
OK – seems I’m irritating my Mom a bit lately with my meowing. Well, maybe more than a little bit but I can’t help myself – honest! You see when Mom’s downstairs on the main floor where I usually hang out I’m happy. Mostly I’m either following her around or lying in her lap or on her legs snoozing.

No problem right?

If she goes down into my the basement I go down there to see what she’s up to. I have no problem going DOWN stairs.

But if Mom goes upstairs to the top floor where her studio and the computer and the bedrooms are, I get cranky. I stand at the bottom of the stairs and call her. I start out quiet….you know…..meow…..quietly…..if after five of the quiet ones I get no response then I turn up the volume… MEOW – just in case she didn’t hear me. I’ll do that for a while and usually Mom will yell downstairs “Sammy – I’m coming – soon!”……however usually she doesn’t so I notch it up even more…….MMMMMEEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWW  (with several exclamations points). 

I'll just stay inside and play all day......

C’mon down here Mom!

Now I think this is perfectly acceptable.  Mom, however, doesn’t much care for it.  Sometimes she comes DOWNSTAIRS and picks me up and brings me upstairs but what I really want is for her to come downstairs.  Where I am.  Without relocating ME.   She thinks the reason (so does my vet guy) is because of my wonky leg – I have a touch of arthritis – nothing BIG but enough that when I go upstairs I have to use a different muscle than I do going downstairs (and my weight shifts differently).    Until we move to a new house which is mostly on ONE floor, I’m kinda stuck.   So Mom ferries me around from floor to floor.  I keep telling her we need an elevator.

Sam on Mom's Recliner

Going upstairs? Take me with you!!!!

I know I’m being a pain but I can’t help myself.   I’ve probably exaggerated just a TAD in my story here…..I mean it’s not like every time she’s out of my sight I scream – no – not at all – but if I WANT her near me I let her know.

Sam Saying HI To The Camera

I’m talking to you Mom – are you listening???

Just part of the wonderful world of getting older……………….my Mom even talked to the vet about it at my last checkup.  He says it’s normal behavior – what I really want to know is how can it be NORMAL behavior when I’m hardly a NORMAL cat????  I’m an EXCEPTIONAL cat….not a NORMAL cat.  I should think he would know that by now since he’s been taking care of me for thirteen years!

Excuse me while I go somewhere and pout…………and on top of all of this, today is monster day.  A guy just can’t relax around here!

Kitty Hugs and Happy Friday (anyway!)

81 responses »

  1. Oh Sammy you poor thing having Arfur-eye-tis…Doc has it a bit too and it does ,ake him a bit slow…I think mum needs to put one of those crazy electric chair thingies know the ones that go along the wall up the steps..i think I saw one in a Bette Davis movie..she could get you a silk smoking jacket and wouldn’t you look smart buzzing up and down the steps in style..! the girls here are all meowwwwwing because of moon madness…it must be a world wide meowathaon event!
    Take care noisy boy hugs from Fozziemum xxxx


    • Oh I like the smoking jacket/slidey electric chair idea! I may have to mention that to my old Mom and see if I can wangle that…..somehow I think she’d rather MOVE than get into retrofitting my staircases with that chair thing BUT that would be OK with me too – they actually HAVE looked at a couple of houses over in the community they want to move to and they are mostly one floor places so I’d be one happy guy! Meanwhile, I’ll work on her for something suitable to transport me up when I need to be up……maybe a rope/pulley/basket thing???!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


      • That sounds exciting looking at houses…I do hope you are looking as well 🙂 maybe mum could put up a flying fox..wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..lots of fun plus a great height to do kitty lookouts!
        Big hugs Fozziemum xx


  2. Sammy, you would not like it here either – my house is on several different levels, plus we have a spiral staircase! Although we are all over 10, none of us have any issues with arthritis – and I hope it stays that way because I would hate having to depend on MY human to carry me around!


    • Hi Sparkle…..I hear you – I’m amazed my old Mom actually helps me up and down really – she’s got the same problem I do with the arthritis……we just need to be in a more “user-friendly” house!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Herman…..while researching this pet elevator thing yesterday I watched a uTube clip showing an ingenious elevator an engineer built for his cat – infrared sensor allowed the cat access to the “elevator” on the outside of the house upper floor and the cat rode down to the ground and went about his business. Amazing. People really go to GREAT lengths to make their pets happy…..we know all about that don’t we?!



