My Secret Santa and More Cards!


Hi Peeps!!  Happy Monday…………and it is a Happy Monday for me because we did NOT get any sizeable, measureable, meaningful snow this weekend………………..YAY!

See?  No big deal right??!!

See? No big deal right??!!

It also was nice because I got a BIG SURPRISE Saturday when Mr. Mailman visited.  He bought me a GREAT BIG BOX.  It was from my good friend King Spitty out in California and we didn’t know WHY we got such a big box from him until Mom opened the box and the card said HE was my SECRET SANTA!!!!  WOOT!!!   See we pawticipated in the Cat Blogosphere’s Secret Santa exchange this year for the first time…….we sent in info about ourselves and were randomly paired with other animal bloggers and Spitty got ME……how great is that?   Anyway, since Mom had the box open (although I wasn’t allowed to see what was IN the box) I took the opportunity to nab a couple of sheets of pawsome and beautiful sparkly tissue paper Spitty and his human had put on top of the presents in the box.  I immediately put the tissue with my “regular” tissue pile – it looks QUITE festive.  I can’t WAIT to see what I got from Spitty.  Maybe I can talk my Mom into  letting me have JUST ONE before Christmas???

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I also got some more ecards to share!

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Tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser – don’t forget now!  You wouldn’t want ME to win three weeks in a row and fool you again would you?  Well then be ready at 6AM EST tomorrow morning and make your best guess – you know you want to win one of my Teaser badges right?  Everybody wants one!

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See you tomorrow boys and girls, animals and aliens – and until then have a PAWSOME Monday…………….I’m going to!

Happy Monday

Sammy Paws…… 🙂

69 responses »

    • I know! That sparkly paper was quite a nice surprise and since it was the only part of my Secret Paws goodies I was allowed to see BEFORE Christmas, it is all that much more important to me!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  1. You have to wait until Christmas to open it up, Sammy? If we get our Secret Paws early, my human said we could open it up as long as the light is good enough for her to take photos! Counting the PetBox, we are getting lots of Christmases this year!


    • I know….it’s not fair is it Sparkle….I’m working on Mom to relent and let me peekie in the box NOW. Why wait? There might be something I really NEED to have before the holiday….you know – like extra treats?! I’m glad you’re raking in the pressies this year Sparkle. That PetBox looked like a blast by the way.

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  2. WOW! Isn’t Spitty a generous pal!! I can’t wait either to see what you got, though to my mind the tissue and the box ARE the present, know what I mean? 😉

    Will try and get here early tomorrow to have a chance at the teaser. Now to get that right for once would a be a great Christmas present! MOL Have a great week, Sammy xox


    • Hi Austin! Spitty outdid himself….I’m anxious to see just how I “fit” in that box – it’s a nice side with high sides….should make a GREAT “hidey hole” !! Good luck with the Teaser Austin – what a nice Christmas present it would be to have that purple badge “FIRST GUESSER”!!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Cupcake! Mystery packages are fun….and tissue is wonderful – I’d never seen tissue with sparkly bits on it before though…Mom says they add a nice touch to the rugs. I say they crinkle nicely and make a nice noise!

      Holiday Hugs, Sam


      • Yes indeed! Whee hope so, anyway ^_^ They could be born earlier or later pawsibly, but whee have nicknames ready anyway 😉 xxxxx
        Our mummy is off sick so whee can only hope she gets better by Christmas!


          • Thank you! Whee’ll pass your wishes along 🙂
            So are whee! Whee’ll post pigtures, don’t worry 🙂
            Some christmas themed names whee have in mind are…
            Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe, Myrrh, Frank/Frankie, Goldie, Candy and Snowflake! Whee know there won’t be that many babies but whee have lots of names to choose from now 🙂


  3. Sammy that’s so cool to get a secret santa delivery 🙂 and from Spitty and with tissue papers too…mind you it is a bit like smelling a chocolate wrapper but not eating one…oh well I am sure you can be patient heheeh 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi gang!! Well, who knows about the Teaser – sometimes when I think it’s a toughie it’s not – other times when I think it’s easy peasy it’s not. That’s a real TEASE for all of us then!!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy
      Pee Ess…….I can’t wait to get my paws in that box either!!


  4. Even though you don’t have your Secret Santa prezzies yet, at least you got some great tissue paper. I’ll bet Spitty put it in there special because he knows you really like tissue paper.


  5. Well good (late) morning, Sammy! (My pawrents oversleeped this morning.) Wow! That looks like an exciting package you received from King Spitty; I bet there’s all kinds of neat prezzies in there!
    Have a good Monday.
    Love, Sundae


    • I know Sundae – it’s a big box and it has a bazillion little packages in it so I just can’t WAIT to open everything up! Mom’s mean not to let me poke in there before Christmas. Sigh. Moms are such killjoys sometimes!

