Caturday Cookie Break


Howdy Gang!

Happy Caturday……………My bacon breakfast is out of the way (yum) and now I’m taking a bit of a cookie break. I DO love my “treats” which Mom and Dad call “cookies” and that’s the word I recognize when Dad shakes the bag.

Sam On His Cookie Rug

I get my cookies on a floor mat by my Dad’s chair.

I’m not allowed to eat them anywhere else because – well – frankly I can be a little sloppy with something crunchy.  Those little bits break when I take a bite and go everywhere – this way they stay on the little rug.  I’m quite fastidious about my little crumbs though – I may leave them after eating my cookies but I almost ALWAYS come back and “clean up” !!

I try to be neat.  Most of us kitties try……..we might not always QUITE make it but we do try – honest we do.  I can be a bit of a slob at my soft food dish too.  Something about slurping up food from a bowl – well you’re BOUND to have a bit of oversplash right?  Am I right gang?

Sammy Having Breakfast

I’m trying to be neat Mom….honest I am!

I’m even extremely neat (mostly) when I play with my toys…….I keep my toy area rather organized (well……I TRY to) so that I can go to it any time I want and get one of my favorites out.  Mom’s really good about going through it from time to time and mixing things up so I think some of the stuff I haven’t seen in a while is BRAND NEW!!!   Humans can be so sneaky but it works.

My toy box is actually a toy WAGON!

Pretty neat huh?

Well you get the idea……….taking a cookie or food or even a toy break doesn’t have to mean MESS.  No sireeeee………we kitties prefurrrrr things to be neat and orderly (except maybe when it comes to sleeping on YOUR bed and then the messier the covers are the better!!!!!).

Hope you all have a super Caturday…………..whatever you do – try to be NEAT about it OK?  We kitties have a reputation to maintain you know!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀

Before I go, I have a sad p.s.   Yesterday I learned that Nibbles from Hutch A Good Life went to the Rainbow Bridge on July 1st.  Nibbles was my very first guinea pig friend.  I really didn’t know anything about them before I began following the Hutch blog.  I am so very sad for all of them and all of us too because we will all miss Nibbles.  Please send hugs to his humans AND his brother piggies because life will be ever so diffrerent without Nibbles.    We will miss you Nibbles……..

73 responses »

  1. Awww, so sad that your little friend crossed the rainbow bridge. I’ll hop over to send some hugs 😦
    Sammy, I have a present for you waiting on my blog. I hope you like it. Happy Caturday. Pawkisses, Little Binky 🙂


    • A prezzie for MEEEEEEEEEEEEE? Oh gosh, thanks Binky – I’ll go over right away and see what you have on your bloggy! Yes, it was sad news about little Nibbles….I know his whole household is very sad to lose him.

      Thanks so much! Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. We have five cats and they can be rather messy with food. Luckily Edgar goes round the bowls and tidies up all leavings – if he misses anything, the dogs do a quick hoover and the place is spick and span 😀 Thanks for warning us about the sadness over at Hutchagoodlife – Nibbles will be dearly missed.


    • Good for Edgar being on clean-up duty! Having a dog for “back-up” on the food bowl patrol is lovely too – you don’t need to get the “Monster” out when you have a dog! Yes, Nibbles was a special little piggy….and you know his Mum and brothers are very sad now.

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Saturday, Sam


  3. I’m more the chaos-guy and I’m always happy when I find some crumbs I’ve lost some months ago. I’m very sad that Nibbles had to go, I will visit his bloggy immediately. Have a wonderful caturday, Sammy.


    • Hi Easy! Loved your car harness review today – good job buddy! I thought that thing looked QUITE macho…. I’ll have to try your method of finding extra snacks like old crumbs around on the floor. Sadly my Mom swabs the deck like a sailor every week so the chances of crumbs on the loose is probably slim. Sad news about our little piggy friend Nibbles.

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Saturday, Sammy


      • Oh I understand – my mom has the same shock-headed thingy. as if it weren’t enough that she messed up all my emergency provisions – she used that thingy also as a dance pole – how embarrassing! It’s so sad that we had to say bye to so much friends… but the idea to like a candle for Nibbles was great!


