Maybe Monday


MAYBE Monday I’ll start making sure I have all the Birthday Breakfast Buffet Party stuff in order.

MAYBE Monday I’ll stay out of Mom’s way because I know she’s got a busy morning planned.

MAYBE Monday I’d better get off my ginger butt and find a photo for my Tuesday Teaser because I haven’t done that yet and time’s a tickin’ !   (Don’t forget – tomorrow there will be a TEASER!!!)

MAYBE Monday it won’t be raining like it did ALL DAY yesterday.  Yuck.

MAYBE Monday I’ll iron my birthday suit (ouch that iron is HOT!).

MAYBE Monday I’ll show a few of my birthday cards I’ve already received.

NO – NOT “MAYBE”……I WILL show some of my cards – SEE????

MAYBE I should thank those of you who sent cards in early because it made me start my birthday celebrating EARLY!    THANK YOU!!

MAYBE I should go see if Mom accidentally made bacon for breakfast this morning……even though it’s not the weekend.

MAYBE I should go now……….I’m getting REALLY SILLY!!!!


46 responses »

    • Hi Miss Ann…..I thought Monday was a good MAYBE day. My Mom says she remembers her working days and thinking “MAYBE I’ll quit today!!”…..hahahahahahaha……glad you like my birthday cards!!

      Hugs, Sam


  1. Bwahahahah oh Sammy you are a character..poor mum she is on the run organising for your pawty!! and perhaps even Bookin the Bacon..and I don’t mean Bacon our friend 😉 what great cards you have Sammy sure are a popular and much loved boy in the bloggie world 🙂 not long my friend woot woot heheh 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxxx


  2. Goodness! That’s quite a list there, Sammy!
    And I’m sorry we haven’t sent you a card: Motor Mommy has really been slacking lately….
    Anyway, enjoy your Maybe Monday!
    Love, Sundae


  3. It really was a yucky day yesterday….I don’t think there’s any ‘maybe’ about it being sunny today but it is colder.
    Good luck with the bacon.


  4. You silly Sammy – PLOL (piggy laughing out loud). Maybe I would send you the Birthday car *I* made for you but someone took my i-Pad to the worky place with them today. I’m not mentioning names but mom never has done that before. XOXO – Bacon


  5. Good morning, Sammy! I know your momma has to be counting down the hours to your birthday celebration! Congratulations on becoming 14 years old. You’ve come a long way from that feral kitty your momma rescued!


    • Hi Miss Trish…..yes indeed I have come a long way haven’t I? And I’ve loved every minute of it……….I hope to break the worlds record for elderly kitty who stays healthy – HELLO GUINNESS!!! HAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh bacon is TOTALLY for real and NEVER a maybe unless of course Mom thinks I’ve had my share of it for a while – which she’d better not think or else I’ll have to pout BIG TIME!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Pix! I’ve had a totally MAYBE day today……and it’s been great…..MAYBE I’ll have a totally pawsome night too – I do know that my Mom’s lap will FINALLY be available tonight because she and my Dad have something to watch on the tube. MAYBE that will satisfy my need for Mom-time!!! Tomorrow’s Teaser is fun…… least I think so.

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Maybee we can bee silly together Sammy!!! Mum n me werked on yer card fer a long time…just wanted to get da rite balance of colour n Sammyness!!!
    We can hardly wait fer yer Birfday …. 😉
    Lub Nylablue n Mum xoxoxoxo


  7. dood…what bee with werd press two day…cranberreez itz slow…hay, may bee yur mom N dad will rememburr to get ewe 945 trillion slabs oh bacon for yur birthday 🙂


  8. Haha, careful of that iron. I have a whole bunch of calendar maybe’s too. There’s just toooooo much to do at this time of year. Maybe I’ll get off the computer now and go do my ironing……hahahaha nah!


  9. Those are some pretty nice early b’day cards Sammy. We had a good laugh at you ironing your birthday suit. Can’t wait until Wednesday to come by and give you some birthday smooches (Mau says it’l just be a hug from him). Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  10. Sammy ya deeservez all da bestest birfday cardz n Bacon n LUB!!!
    We will see ya in da mornin!!!
    Panic in da Disco~~Mum sayz it iz a band n we shuud dance to a song frum dem…so she might bee postin songz tomorrow 😉
    See ya sweetie
    Lub Nylablue xxxx


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