy fixed my salad for lunch. Now I’m in the blankets again waiting for mom to get home to fix me my dinner. It’s great being a piggy – snorts. Have a great weekend cousin! XOXO – Bacon


          • Well Bacon is sounds like your day was much like mine….sleeping, eating, sleeping some more……I’m not going ANYWHERE until it warms up – this morning it’s SEVEN (yes I said SEVEN) degrees!!!!!!!!

            WARM HUGS, Sammy


          • 7 DEGREES?! That is unreal. I think daddy told mommy it was 28 here this morning when he cranked her car for the worky place. That is a heat wave compared to your situation – snorts. XOXO – Bacon


          • Twenty-eight is no picnic! I’m happy to report that this morning it was in the mid-40s but we’re headed down into the single digits AGAIN tonight! Gonna be a tough winter I think Bacon my friend!!

            Hugs, Sammy


          • bbbrrr – I don’t like this cold. I go into semi-hibernation because of it. I like warmth. Lots of warmth. I’m off to speak to daddy about putting a fireplace in *my* bedroom. Wish me luck. XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Miss Pix…..funny you should say that because my Mom has been stuffing herself with anything that wasn’t moving (and is food of course) for several days now…it’s too cold to go outside – we have about 3-4 inches of snow on the ground and WAY WAY WAY below zero temps and wind so I keep telling her “relax!……eat!……enjoy!…..” Stay warm. Our electric went out for about an hour this morning at 2:30AM….we’re hoping that’s the last time it does that!

      Love and Hugs, Sam


  6. Indoors is the place to be, Sammy! I loved the photo of you in the snow though. We have subzero temps and wind chills here so we’re all staying indoors too. Which is too bad because we have about 20 inches of snow on the ground and we wanted to play in it (me and the dogs, not the cats….hee hee).
    Congrats on your awards and being scout of the week again! You are a busy guy and a hard worker. 🙂


  7. Congrats on your award and being Cat Scout of the week Sammy. Really cold here too. 14 below it said. Going to be this way through next Wed. Think I’m going to hybernate. Have a wonderful day.
    Sue B


  8. Concatulations on your award Sammy. You are one cool Cat Scout! We have around 8 inches of snow. We get a lot of snow so we are supposed to be used to it. Our pawrents are already sick of it. We hope everyone at your house stays nice and toasty warm. Cold weather is snuggling weather! Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


    • Uhoh…..well, I don’t know if we’re supposed to get any but I suppose if we HAVE to have it, we HAVE to have it and I’ll be brave and plaster a smile on my face no matter what……..just for you!

      Love, Sammy


  9. dood…just make sure yur mom N dad got plentee oh bacon on stand bye N 321,099,487,433 loaves oh bread centz in gettin snowed in with out bacon samiches huh !!! stay safe N be warm N haza grate week oh end !!


    • Oh absolutely – plenty of bacon is the TOP of my Mom’s grocery list every week so we always have enough in case of emergencies. ME PREPARED – that’s my motto!!!

      Hugs, Sammy – have a super weekend!!


    • Hi Texas! I saw that on your blog my pal and I thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much. I have my six stars for Blog of the Year and the WP Family Award but know what? It means more to me that YOU nominated me even if I have the awards already because it means you THOUGHT OF ME! I love you for that….

      Hugs, Sammy


    • No you aren’t Brian! You’ve not been well and we ALLLL understand that – you visit us at Scouts when you can OK? Same for visiting my bloggy – whenever you can stop by, I love it but I NEVER “expect” it – just when you can!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • So wonderful to see you here – we’ve missed you a whole lot – hope everything is good for you!!! How are the cats in SP1 and 2??? Hopefully all is well everywhere.

      Hugs and Happy New Year!
      Love, Sam


    • Hi Savvy…..I hope it was a fabulous Gotcha Day today for you dear girl…….you are such a lucky lady to have parents like you do and I have my paws crossed that you and Sage will be best buddies before long…..!!!