        • Easy I do think you are amazingly patient with your staff there in your crib. I know what you mean about losing our friends lately. I saw the beautiful tribute Thunder’s Mom did this morning and Mom and I shed a few tears together. Nibbles was my first piggy friend EVER so it was sad too. You and I should make a pact to stay here FOREVER (besides won’t it be fun to drive our humans nuts for YEARS AND YEARS???!!!!).

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Great idea – we are the last two mohicans of blogville – hope we will still see our keyboard with those long white beards we will have in 275 yeras :o)


          • Suppose we’ll have to fight with ZZ Top over who’s got the coolest white beards as we bang away on the keyboard in our old age??????

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Oh that could be funny! I’ve heard they refused to cut her beards for a million bucks (from gilette) – we could give them two and the problem is solved :o)


  4. We missed this sad news about Nibbles. 😦 We will go over and check things out at Hutch. Mom goes a step further with my toys. When my toybox started overflowing, she put half of the toys in a bag in the top of the closet. Now and then, she switches the closet toys back into my toybox and puts the other half in the closet. It’s like a whole box of new toys every time!


    • Moms are pretty sneaky but pretty smart too aren’t they Cupcake? Yes we read about our buddy Nibbles yesterday – very sad…..But I’m sure that over the Bridge is a beautiful and happy place so it makes it a little easier to think of our friends going there to wait for us……….HAPPY CATURDAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Oh, Motor Mommy and I were so sorry to hear about our sweet furriend, Nibbles. We send special kitty hugs and purrayers to his family; we all know how much it hurts to lose a furriend.
    Have a good Saturday, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae


  6. Minnie here Sammy…meow meow meow:) I love cookies too!!! And I am very neat and tidy as well….it bugs me when things are a mess and not where I last left one of m toys. Mommy and me are very sad to hear about your friend Nibbles, it is very hard to loose our loved ones…I know that you will see Nibbles again someday. Sending you sweet kitty angel huggies and warm thoughts…now I need a cookie too….meow meow oh Mommmmmy Sammy got a big cookie:) Can me have one too?


    • Good luck with getting that cookie Minnie!! Something tells me there’s a good chance you will because I know your Mommy loves you VERY much…..just give her “THE LOOK” and I’m sure there will be at least one cookie for you. So happy to hear from you – – – 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • I’m happy to hear I’m not the only bacon-a-holic around… Mom and Dad both love a great big BLT and I love when they eat them because bits and pieces fall out and I can steal them! HAHAHA

          Happy Caturday……….
          Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀


  7. Oh meow yeah…bacon too:) I love bacon and Mommy cooks me my own piece too….love love love bacon and cookies….oh meowmommy…wake up Mom…I want some bacon and a nice cookie too as I am now hungry:)


  8. Sending loving thoughts and hugs to Nibbles Mom and all his family and friends. It’s always sad when a loved one crosses over the Rainbow Bridge.
    Hope you have a great Caturday!! With lots of cookie treats for everyone!


    • Hi Miss June! It is sad – and I think those little guinea pigs don’t live all that long anyway so Nibbles was lucky at 7 years old to have had so many great years with his family in the UK. Hope you have a beautiful sunny Saturday! 🙂

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Yes – I think most cats are rather fastidious with EVERYTHING – including our furs and keeping them tidy so if occasionally we “dribble” a bit – SO WHAT???!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. I am an extremely neat eater but Mom says that Grandpa Bobo was quite the messy eater! I have a big toy basket but my toys are often strewn everywhere! How that happens I don’t know, because I never play with them! MOL! Have a great day Sammy! Love, Cody


    • Cody I’m sure when you’re not looking Dakota is pulling all your toys out of your basket trying to make it look like you’re a slob when you and I both know he’s just being mean! Hope you have a happy Caturday my friend.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy
      pee ess Mom says your Mom was high bidder on the kitty cat purse my Auntie Carol made! WOO WOO!


