Furry Toes Friday


Hi Everybody……..today’s subject matter is toes.  Not just ANY toes – MY toes.  You may have noticed in my photos OR maybe you read on my blog somewhere before, that I am a Polydactyl kitty.   Some people call us “Hemingway Cats” but do you know why?

Ernest Hemingway was given an extra-toed kitty and actually had quite a “collection” of polydactyls at his home in Florida.  There’s still some of the offspring from those original kitties who are lounging around enjoying the good life to this day at Hemingway’s home (which is now a museum) down in Florida.  If you go HERE you can read about it and see some of them!

ANYWAY, that’s me – I do have extra toesies – just one extra on each of my front feets.   Here’s a parade of photos showing off my “extras” !

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When my parents adopted me 13 years ago, they’d never really seen a polydactyl up close and personal…..nor did they know about the Hemingway connection.  The lady in the shelter where they found me told them about it when they went up to the desk after visiting the “cat room” and telling her that they wanted to adopt ME ME ME ME ME – the “cute orange and white with extra toes” !!!  She said “Oh – the Hemingway kitten – I’m so glad someone wants him”……………..like they didn’t think I’d find a home or something.  The lady said that some people had seen me but thought there was something WRONG with me because of my toesies.  Imagine that!  My Mom and Dad only saw me and thought “SPECIAL!!!!!”…………….YAY……………I’m so glad they felt that way.

Speaking of SPECIAL – know what?  I forgot to tell all my kitty friends HAPPY WORLD CAT DAY yesterday – but know what?  I say “better late than never” !!!

Know what else?  I think we’re ALL special in some way or another……isn’t that wonderful?



Happy Friday (aka Monster Day for us! 😦 )

Sammy, The Hemingway Cat

Pee Esss……..my toe blog today is specially for my friend Miss Cat Forsley, Canadian singer/songwriter and wonderful animal video artiste-extraordinare!!  Smoochies!!

71 responses »

  1. I adore your extra toes you “Hemmingway” cutie!
    A friend of mine years back had a polydactyl cat, he was such a lovebug and I so loved to massage and gently squeeze his toes.
    I just know in your case, extra toes means extra big heart! 😉
    xoxo Sammy!


    • Oh Miss Dee what a sweet thing to say and what a nice thing that you had a friend with a poly who was a lovebug like I am!!! My Mom still finds it hard to believe that people wouldn’t adopt me because they thought there was something wrong with me just cuz I had extra toes. Well I’m glad they didn’t want me because my Mom and Dad DID and look how happy I’ve been all these years!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀

      Happy Friday…..
      Lots of love, Sammy


  2. I do believ Pickles attempts to get out of Al-cat-raz may have been with some help from you Sammy and those buy one kitty get two toes extra for free tootsies! I would also have grabbed you up..to me it is extra kitty to love! Have a great day and a happy belated WCD Big hugs Fozziemum xxxx


    • We kitties have to stick together ya know……and my extra toesies DO come in handy for many things……my Mom’s favorite thing that I do is when I make a cup with my little hands to scoop water up from my water bowl to drink…….I know other kitties use their paws to get water but I can make a CUP and slurp out of my little hands! Cool huh?????

      Happy Friday!
      Kitty Hugs, sammy


      • OMC Sammy that is toooo cute! and very handy (pardon the pun) I would love to see you do that..i think it would make my day 🙂 🙂
        Happy Friday Sammy big hugs Fozziemum xx


    • You’re right guys – it makes it a whole lot easier to open treats up, and unwrap prezzies, and make a little drinking cup with my paw to scoop water out of my water dish – lots of handy stuff!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Awwwwww…….well, if you do an internet search you’d be amazed at the number of toes SOME polydactyls have…..one extra on each paw is really no big deal – although my Mom says it makes me qualified as “a cat having thumbs” !!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Cupcake you’re so adorable……lots more toes would indeed be lots more kissy-face time and what self-respecting groomer wouldn’t LOVE Cuppycake kisses?!?!?!?!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. oh my goodness xxx
    what can i say xxxx
    i wake up to this beautiful post about Your amazing TOES XXXX
    and that little meme you made – Sammy is on my site forever xx
    You are quite philosophical Sammy and that is only ONE of the reasons I love you xxx
    “hemmingway ” …….. No way xxxxx amazing amazing
    i feel more educated xxx thank You x
    so You can type Your blog too and help your mom out around the house ?
    LOL xo 🙂
    Love you very much and PULLLLEASE have your mom write me soon
    unless you wanna type me the email 🙂 lol
    my band is about ready to shoot our second vid and after that –
    wooohooooooooo 🙂 xxx
    very cute post x
    Very Cute You
    and Beautiful Heart xo 🙂


  4. I’ve seen the Hemingway cats at the museum…they’re special but not as special as our Sammy Cat is…You’re the cutest with or without the extra toesies!!


