Tuesday Teaser


New Year’s Eve Tuesday Teaser!

Yep I just bet you thought I wouldn’t do a Teaser this Tuesday BUT remember I squeezed one out LAST Tuesday and that was Christmas Eve!!!    So I’m giving you a Teaser to round out the year of 2013.  Tomorrow on the first day of the new year I’ll let you know if anyone guessed it, and if they did, who was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!

Until tomorrow though, you have a chance to examine this old photo………..see if you can tell me WHERE this was taken (specifically) OK?  Ready?


Give me your best and final shot of Teaser Stardom for the year 2013 – you might be the winner of this PAWSOME special “First Right Guesser” badge for the FINAL Tuesday Teaser of 2013 !!!


Everyone else who guesses it right gets this one………….

The "I Guessed RIGHT!" award......!

The “I Guessed RIGHT!” award……!

And even if you don’t guess it right, you get this one!   Everybody gets SOMETHING at Sammy’s Tuesday Teaser-Rama !   HAHAHA

"I didn't have a clue but I get an award anyway!"

“I didn’t have a clue but I get an award anyway!”

Oh – and please be safe if you’re going out partying tonight OK?   I know I’m going to make a brief appearance at a pawty or two but want to get home early so I can get my rest….you see, I have my own pretty big occasion to celebrate tomorrow – my 14th birthday!   On your way home tomorrow morning from party land, stop by and have a bit of breakfast…….or a nap……..or just say HI……..I love all of you to bits so I’d be honored to have you come by and help me celebrate.


Good luck with the Teaser – have fun tonight – and I’ll see you tomorrow!!

Party Hearty but be Safe

Happy New Year’s Eve!

Sammy 🙂



88 responses »

    • Well GOOD MORNING Leo!!! So you think it’s NYC huh? Well, maybe it is and maybe it isn’t…..or maybe it MIGHT be…..or maybe it could be and should be but might not be…..How’s that for being wishy-washy this early in the morning (at least here it’s early!!). You know that we have to WAIT until tomorrow to announce who’s right and who isn’t BUTTTTTT thanks for being on the lookout for the Teaser post – are you on vacation yet? Sunning your buns on the beach? Or slaving over a hot desk at work?!

      xxooPam (with Sam)


  1. Happy Birthday Sammy! Hope preparations for the party are going well and that the birthday bacon was scrummy 😀 Have absolutely no idea where this is but might get the country right by guessing the US?!!


    • Good Morning Miss Annie!! HAPPY ALMOST NEW YEAR!! Tomorrow’s birthday party is coming together nicely thank you – maybe you can stop by but if not, thanks for wishing me a happy one. I’m sure it will be. As for the Teaser – I think because it’s an old photo it might be tough this week but we’ll see……..tomorrow I’ll say WHERE!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Fozziermum! Boston huh? Well, that’s a good guess…..you know how people in Boston say “Boston” ?? They call it “BAAAHSTON”….tee hee…..Boston is a way cool city (so says my Mom) – she and Dad explored it and saw where all that tea was dumped in the water and everything…..! Yes tomorrow is the BIG DAY around here…..I’m excited!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • The Boston Tea Party..remember from my history lessons hahaha and I used to adore Frasier and the BAAAAAHSTON accents hahahah 🙂 loved Eddy 😉 go figure and you should be excited 14 is pretty grand !! hugs Fozziemum xxxx


  2. I see I´m already to late 😦
    But I can give you some interesting info about the building 🙂
    The hight is 87 meters
    There is 22 levels
    It was finished in 1902
    It´s not built like that to look cool , it´s built like that because of the expensive land price.
    HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR , Sammy and your Humans !
    See you tomorrow on your Birthday PARTYY 🙂


  3. I go with the consensus….and say the Flat Iron bldg in NYC. But, knowing how sneaky you and your mom can be, Sammy, you may have fooled all of us.
    Happy New Year!


    • Sneaky? My Mom? Come to think of it she IS a bit sneaky isn’t she?! Guess we’ll find out tomorrow about the Teaser sneakiness won’t we??!!

      HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TOO MISS JUNE….thanks for being my friend!
      Hugs, Sammy (and his Mom)


  4. I forgot to tell you that I just love Sammy, the dancer. …all ready to celebrate the New Year and his birthday! LOL! John Travolta, look out…you ain’t seen nothing yet!!! ROFL!!


    • Thanks for guessing boys! Hope you’re all feeling good today – ready to celebrate the New Year with your Mom and Dad??? Tomorrow at my pawty I’ll say where the Teaser photo was taken AND someone will be getting the New Year’s Eve version of the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER (assuming there is one of course!!).

      NEW YEARS HUGS, Sammy


    • Oh wow Easy – sounds like a winner to me buddy – I’m gonna make sure I practice my dance moves all day today – Sundae (my girlcatfriend) is gonna be there and I wouldn’t want to embarrass her by falling flat on my face on the dance floor would I ?!?!?! PAWS ON FIRE…hmm…sounds like a rock group doesn’t it???????? Thanks for guessing on my Teaser today – tomorrow I’ll tell all!