    • Hi Miss Pix!! Very sad about Nibbles….Miss Amy and the other piggies are good friends and it seems lately an awful lot of our pals have headed to that Bridge. I hope it’s as pretty THERE as it is HERE today – it’s hot here but I’m gonna stay cool in the shade. Mom too. We’re SHADY BUDDIES!

      Hope you and CH have a great Caturday……..Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Layla! Well, I’m not ALWAYS neat….I like a lot of water mixed with my wet food (go figure) and Mom says I slurp. Imagine….slurping?! How undignified!!

      Happy Caturday and Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. LOVE your Radio Flyer toy box…great idea!!!! I know, I read that about Nibbles yesterday…My heart breaks for that family…God bless them…Have a pawesome Caturday!!!!


    • Hi Trev! Glad you like my Radio Flyer toy box….guess what – I also have a Radio Flyer snow sled too – tiny sized just for me. Am I lucky or WHAT?! It’s quite sad about Nibbles – I know they are all missing him like crazy….I hope you’re having a grand Caturday?????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • The snow sled sounds totally pawesome!!!! It’s been raining for days here, but I like the rain. Thanks for the wonderful weekend wishes…Kitty hugs galore back at ya!!!


        • Actually we like the rain too – cozy and usually cools things down but DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY (you get the idea) it’s kinda old AND I start to feel like I’m getting mildew and mossy!

          Happy Sunday!
          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • That was nice of you guys to light a candle…I’ve never seen that before but it was quite nice. Hope you guys are enjoying that garden (and the new rose bush??!!!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  11. Sammy I am sorry your lost one of your friends. I went and gave my hugs and lit a candle for Nibbles. So many are going to the bridge this year. You sure are a clean kitty. Maybe you could come and teach mine. Love your toy area.
    Sue B


    • Hi Miss Sue…..we’re sad about Nibbles too – I never knew ONE THING about guinea pigs until met the Hutch A Good Life crew. It was nice of you to light a candle – that’s a pretty neat thing to do isn’t it? First time we’d seen it. Anyway, I have been practicing “neat” for 13 years and while I CAN get a bit sloppy if what I’m eating is wet, mostly I’m a lean, mean, neat machine!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  12. Yow sammy me can reelate to ya bout tryin to bee clean!! me triez to not throw kibble aka cookiez all over da table or da floor but sumtimez dey jump outta da bowl it seemz!!! As fer da wet food it seemz to go everywhere even when me iz being carefull…me reeson iz no teefiez so it fallz outta me mouth!! 😉
    Mum keepz toyz neat fer me too but me haz no haz a baskit n it iz too small…me hopez Mum find a shallow one that iz bit bigger….
    Me n mum play a game called “deckoratin wif toyz”. She makez fingz neat n den me comez in beehind her stealthy like n whapz dem all over n she haz to retrieve dem, MOL!!! Dat’z da way me rollz.
    Lub Nylablue xo


    • HAHAHAHA Nylablue…..I like your technique of waiting until your Mum gets things all neated up with your toy basket then you scatter them about again! Keeps your Mum busy and getting her exercise! You’re VERY smart.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  13. Hi Sammy: Sherri-Ellen here…I am in tears about wee Nibbles…I just started to follow them 3 weeks ago & I shall go leave a few words!! I bet they are all so sad!
    Sincerely, Sherri-EllenP.S.: Nylablue does not KNOW I follow Hutch as she does not get on with G-Pigs. She thinks they are food ;(


    • It’s a lovely blog…..Amy and her family just love their little guinea pig boys so losing Nibbles was a big blow. They’re such cute little critters and we never knew much about guinea pigs until we met them.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • I can imagine Nibbles people are very sad over his passing like that!!! WE never know when are beloved 4 leggeds are going to leave us…I have become mindful of this & always say ‘Goodbye” to Nylablue when I go out & “Hello” when i come in…I treasue each day with her because I know with her health she could dash to The Bridge at any time…but not today (thankfully).
        Sherri-Ellen xo


        • I know what you mean Sherri-Ellen…..I even find when I come downstairs every morning that I’m excited to see Sam’s OK. I just treasure every single minute with him around – he keeps my husband and me smiling! Hopefully Sam and Nylablue will grace our lives for years to come.