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh it sure did……I’m one lucky guy…….Spitty is a friend and knows I adore tissue so that tissue REALLY was a nice surprise! I can’t WAIT to see what’s in the box! Hope you’re getting ready for Christmas out there – Santa is coming soon!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  6. Oh kookie, there’s Blossum on your Christmas Card Page..Big smiles and Hugs Sammy & Pam!

    I always laugh at things you say to mom, like “I’ll do bitie”…..snort! I was going to grab one of your cute buttons again but can’t see where to do it. I was trying to change up my Home page and try some new stuff…ugh, I changed widgets and accidentally changed the background….oh, woah is me. 😀


    • Oh guys you shouldn’t have!!!! Mom didn’t send pressies to all my friends because it would have cost a bazillion quadrillion dollars to post them all but I DO appreciate that you sent me something – I know it will be super special since it’s from you!!!! Thank you my British Buddies!!!!

      Love you all,


  7. Spitty is such a great kitty! Who else would make sure yous gots a Box opening gift as well as the presents inside. Yous is one lucky cat!


    • I sure am Nellie and I know it…..He sure made me feel special that’s for sure! I can’t WAIT to see what’s in the box – I love the tissue so imagine how I’ll love what’s IN the tissue!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  8. Ha! Spitty knows what kitties like: tissue paper :o) I like it too! Guess what? My mom put all my gifts away too, that’s mean…. hope it’s not a DIY-Dollhouse :o) I’m ready for tomorrow, I ordered a car catalog in addition, so I think I’m well prepared :o)


    • Hi Easy! Your poor Mom’s radio dollhouse almost made my Mom cry until she read further and it turned into rolling on the floor laughing. Yes Spitty certainly did right by being a Secret Santa – I can’t WAIT to see what’s in the box. Our Moms are mean to keep us from seeing our presents don’t you think Easy? What’s with that?! I wonder how my Mom would feel if there was NOTHING under the tree for her?!?! So you’re ready for the Teaser? Good! I’m glad SOMEBODY is – I’m still agonizing over which photo to use!

      Holiday Hugs, Sam


    • Yipers Cody – that s a lot of snow! Yes we have been lucky – every time the weather dudes give us this gloom and doom forecast they’ve been WRONG! Yes, Spitty is a good buddy and boy oh boy did he and his Mom make a wonderful Secret Santa for me! I’m thrilled!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Isn’t it mean when our Moms make us wait – FOR ANYTHING!!! – but especially a mystery package??? Well, I’m trying to be patient but you know we kitties aren’t always very patient……sigh.

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Snow? No more for us – at least YET! I can’t wait to see what Spitty sent me……..and I’ve been VERY GOOD this year and I’m SURE Spitty knew that too so who knows what’s in there!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  9. We LOVED having you for Secret Paws, Sammy. It was fun cause like me you’re an older single Boy so we has lots in common and plus you did a good job on the “questionnaire” that Truffle and Brulee made up. I think my Secret Paws (Manx Mnews–I wrote about them today cause *I* got to open my package!!) read my answers very carefully too. It was so great of Paula to have done all this 😉 My Human is thinking she’ll offer to help next year cause, sheesh! she needs to do sumfing (since obviously scouting isn’t her “priority.”) Pfft. XOXO


    • Well Spitty that mysterious box is going to be the highlight of my Christmas believe me. The more it sits on the desk the more I go over and STARE at it from the floor. Mom thinks it’s hilarious and I think it’s MEAN! I agree that Miss Paula did a SUPER job of handling Secret Paws – this was my first one and I think it had to be VERY hard to do all of that for 52 blogs! That’s a lot. I think if your Human thinks she has the time to help next year, Miss Paula would REALLY appreciate it. Lucky you got to open your Secret Paws package….sniff…..I’ll have to check out your bloggy today to see what you got!!!!!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  10. Oh we bet you can hardly wait to open your mystery box. Hoomanz are good at using tape so you probably can’t even take a peak. How will you manage your excitement until Christmas? We live in an area where we get “lake effect” snow so we always get a lot. Our Mom is already sick of it. She will send you some. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


    • Oh that lake effect snow stuff is brutal – and so are the winds you usually get…..well, stay snug in the house!!! No thanks on offering to send snow – we like things JUST THE WAY THEY ARE….a little snow here and there but no BIG (at least not yet) storms!! My mystery box is still a mystery as of now….but if Mom leaves the house for longer than five minutes who knows! HAHAHA

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


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