Tuesday Teaser


Howdy Teaser Fans!!!  

Welcome to another frustrating Tuesday with Sammy the Tease………………..although this week who knows – maybe it won’t be so very frustrating – maybe all you “eagle eye” searchers will figure this one out – but the TRUE test is WHO WILL FIGURE IT OUT FIRST AND WIN THIS????

The Much Coveted "First Right Guesser" Award

The Much Coveted “First Right Guesser” Award

Well, without further ado…………….I give you today’s TUESDAY TEASER – now remember, I want to know just where this photo was taken OK?  Specifically.  That’s right – specifically.  You have all day to agonize over the photo and send in your guesses and tomorrow I’ll tell you who wins what!   Sorry the photo is a bit blurry but that will just make it more of a challenge right??????


First of all may I say that it looks like a yummy place to be this time of year (at least from MY perspective in cold Virginia anyway) and I can see myself wandering around through all that greenery looking for critters!

Anyway, let’s see how well you do with this one………….google your hearts out……………get out your travel catalogs………….and give it your best shot.



Sammy the Tease


75 responses »

    • HAHAHAHAHAHA……yeah I hear ya – I only know where it is because Mom told me otherwise I’d be clueless….looks like a swell place though doesn’t it????? I’d say it was FLorida but there’s mountains….so no way baby!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Sure is a pretty place WHEREVER it is huh? I’m forced not to give away WHERE the photo was taken until tomorrow though so tune back in and see if you’re right…..however, I’m with you – I’d go there in a minute if I could!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Easy, that’s true – in fact every picture I put up lately appears to be a place where there’s snow! Amazing huh? HAHAHAHAHA OK – so you think it’s somewhere in Hawaii??? I guess you have to wait and find out if you’re right TOMORROW!! Isn’t waiting just TERRIBLE????????

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  1. That waggin tongue Sammy hahahhaha….I think it’s maybe New Zealand…looks maybe a bit like Milford Sounds…way off target but hey ..I love Tuesdays because they are always brain exercise ..husg and loves Fozziemum xx


    • Hi Miss Katie and Cocco! Nice giveaway you’re having on your bloggy….FUN! So you think it’s Hawaii??? Well, tomorrow I’ll be telling the truth about the Teaser……so you have to wait! Waiting is NOT fun!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Ohhhh…..Fiji – now that sounds like an exotic destination – I wonder if Mom would be interested in taking me there for a romp on the beach???!!!! THanks for guessing – tomorrow I’ll tell everyone where the photos was taken and if it’s Fiji then you’ll win! If it’s not I’ll still give you a hug you know!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  2. Our Mom was going to copy off of others and guess New Zealand but we told her she is not allowed to do that. She is going to go crazy and say Vermont, (even though she thinks it really is New Zeland).


  3. Those are Moon craters, right? Oh wait. What’s funny is when we looked at it, it looked like ice in the front with little breaks where water was showing. I guess since it’s snowing again here, that’s what is on our mind. Are you gonna do the North Pole and Santa as your teaser next week? Are you?!


  4. dood…we iz guessin Easter Island…just in time for de holly day… coz therez onlee 120 shoppin days til candy goes on sale !!! ~~~~~~


    • Oh what a way cool guess……! Tomorrow I’ll tell you if you might have guessed the right spot on the planet…….and thanks for telling me about how many shopping days until candy goes on sale!

      Holiday Hugs, Sam


    • Oh dear Nellie! You came to see my Teaser – – – AND you guessed! Well tomorrow I’ll tell everyone where the photo is from – sure is pretty isn’t it? Just like YOU!!!!

      Holiday Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


    • Guess what Miss Layla…..”it’s not over til it’s over” and Hawaii is a good guess – we’ve had some other good guesses but tomorrow everyone will find out just how good the guesses have been!!!!!! How’s THAT for a “teaser” answer?!?!?!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Bailey!! Are you excited about Christmas? Are you all going to be onboard when Santa comes to visit Noccy????

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy
      Pee Ess – I bet your parents would love to sail to Tahiti (the Teaser photo!!)


  5. I’m not sure, but it’s beautiful! I see some people are guessing Hawaii….my bosses at work are in Hawaii right now, and I’m watching it snow outside. It doesn’t quite seem fair, does it? 🙂


    • Same here….we have snow on the ground and got a sprinkling of the stuff again last night……BUT the Teaser was a spot where I just bet they don’t even have any idea what snow is! TAHITI!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  6. I think that place was prolly from the movie Avatar. Ha ha meow! Or it’s some nice blue water by some very peaky green mountains….say, we a-member somefing about green mountain boys….Ethan Allen? Or was that furniture? Yeah, we don’t gots any idea. Could you tell?


    • Spitty you were ALL OVER THE PLACE with your ideas on the Teaser but in the end, when you landed, you missed it totally…..Avatar? Nope….Ethan Allen? Nope…..it was the incredibly gorgeous island of Tahiti. I’m thinking of moving there…..I can see lying in a hammock in those hills or on the beach while some gorgeous girlcat fans me with a palm leaf….sigh…..OOPS – sorry about that – I drifted off for a second!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  7. Sammy, we cannot believe we missed this yesterday, ooh, now it is actually two days ago. Mom has had an appointment every morning this week, so we have gotten a little behind. We haven’t looked ahead or at any of the answers, so even though it doesn’t count, Mom is guessing Hawaii. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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