  5. Well, we didn’t know the answer (as usual), but Motor Mommy thinks it’s a cool picture with the cable cars and the horse and carriage!
    Happy New Year’s Eve, Sammy! “See” you tomorrow for the big pawty!
    Love, Sundae


    • IT’s a photo taken in the late 1930s from “WHEREVER IT IS”…..haha…..tomorrow I’ll tell everyone where this is at my pawty. See you there Sundae and HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE to you too!!!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Definitely the flat iron building in NYC! Hard to believe it used to be one of the tallest buildings in the city. 🙂 Happy New Year, Sammy!


    • Hi Miss Pix! You didn’t have to consult with CH on this one? What if you’re WRONG???? You could have blamed HIM and now you have to take all the blame if you’re guessing incorrectly!!! EEEEK!!! (tee hee) I hope you and CH have a wonderful NYE tonight – celebrating the “goodbye 2013” and “hello 2014” – and I hope to see you tomorrow at my pawty.

      Sammy and his Mom


    • Hi Misaki! Tomorrow at my pawty I’ll tell the truth about today’s Teaser……your guess seems to be a popular one – like last week’s where I fooled almost everyone……but who knows?!?!?!

      LOVE AND HUGS, Sammy


  7. Doggy beat me to the one I could have finally answered correctly! Sammy, I can’t wait to see you at the bash later. It’s going to be so much fun. Happy Happy New Year, sweet friend!


    • Hi Cocco!!! I hope you have a super duper New Year’s Eve too and tomorrow I hope to see you swinging by my place for a “morning after” breakfast buffet and rest up before you head home!

      Enjoy your day and night…………..and thanks for being my friend!!
      New Year Hugs, Sammy


  8. hhmm – I know daddy squinted and saw the picture. It does look similar to an area downtown Atlanta, Georgia. 🙂 XOXO – Bacon
    P.S. See you tomorrow at your birthday party cousin!


  9. I’m guessing San Francisco too Sammy! I was there twice this year and I remember a flat iron building like that and those street cars are suspiciously like San Fran’s. I like your ‘face hole’ art too…HAHA, Happy New Year to you and your Pawrents, Cheers!


  10. That does look a little like the Flatiron building in NY to my human… but it’s not! Of course, I cannot tell you where THIS building is. It’s probably in Europe somewhere, which is where most of your Tuesday Teasers come from (with the occasional Virginia pic).


  11. Um Sammy, mes thinks it is the TIMES TOWER!!! 1 Times Square and the building where they drops the ball on New Years Eve and it is covered with billboards(too bad it is a pretty building)
    Anyway, that’s MY guess
    and see yous for your pawty!


  12. well I guess from reading the comments Doggy got it! 🙂 I was gonna say Brussels Germany so you know how THAT goes! HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR FRIENDS!! Want you to know I have TWO posts going up tomorrow….one is for Sammy AFTER my regularly scheduled post that will be up at midnight. Didn’t want you to think that I had forgotten sammy! xoxoxo


    • Well you never know until the Tell All – Doggy and tons of other people THINK it’s NYC…..tomorrow we’ll find out at my PAWTY! Hope you come by – and how sweet that you’re doing a post for ME!! I’ll make sure and stop in for sure…………….hope to see you here…………meanwhile HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR to all of you – we love you dearly!!

      NYE Hugs, Sammy and his Mom


  13. dood….if we waited any longer……. de teezer wood bee a goner…..
    we iz saying that bee times square a looooooooooong time ago wear they dropped de ball…ouch……on new yeerz eve …N speekin of:

    happee 2014 sammy….heerz ta happee nezz, health, loves N hope two nite ya get
    sum high qualitee grazz N nip N hope ya findz a donut shoppe open round 3:18 AM when ya haz de muncheez !!


    • Well guys – you’re gonna have to come to my PAR-TEE tomorrow to find out if you’re right……….hope you can make it………in the meantime, HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR and may it be full of fun and fish!!!

      Love, Sammy


      • we will sneek in sum kinda way sammy….after all. we wanna bee ther when yur mom & dad umwraps de 984 tonz oh bacon for ewe !!!…we GOTTA see that 🙂


  14. Looks like many have already guessed correctly – everyone is a winner!!!

    Happy New Year and all the best in 2014.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  15. That’s got to be Time’s Square, New York City. You know we never read other answers before we guess, and we know even if we are right, it is too late in the day to be the winner, but it still would be fun to be correct for a change. Now, we are off to see what others guessed. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  16. Sammy, Mum went to opin her mouth n me slapped me paw over it quick…she waz about to say sumwhere in fFance…den she said Picadilley Sircus in da UK….me said Mum bee quiet…bettur to haz peeple not shure if ya iz a fool rather den opin yer mouth n conferm it….she cuud get lost on da patio 😉
    MOL me LUBZ poor dumm Mum…
    Nylablue xxxx


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