Catch Your Breath Thursday


Good Morning Everyone!

Well yesterday was QUITE a day wasn’t it?  I hope you were here to spend a bit of time (or a lot of time) at my birthday party and if you weren’t here, you missed a beauty of a time!   We had so many people here, we’ve got a whole big cleaning crew here this morning so my Mom doesn’t have to do the “morning after” thing all by herself.   THANK YOU ALL for coming……I’ll never EVER forget my 14th birthday party.


Not only HERE, but the Cat Scouts threw me a big birthday bash too……I got lots of cards and special cakes there as well – here’s just a few of them!

I also got a LOT more birthday cards – some of them I can’t show you because they were “virtual” animated cards and they were FABULOUS.   I’d say I can’t believe how sweet all of you have been but then I’d not be telling the truth because I CAN believe it….I KNOW it….and I LOVE it !

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But I truly AM looking forward to resting up today.  My Mom’s fingers are tired of whipping around on the keyboard so BOTH of us are pooped and in need of some “off the computer time”.  I see why people take a few days off from time to time!  However, I’m not – I’m always gonna be here but certainly won’t be having a party like yesterday’s often I can tell you that!  HAHAHAHA

Hope you have a wonderful day on this SECOND day of the brand new year………….I know I will……….I’m enjoying this “FOURTEEN IN TWENTY FOURTEEN” thing!!!   Perhaps I’ll enjoy some of the special food items some of you either sent or brought to me…….

Super Nommy!

Super Nommy!



Happy RESTFUL Thursday!



89 responses »

  1. *Whispering because you might have a tired asleep mummy….glad your pawty was a great hit Sammy and oh boy..poor mummies typing fingers must be broken 🙂 so many wonderful furriends stopping by and so much fun…the kids here all had a blast and will thankyou when they..well….when I LET them blog…up to some capers last night I think hahahaah….we are so happy to have you as a friend and 14 is a pawsome age ..a mere catkin (what we used to call kittens that were almost cats at the shelter) Love to you and poor tired mum and glad the hired help is there..i bet dad is pooped too!! hugs Fozziemum xxxxx


    • Thank you so much Fozziemum for coming to my party – it was the most incredible party I’ve EVER had……I am so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and yes my Mom worked her little fingers off trying to keep up! Thanks to you for being such a wonderful friend for me and Mom………….have a RESTFUL day!

      Love, Sammy


      • You are so welcome Sammy..was a blast..loved to see all the friends and their comments even if mum would have been typing like a mad woman trying to keep up!! You also have a restful day or night Sammy! Love Fozziemum xx


    • Sparkle I’m happy you were here……….it was quite a day…..and night……..and day………and (well you get the picture – between my party HERE and on Cat Scouts it’s been non-stop!!). I hope you had a super New Years Eve too and here’s to a great 2014!

      Love, Sammy


  2. It was THE BEST time ever!! Thank you, Sammy, for throwing such a brilliant birthday bash … and your Mom too, for I know she helped a little bit!! 😉

    Now I think we all need to rest up a while! ZZZZzzzzzzzz,,,,,,…… xx


    • Austin I am SO happy you were here……and on the Cat Scouts site too for my big party there as well. What a day it was…….memories to last a lifetime I’d say. Today – we ALL need to rest!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. “Sammy Toes”: I love that!!!!
    It was quite a pawty for quite a special furriend.
    Enjoy your rest today, Sammy. Oh, and Motor Mommy says to send that cleaning crew to our house when they’re finished there!
    Love, Sundae


    • I love that nickname too – Miss Cat Forsley the amazing and incredibly beautiful and talented singer gave me that nickname!!! I’m resting alright….even with the cleaning crew doing their thing – it sure won’t bother me today because I’m POOPED TO THE MAX!

      Love, Sammy


    • I know – talk about a major treat – my day was full of those kinds of fabulous yummies in my tummy and today I’m SURE I must weigh at least 25 lbs. more than I did yesterday!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAR HAR……I wondered about the bacon cake and whether Bacon and Cocco might be offended BUT they reminded me that bacon comes from a whole other KIND of piggy…they are not in danger…of course if they were on an island where there was no other food around that might change!

      xxooSam (and Pam)


  4. That was the most pawsome b’day for any two- or four-legger in history! Two pawties, cards, best wishes, noms, including more bacon than we have ever seen and all right after being named Cat Scout of the Week again! We are not surprised you and Mom Pam are pooped. We had so much fun. You are a great friend to so many, and you deserved to have a memorable b’day with all the good wishes and fun. Rest up, forming these Patrols is right around the corner. Happy New Year! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Jo


    • I know…..I can hardly believe it…..Mom and I are truly exhausted and I promised her and she promised me lots of naps today. It was a memorable day though – I don’t think I’ve EVER in all my years had so many lovely messages and cards and comments – it was truly overwhelming. I know I’ll be glad for the rest because Patrol formation “ain’t gonna be pretty”….HAHAHA….no matter HOW it’s done! I hope all of you have a restful day too……Thanks again for EVERYTHING!

      Hugs, Sammy and Pam


  5. p.s. The problem was not WordPress but West Host. They continue to shut down WP accounts because they say those accounts are being threatened by hackers. Who the heck knows, but we will be so happy when we can change hosts!


    • Yes I knew you meant your host was the problem BUT when you mentioned WP it occurred to me that we haven’t heard anything about WP accounts being threatened by hackers but I guess WP isn’t likely to be telling US that (!!)…… Anyway, glad everything is alright at least for now…..and good luck changing hosts! When I had my website I used One World Hosting. Other than THEM I have no knowledge of web hosts.