      • I found the clips too… Amazing. We had the same problem with our beloved Jones. We had to carry her up and down the stairs. We we did it with love and she loved it too…


  3. My nanny’s cat Daisy ‘yonks’ as nanny puts it, constantly and really loudly. Nanny thinks she’s going senile lol.
    I think you need a stenna stair lift put in 🙂


    • Hi Misaki! Your puppy bellyrub picture was SOOOOO cute!!!! It made me smile REAL big when I saw it this morning. I think you’re right – my parents should accommodate my lack of mobility by installing an elevator for me ASAP. I’ll tell them you said so!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I just might do that! We saw a video yesterday while researching pet elevators that proves that people DO build elevators for their pets though – so who knows….maybe I can get my Dad to build one for me after all! HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. I understand your problem – my mom always said stairs aren’t good for anipals. therefore my dad was the stair lift until I was 9 month old. then the stair lift was on strike, because I used it a gazillion times per day and the lifting capacity was exceeded. I have no clue why humans need cribs with more than one floor, every dog hutch has just one and that’s ok.


    • You’re right Easy…’s silly to have LAYERS in a crib. One floor – one area to claim as ours for EVERYTHING….eating, sleeping, the whole thing. Well, when my parents move they plan on having a one layer house. Three layers is just plain SILLY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Whee wheek and wheek all the times! The hoomans sometimes tell us to be shush but whee never listen. Nibbles had arthritis too and couldn’t manage the little jump up to the bit where the food was so Mummy put it on the floor. Arthritis isn’t fun at all. Whee don’t like stairs, they look very silly to us.

    Nutty, Nacho, Buddy & Basil


  6. Aw….poor Sammy. So far, I don’t have any problem bounding up the steps here at our house.
    Oh, and we had the “monster” around here yesterday. I hid so well, Motor Mommy had NO IDEA where I was!!!
    Love, Sundae


  7. Getting more ‘mellow’ is no fun, is it, Sammy, when ‘Sir Arthur’ comes to visit and sometimes just takes up residence?!! Glad Mommy comes down and acts as your elevator when you really need to be with her.
    Hugs,from one ‘mellow’ human to a ‘mellow’ furbaby!


  8. Sorry to hear that you got arthritis 😦
    My mommy say´s there is somekind of healthy stuff you can put on the food that shall make arthritis better. The substance is called Glukosamin , we don´t no the product name , but we guess there are several products out there 🙂
    Me to Miaow and miaow when I wan´t mom or dad´s attention , especially when I wan´t treats 😀


  9. Sammy darling, I think my mom understand. Admiral was rather meowy about where mom was and wanted her attentin 100% of the time. But Admiral was old and ill. xoxox


  10. I’m sure if you keep this up you will have your mum trained in no time, and she will always ask if you want to come upstairs before heading up the stairs leaving you behind – be patient my friend!


  11. Monster Day is awful, our monster has been out a lot. Mommy says it is because we are shedding.

    You are not a pain. Our house is ALL one level. If Scylla is in the bedroom and she gets tired of being by herself she will SCREAM for Mommy, and she starts off Screaming. She does this when she is outside too. She wants Mommy to come to her, not the other way around and she has done this since she was a kitten. You of course are exceptionally sweet, Scylla is a pain.


    • HAHAHAHA……Sounds like Scylla is a “Mommy’s Girl” like I’m a “Mommy’s Boy” – – – there’s something about having Mom near I guess – some of us only feel secure when we can SEE or be around our Moms. If we’re comfy where we are, it makes sense to call until Mom arrives on the scene – THEN we have to try and talk her into STAYING there (more meowing). Mommy says I’m a master at the fine art of manipulation – what’s that mean anyway???!!!!! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  12. Why Sammy I am surprised your Mom hasn’t made that little issue all better for you and gone out and gotten a house all on one floor! CH and I are ready for a house that is ALL on one floor and closer to grocery stores and all the good city stuff like maybe in St, Louis! Ask your Mom if she has seen the videeeoh of new Mom Hazel and her 4 kids. It’s going to be a fun 8 weeks! That will take us right thru your Mom’s and my birthday 🙂 Try to enjoy your Friday Sam with monster out and about and just think Saturday bacon!


    • Hi Cody and Miss Caren! Mom smiles when she tells me to HUSH so I’m thinking she really loves hearing me call her too!! I’ve noticed that humans like to complain. It’s apparently part of the package deal……she loves and takes care of me and I listen to her complain…..not a bad exchange right? HAPPY FRIDAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  13. Hehehe, that’s a funny story. Petals does a fair bit of talking too. I try to ignore it as best I can cause she can be a tad bossy about it. I think she’s saying, “COME here mom, RIGHT now, I want MY Wiska’s”. But maybe she’s saying, “Hi mom, you forgot me down here and I don’t want to climb the stairs”. I better ask her.