          Hugs, Pam


  14. Dood, seriously, it’s a BIG MESS around these here parts. Allie constantly carries her mousies around, meowing incessantly at the top of her lungs, so they’re EVERYWHERE. And well, Maxwell’s kind of a slob.

    Maxie: Faraday don’t you be throwing stones, Mister I-have-to-dunk-my-toy-in-the-fountain.

    We purr for Nibbles’ humans who we know must be grieving….


    • I wonder if our humans realize how much trouble we go through to keep them ALERT….between messes we purposely make and strange sounds we like to screech to catch their attention, it’ really a lot of work don’t you think? So Faraday, are you toy dunking to keep your toys CLEAN or just to give them a good marinade????

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  15. Sammy, you have as many toys as we do, and there are eight of us. We think it is time we protested our deplorable treatment. They leave us alone bunches and now we find out they are denying us our right to have oodles of toys. We are either going to protest or fire our humans. We’ll have to take a vote. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Well with as many of YOU as there are in comparison to the humans around your house I think you have your situation well in hand (I mean PAW). I do have a ridiculous number of toys in my toy wagon but Mom and I go through them from time to time and the ones I turn my pinky nose up at go in a bag which in turn goes to the shelter for the kitties there! Good luck with your protest!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


      • Sammy, you are such a good kitty to do that. Our friends at Barn Cat Buddies recently posted a photo of one of the foster kitties up for adoption. Guess what he was playing with? A catnip pillow just like the ones Mom made for you. Mom makes them to help raise money for BCB, but lots of them go to the foster kitties. We guess that means we’re giving back as well ’cause we think all of those nip toys should be ours. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


        • You are giving back – in a BIG way – and we think it’s wonderful. I love my pillows AND my new bowl – everyone who has seen the bowl has LOVED it!!! I hope you have a fabulous Monday. I also hope you can dry out soon – we had more rain last night but not a lot. Thank heavens!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  16. Sammy, of course you are right!!! I think you are generally right in these important matters mol. I am sorry to hear about your little pal Nibbles 😦 The cookies sound great. I might teleport over and catch a few crumbs!! Have a great weekend!! xox


    • Hi Guys…..You know, I was thinking about being a messy guy when I eat and I figure what difference does it make??? If I make a bit of a mess I USUALLY slurp it right up – and it keeps my Mom on her toes when I leave a bit here and there. Keeps the floor clean because she has to mop up……hahahahaha

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  17. Oh Sammy what a bestest clean kitty you are…the gang here are pretty clean..cleaner than my four kids were hahahaha …..and the boys …well doggies do great follow up on mess anyway! I am so sorry you lost a little friend and will go and send my sorries…there is nothing sadder than saying goodbye to the friends we meet on our lifes journey,,but I am sure we all catch up together in the end..Big hugs Fozziemum xxx and gang 🙂


  18. Thank you so much for your lovely post and whee have loved reading through those comments from those who did and didn’t know our special little boy while he was with us. Whee are hoping to get back to posting in the next few days and are making our rounds on the blogs to thank everyone for being so kind. Whee are glad efurryone liked the candles idea. Whee saw someone do it on twitter for a doggy and thought it would be the perfect way to remember him and give efurryone a chance to say their goodbyes.

    Whee are also messy eaters here. Not sure about you but the hoomans here are always complaining when whee kick bits of food out of the cage!

    Nutty, Buddy & Basil

    ps our Mummy says a special thank you to you too


    • Hi Boys…..I hope your little hearts are mending with time – we all miss Nibbles but just think of the fun he’s having over the Bridge and watch out because I’m SURE he’s watching to make sure you all are very good piggies! The candles idea was wonderful – we’d never seen anything like that before. A lovely way to remember anyone really. I’m glad to hear you guys make a bit of a mess when you eat too because my Mom sometimes says I “eat like a pig” and I never really knew what that MEANT before!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

      Please give your Mummy a very special hug from us……………..and just know that we’re thinking of you and glad to hear from you OK?????? Have a strawberry or two for me will you?

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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