      Hugs and Kisses, Sam


  10. Sammy, you are so nice to think about the furries who have no choice but to be outside in the cold and snow. We have a bit of snow here too and it is very cold. But we are lucky that we can go out and romp in the snow and then come inside to a warm home.

    Happy weekend.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Hi Woos!!!! Nothing as nice as a warm house with view of the cold outside instead of the other way around like so many other animals have…..well, let’s hope lots more find their FOREVER homes this year than last!!! AND I hope you all have a super weekend – how’s everybody feeling these days????

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Ann……we still have the 3-4 inches we got a few days ago and it’s not going ANYWHERE even with the sun out – it’s too darn cold for any melting!!! This morning it’s seven degrees…..YOWZA. I’ll be inside and warm you betcha!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Sammy, we’ll be spending the weekend trying to stay warm…it’s SO cold here! And we got a mess of snow…and they’re talking more coming this weekend. Sheesh…we’re tired of winter already!

    Congrats on your cool award…and for being named Cat Scout of the Week.


    • Hi Marty! Thanks a lot for the concats on my newest award. I am staying warm but like you I worry about all the less fortunate animals out there….Mom feeds a few strays here and lately they have needed MORE food than ever to keep warm. Sad.

      Happy Caturday!


    • Hi Bailey! I know it’s been raining raining and then raining some more in Europe…..we hope that you will leave it behind when you head for Nice today. Thanks for the concats…..!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Sammy we are in the single digits here in Michigan. We got about 6 inches yesterday, we are expecting close to a foot more (to begin late tomorrow and going through sunday) and then Mon, Tues Wed our “high” will NOT pass 9 degrees…….crazy winter! Keep warm! Love, Cody


    • WOW Cody – you’re certainly getting a lot of the white stuff……..we have those single digits here too (7 degrees this morning) but no more snow….what we got isn’t going anywhere though. We’re keeping an eye on the sky in case Mom Nature decides to DUMP again though. STAY SAFE AND WARM!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Pingback: Bed in bed | My Three Moggies

    • WOW…..that’s a lot more than we got….I hope the park kitties found shelter somewhere…..we haven’t seen our “unofficial/official yard cat” in a day or two either but we know she has other “friendly feeders” out there other than us. We sorry about all the animals who don’t have REAL homes too though…….they do have it rough.

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. My Human says because school gotted out late and then she went away for a few days that we has not had enough enjoyment out of our Chrispmouse decorations so they are staying up for another week (some things didn’t even get put out till AFTER the 25th–how crazy is that???) Anyway, it is good that your Mom is so organized and everything is all boxed up and the sucky monster’s put away for awhile. I’m glad you had a happy Chrispmouse and Birfday, Buddy! XOXO


    • Hi Spitty – I think it’s great you get to enjoy your Chrispmouse decorations a while longer…I miss mine…but I know where the boxes are in the basement so I’ve been visiting (on the sneak). I had a fab birfday AND Chrispmouse and of course YOU and your Mom helped make Chrispmouse swell with your FAB FAB FAB Secret Paws prezzies!

      Happy Caturday!
      Hugs, Sammy


  15. Oh Sammy we are back on line after a day off busy busy…but boy you have been busy busy…Congrats on a second Cat scout of the week award !!! and also what a beautiful cardie you made for Savvy! I got ours done early and promptly sent t to the wrong address 🙂 hope I got it right this time 😉 and so sad that your xmas tree is packed up it looked so beautiful my sweet friend..and snow….ahhhhh..a gal can dream..and as for the award from Nissy’s a real ripper of an award! what a great start to you year Sammy and I am sure the best is to come still! Hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


    • Hi Fozziemum! It’s summer there and guess what it is here??? COLD…’s SEVEN degrees this morning. SEVEN….good grief…..that snow we got isn’t going anywhere with temps like this!! Anyway, thanks for the concats on my new award AND my Scouts honor! I’m quite excited really……I think Savvy had a great Gotcha Day too – I’m sure your card got to her. Yes, I didn’t like seeing “MY” tree get packed up but I know where it lives in the basement so have gone down to check on it – it’s safe until NEXT Christmas!!