  5. dood…we wood loves ta haza extree toe….hay, can ewe open doorz N flip bacon in de skillet by yur self…thiz wood be way awesum 🙂 !!!!!!! speekin oh pork chopz, heerz ta a grate week oh end…enjoy 🙂


  6. I love your extra-toe – that makes you special and very precious. You are a kitty with extra/luxury equipment. Cool. If I had the choice between kitties – I would choose you – that’s for sure. I’m so happy that your parents picked YOU. We should drink a Hemingway to that – CHEERS! (but we better replace the rum with water, that’s safer)


  7. Sammy,
    When people hear my name (Hemingway) they wonder if I ever extra toes. Mom knew all about Hemingway’s kitties and she had even been to his house. She thinks they are very special and that means she thinks you are special! (Of course she still saves the biggest part of her heart for me and Shakespeare.) You are a lucky kitty ‘cuz you’re special and you were adopted by humans who really love you! 🙂


  8. We live in South Florida so Ma and daddy-dog have seen those Hemingway cats in person when they drive down to Key West. they are pawesome kitties…just like you! I hope you had a fantastic World Cat Day!
    *high paw*


    • Hi Oz! Pawsome to meet you! Hemingway cats are pretty interesting – I oughtta know huh? HAHAHA I assume either my Mom or my Dad (the kitty ones of course) were polys but I don’t really know as I was found all alone under an old abandoned house when I was teeny weeny. Thankfully my human parents got me at the shelter and now I’ve got BIGGER extra toes than when I started out. I think it’s way cool you visited the Hemingway House and Museum. I wonder if I have any cousins there????? Happy Weekend!

      High Paw Back Atcha


  9. I love your extra toes because they give you character! I’ve written about polydactyl cats for the RPO blog so I knew they were perfectly healthy — but I guess I can see how someone might think there is something wrong. Nope … just extra toes on a purrfectly adorable kitty!


    • Awwww….thanks a bunch! That’s kinda what my Mom said when she first saw me…..”nothing wrong with this guy, he’s just extra special!”…….and I’ve tried to live up to that ever since!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. My sister Mason has the extra toes, too. She says that you polydactylites are one step closer than the rest of us cats to havin’ opposable thumbs. Is that true, Sammy? Is that true?



    • Oh wow! I love that “Hemingway Cutie Patootie” name…..makes me feel super special – Thanks for the Happy World Cat Day wish – I spent the day getting extra naps in – so I’d have plenty of energy to keep my parents awake all night. HAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. Hey, that’s cool, Sammy! Mom didn’t know polydactyls were called Hemingway kitties! Her first kitty was a polydactyl; she just LOVES those extra tosies. And yours are extra cute 😀


    • Thanks Remy! Yes, Mom didn’t know about the Hemingway connection either but I think it’s rather neato to be just a BIT different than your average MEOW dude! Happy Saturday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  12. Sammy, I’m a Hemingway cat too….why do you think my name is Ernie? 🙂 I’ve got 2 toesies on each of my front feets and one on each of my back feets. Dontcha think having extra toesies makes you extra special???



    • Ernie! My Man! YES indeedy I think we’re MOST special and you’re even SPECIAL-ER than me with TWO extras on your front and ONE on your back feets…..! I wonder if I tried real hard if I could pop some more extras out so I could be like you????? I love being this special don’t you??

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  13. We almost thought you were going to do the whole post and not mention the Friday monster! But you know what that means, tomorrow is bacon Saturday. Mommy and Daddy have been to Key West and seen the polydactyl kitties at Hemingway’s House. Mommy has a nice print on the wall with three of the kitties portrayed in it, She and Dad have already made plans to return to Key West this winter as it has been many years since they were their last. Have a great weekend.


    • My parents haven’t been to Key West but Mom lived in Florida for several years – just didn’t make it down south that far! Anyway, it looks like a pretty wild and wonderful place and I’d LOVE to visit the kitties at Hemingway’s house….who knows – I might have an Uncle or Aunt there!!!!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  14. My Human squeed–she luffs the extra toes and wishes I had some. Her friend, the servant of Miss Madie Mitten Kitten, lets her play with Miss Madie sometimes. Madie has a LOT of toes, a LOT. They are adorable and very kissable. You should Thank Cod the Human can’t reach through the screen and get all grabby-hands with you.


    • Hi Spitty…..I’ve seen some super toesie cats on the internet before but I’ll have to find Miss Madie Mitten Kitten so I can see Miss Madie…..compared to the cats that have TONS of toes, I guess I’m a “light weight” with just two extras…..my Mom is convinced I could hold a pen and write a book if I tried. I haven’t tried and would much rather have a snack and a nap than write! Hope you have a super duper Saturday Sir Spitty!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  15. When I was a child, our cat had kittens that had extra toes. At first we thought they were deformed! Then we learned that these cats are very special and rare….they called it “double pawed” back then. I never heard the Hemingway story…that is cool! If we were looking for another cat, I would be very attracted to a Hemingway cat….I think your paws are beautiful, Sammy!


    • Thanks!! Of course it seems to me that every cat ought to have thumbs – they certainly come in handy for a variety of things – but since I posted that blog about being poly, I’ve met BUNCHES of other cats that are so I guess there are a LOT of us out here…..YAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  16. Mousiez doez toesiez are DA BERY BERY BESTEST TOESIEZ EVER!!!! We lubz yer xtra toesiez n dey make ya even more speshell den ya already are!!! 😉
    Just fink if we cuud get dese toesiez to evolve we cuud open anyfing n help da Hu’Manz!!! MOL!
    Lub Nylablue xoxo


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