    • I’m hoping it doesn’t either – and the doctor doesn’t think it will…..he thinks I was born with what he calls a “wonky knee” and just as I’ve aged I’m getting a touch of arthritis in it. Oh well – when I think of what other animals are putting up with (including you Phod!) I think I’m still pretty lucky!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  14. Hmmm… an elevator, you say? I wonder if a short-range teleportation device would work. What do you think? I’ll get the peep to pick up some egg-beaters and get to work on one, right away. Probably get Seville to help me although… you know… well, you know.



  15. Sammy, don’t worry. Humans were put on earth to take care of us and be our servants so your Mom should be carrying you around. We get our Mom to do that, too. Maybe a rope tow would work for the steps. Mom has that arthur stuff in her ankle so she has trouble with the steps sometimes. Then she tells us that it doesn’t help when we keep going between her legs. We’re just trying to help. Maybe when you are yelling you could start singing a song and your Mom would like that better. Hang in there, Sammy!


    • Now there’s an idea guys – I could take up opera! I suppose I should be glad Mom USUALLY cooperates when I scream and does whatever I want her to do but really if we just invested in some conveniences around here (like an elevator) I wouldn’t have to bother her so much…………..

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  16. Definitely exceptional behavior. You’re a cat. This is what you do! Just don’t let your mom put you into one of those baby pouch carriers that she wears. You might think that’s getting too close! Purrs…


  17. Oh Sammy sorry to hear about your difficulty with the stairs. We have an elevator here for the car… I hate it it’s freaky! I’d stick to being carried my furiend! Nearly bacon day! Hooray! Bisous Bailey


    • Hi Bailey! I’ve seen those car elevators in office buildings (well, Mom has anyway) and I’m not sure I’d like that either….but a nice little mini-kitty-sized elevator would be way cool! BACON – did somebody say BACON????????????????

      Happy Weekend Bailey


    • I suppose she must either like it or tolerate it because she’s been doing it for a while now and still gives me hugs and kisses all the way up or down the stairs while she’s transporting me!!!

      Tee Hee
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  18. Oh Sammy! Yous sounds like Hissy Old Licorice!!! Hes used to gets so upset if he waked upand he could not find Mommy! He would hollar and hollar. Which was not too bad if she was home as she would comes and gets him right away…but he used to does it when Mommy was on Business Trips!!! That drove me and Daddy NUTS!!!


    • Hi Nellie!! I suppose I should give my Mom a break and not be QUITE so “needy” – after all, she likes to do stuff I don’t like to do sometimes – but I’m really just wanting to make sure she’s still here and hasn’t deserted me. A guy likes to know his Mom’s available should he need her, ya know? My Dad takes fine care of me when Mom’s away but he says I do tend to do a bit more screaming when Mom’s gone. I hang out by the front door and yell for her to come back through ASAP!

      Happy Caturday!
      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sam


  19. Sammy you don’t need an elevator – you have one, your Mom! And she probably enjoys the exercise of going up and down the stairs 😉
    At least your showing that you love and need her, she would miss your meowing if it wasn’t there!


  20. Hold on a minnit! That’s totally exceptional behavior – of course it is! Why, I do the same thing – and sometimes even if she’s on the *same* level. After all, we want attention when WE want it, and right then thankyouverymuuuch!
    – signed, FaRADaY.


    • FaRADaY I just KNEW you’d understand buddy. I would think after thirteen years of me yelling at her my Mom would “get” that I’m not just screaming for the heck of it – there’s a method to my madness! It just goes to show how superior felines are compared to humans…..but I HAVE noticed that when she screams at my Dad, he doesn’t “get” her either. We need to send her back to the factory I think.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  21. Well, Sammy, you’ve got yourself a pretty pathetic life going on at your house. How rude that Mom doesn’t scoop you up and take you upstairs when she goes. Our mom is pretty slow on the stairs so we like to speed past her at warp speed so we can beat her to wherever she’s going. Then, of course, there is the trick of laying down on the stair where she’s ready to step. Stair games are some of the most fun. We are so sorry you cannot pawticipate. Have a great weekend. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Hi Gang! Well, I do lie across the bottom steps frequently – you know – just in case I can give Mom a fright when she comes round the corner to head up the stairs…tee hee…I used to race her up the stairs though when I was a bit faster. That was fun!! I like napping on the stairs in the sun spots still too. I’m still working on the Mommy-Elevator training and I think I’m gaining ground.

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Caturday!


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