      Hugs and Love, Sammy


      • 7 Sammy that’s crazy talk….it’s col tonight here..was cold this morning had the heater summer ??by the time we got back from shopping this arvo it was really warm…gave the girls a brush last night as they are still moulting…got enough hair to make a dog!!! and a big one at that! don’t think their coats know what to do keep warm Sammy..Snuggle snuggle snuggle! HUgs Fozziemum xx


        • I’m doing a whole lot of snuggling, napping, and forcing Mom to STAY in her recliner…..I try to look as cute as possible while lying on her legs so she absolutely can’t make herself dump me on the chair by myself while she gets up to do other stuff. Of course that plan works until she has to visit the “Little Mom’s Room” (haha) and then I get dumped no matter what. Anyway, it’s warmed up since this morning’s SEVEN degrees to TWENTY-EIGHT! HEAT WAVE!

          Hugs, Sammy


          • Wow …Heatwave indeed Sammy!! break out the bathers and picnic and head to the beach!! Yes mums are a pain when they have to move and upset the kitty comfy zone!! Tell mum to drink less…heheehehe 🙂
            Hugs and warmy cuddles Fozziemum xxx


          • Well this morning it’s 34 so BYE BYE seven degrees……we are supposed to get some rain and sleet today and tomorrow though so it will continue to be DANGEROUS out but WARM in !!

            Hugs, Sammy


  16. Dear Sammy! What a Surprise over here!!! 🙂 🙂
    Congratulations on your super cool award and your badges! Very well-deserved!!!
    And Thank You very very much for nominating us and mentioning. I’m so honored. Me and Servant Z, we’re so happy thanks to you 🙂
    Hugs and Kisses
    Yelloz & Servant Z


  17. Wow thanks for the nomination! How interesting that you’re getting snow 🙂 I love the snow especially when it has first fallen and you wake up to it. We haven’t had any snow where I live so far this winter but maybe we’ll get some in the next few months 🙂


    • Hi Morris!! Well, our snow is liable to hang around a while as it’s so super cold here nothing is melting! Anyway, I’m staying INSIDE and staying WARM….I know you all have had a ton of rain there – stay dry!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  18. Wow, what a great surprise! Thank you so much, dear Sammy, for nominating us for this super cool award!!! You’re the BEST!! We’re soo happy! You made our day! 😀

    Have a PURRFECT day! 🙂
    Hugs, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


  19. Gads, you may need to get several Cat Scout sashes to hold all the awards you’re collecting, Congratulations! Sorry to hear it’s cold down south too. Good weekend to curl up and watch a movie. We’re watching ‘Mud’ right now. Matthew McConaughey is an outlaw in love with Reese Witherspoon down on the Mississippi…it’s a good one. I still have to get my tree down too, I’m procrastinating today though 😉 PS. Our PO finally reopened on Jan 2 and I put your parcel in the mail. You’ll get it in two packages because it wouldn’t all fit in one…ha! Stay warm Sammy and Pam!


    • I’ve heard it’s rather cold almost everywhere….this is a banner year for winter I guess….I don’t think I’ve heard of “Mud” – I’ll tell Mom you recommend it though!! I bet you were sad to put your pretty aqua tree away……Can’t wait to get my “Boomdeemail” !!! 😉

      Hugs, Sammy


  20. Congrats on the award Sammy, and thanks so much fro sharing it with me. I’m so behind, but will post about them at the end of the week.
    Hope you’re keeping warm xxx


    • Misaki don’ worry about when you accept kiddo – everybody is up to their eyebrows lately and behind (including yours truly)…….Your Mom has been busy squiring Bashful around anyway and that takes a lot of time!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  21. Pingback: Weather Report : It’s Raining Love and Awards | FourCatPaw

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