      Hugs, Pam


  6. A little slice of BACON cake, a little nap.. a little slice of BACON cake a little nap.. more napping. Aah. We be snowed in here so there will be some napping and Scrabble playing here! Enjoy your Thursday Sam.. 🙂


  7. dood…yur partee bee way awesum ..thanx for hostin N thanx for de grate eatz !!! hope ewe reeely DID get 98,399 slabs oh bacon…heerz ta de next 14!! 🙂
    rock on N happee thurzday !!~~~


  8. Dear Sammy,

    We are so sorry we missed your Gotcha-Purr Day yesfurday. Our staff had something called a hangover. So…

    Happy Purr Day To Yoo!
    Happy Purr Day To Yoo!
    Happy Purr Day Dear Sammy!
    Happy Purr Day To Yoo!

    The Feline Contingent
    (Lilith, Rosco, & Tina)

    P.S. Our staff wants to know if you have extra toes.


    • I think a lot of humans had hangovers yesterday – if I hadn’t stayed away from the niptinis at my birthday pawty yesterday I’d have one too!!! Anyway, thanks for singing Happy PurrDay to me – I appreciate that!!!! YES I do have extra toesies – I’m a polydactyl and have one extra toe on both of my front paws…..Pretty cool huh?

      Hugs and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  9. Sammy you are one pawsome cat and you throw one heck of a party. We had so much fun! Tater danced for hours and we had to drag her from the dance floor when it was time to leave. We are all exhausted from all the pawtying. Thanks again for inviting us. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


    • So happy you could be here and thanks again for the pawsome card! I haven’t had THAT much fun in YEARS!! I’m so happy you were a part of it…..without my friends, I would have just turned 14 with nobody noticing!!

      Love and Hugs, Sam


  10. that was ONE CRAZY pawty
    u must be so exhausted ………….
    i went a little nutty on your birthday 🙂 LOL
    IT’S YOUR MAGICAL self ,
    someone knows how to throw a partyyyyyyyyyyy= IT’S YOU XX


    • Hi Miss Cat! I had such a great time for my birthday…..unbelievable how many people came and how much music there was and FOOD – bacon everywhere! I’m glad you enjoyed it!!

      Love and Kisses, Sammy


  11. Yow Sammy dat waz da bestest pawty me ever bin too!! Mind ya me got purrty carried away n waz notty n me hopez me did not try n smooch ya under da noptini table too much!!! Don’t want Sundae angree wif me!! 😉
    it waz fun to DJ too butt me haz to leern to beehave like a ladykat , MOL!!
    Much Lub sweetie frum me Nylablue


    • I’m so happy you were here Nylablue – you did a DY-NO-MITE job of DJ’ing….everybody had a super time and if you DID try to smooch me under the table I don’t recall because I was having such an amazing time I hardly noticed ANYTHING!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs and Love, Sammy


    • Thanks Miss Jan for the Happy BD message! I had a great time but I am STILL tired and it was day before yesterday that I had the party – Mom says it’s all part of getting older….takes longer to recover!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  12. I was kind of sleepy last night too, I napped on the sofa for a bit, must have been all the dancing I did with those hamsters ;). I sure don’t look as cute sleeping as you do Sammy. I really really want to kiss those little toes while your eyes are covered, hehe. After your Pawty, Mr B took me to ‘Saving Mr Banks’, a new Disney Movie about the making of Mary Poppin’s and I just loved it so much. All that cake looks numcious, but I will leave the Bacon Cake one all for you…holy-mollie…that is really something, LOL!


    • Hi Boomdee! I saw you out there on the dance floor with those hamsters….they know the moves don’t they? I’m glad you came to my pawty…it was tons of fun. Mom says she heard that movie you and Mr. B went to is SUPER good. My parents haven’t gone to the movies in FOREVER – maybe I can talk them into that!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks Miss Jan……WOW – 20 inches is a whole lotta snow…..we only have about 3-4 but that wind is drifting it into a foot or more. It’s SOOOOO cold – I’m staying inside and so are my parents so that means NAPS!!!! Thanks for the congrats on my awards….the Scout of the Week thing was a HUGE surprise – and for the second time too!

      Happy COLD Friday


  13. Dear Sammy,
    Last night me and Servant Z have visited your birthday party! But after writing “Dear Sammy” we fell asleep. I’m so ashamed and I’m sorry on behalf of Serva Z and me and my siblings…
    Today is your first day of your 14+Years!!! Congratulations!!!
    Your cards and pictures all of them are great!
    I wish that all of your dreams would come true 🙂
    Happy Birthday!!! You are so lovely 🙂
    Hugs and Kisses
    Yelloz & Servant Z & family


    • Uhoh….well, don’t you worry about a thing – the party was lots of fun – very noisy – lotsa music, dancing and being silly but you only turn 14 once so why not have some fun?! Sorry you fell asleep but so did I the minute everyone was gone. Thanks for visiting anyway – I’m so happy that you did. My dreams ARE coming true – I’ve got a happy, safe, loving home with two humans who adore (and spoil) me!! I wish the same for you too…………

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


      • You deserve to be spoiled dear Sammy! You are very sweet and special 🙂
        I hope you had some rest on a Caturday, actually you’ve mentoined in one of your posts that the New Year’s tree was removed and your momy has vacuumed (cleaning days are the doomsday for us) the house. So I am worried whether you could really have some rest…
        Hugs and Kisses


  14. Yer bery wellcome Sammy!! It waz me pleeshure to DJ fer ya. As fer da *under da table* we will neber sppek of it again 😉
    WE shure did ‘Rock da Katzpaw’….
    Lub yer furend Nylablue xxx


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