Tuesday Teaser


WOO WOO! It’s that time again………seems like Tuesdays roll around pretty quickly these days don’t you think? Or is it just that I get excited to try and stump you by making you put your thinking caps on and grabbing your Atlas to try and find WHERE these pictures that I post are being taken????? WHATEVER – it’s fun right?

So this week we have a Guest Teaser just like I told you……..and our Guest was on a vacation and took lots of photos where they visited including these three. Yes they were taken in the same town – but WHERE was the town and what was the NAME of the town???? That’s your mission should you accept it…..and in order to win hugs you have to be right and specific. What TOWN and where is the TOWN???? One of you guessers – whoever is FIRST with the right answer gets YOU KNOW WHAT!

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award....

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award….

Everyone else who guesses the right spot gets YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE!

You guessed the Teaser correctly!

You guessed the Teaser correctly!

So here’s the photos from our awesome Guest Teaser……………..





Tomorrow the “Tell All” will indeed tell all……..and we’ll see who the winners are and hand out the appropriate accolades (gee Mom, I used a big word in my bloggy!).

As if that wasn’t enough excitement on a Tuesday, I have to tell you that my good buddy Nerissa kindly gave me TWO awards! TWO………and I’m very lucky to get them especially since I have neither of them already. Wanna know what they are? WHY SURE YOU DO!

The first award Nissy passed to me is a little bit confusing……………or maybe I should say it’s a lot confusing……………well, maybe if I just show you the rules you’ll see what I mean???  The award is quite cool looking…………

pmaward - planet purrth award

It’s called THE PRIME MINISTERETTE OF PLANET PURRTH AWARD (wowzer meowzer that’s a fancy name isn’t it???)…….and here’s the deal:

“In their infinite wisdom, the Purrime Ministerettes have made seven rules with which we have to comply to formally accept the award:”

1.  Bow for your Purrime Ministerettes and confirm on your blog you have done so.
2.  Show a picture of you watching Purrime Ministerette movies.   Pictures or it didn’t happen.
3.  Tell Planet Purrth that it needs a change and explain what kind of change you have in mind.
4.  Ask your Purrime Ministerettes what you never dared to ask before.
5.  Bow again for your purrime Ministerettes and confirm on your blog you have done so.
6.  Forward the Purrime Ministerette of Planet purrth Award to at least 3 other blogging anipals.
7.  Do not change the rules without explicit written Purrime Ministerette purrmission.

See what I mean?  The first thing I said (and Nissy kind of said too when HE got it) was “HUH” ??????

I have to say that #1 was easy because I bow all the time (well actually I’m just stretching but Mom says it looks like a bow so that’s good enough for me!).  #2 is less easy because actually I can’t stay awake long enough to watch ANY movies…..so no photo of that cuz it ain’t gonna happen.  #3 I should like to suggest that a change be made in the way everyone who lives on Planet Purrth treats the planet itself – we need to be nicer to it – quit trashing the place and making the climate all topsy turvy – WE CAN DO THAT!   #4 is tough but I can say that something I’ve never dared to ask is WHO PUT HUMANS IN CHARGE OF ANIMALS WHEN ANIMALS ARE SO MUCH MORE CAPABLE OF RULING THAN HUMANS???!!!  #5 is bowing again and I’ll give another stretch to comply with that one.  #6 forwarding the award to three other blogging buddies?  That’s another easy one – I’d like to pass this one on to:

Austin at CATachresis

Remy at One Blue Dog

Easy at Easy Weimaraner

And #7 trust me – I wouldn’t DREAM of changing the rules so no worries there…..besides I don’t understand the rules so how can I change them??????

Secondly, Nissy gave me a brand new award…..this one he created because he’s celebrating the AWESOME fact that he reached 50,000 hits on his blog – an incredible number right?  Right!  Hence the creation of the MY FAVORITE THINGS AWARD.  The rules for this one are super easy………….(I like awards I can figure out – don’t we all??).

50,000 award

All I have to do is thank the blogger who nominated me (Nissy of course and THANK YOU MY GOOD FRIEND for the award!!).  Link to them which I’m doing RIGHT HERE, and tell what my six favorite things are then pass it on to whoever I want to!

My six favorite things are:

  1. BACON
  2. NAPS
  3. LAPS

Who will I pass this on to?

Mollie and Alfie at Mollie’s Dog Treats

Texas at Texas Cat New York

Misaki at The Misadventures of Misaki

Sundae at These Days of Mine

Since I could go on and on and on and on listing friends, and this blog which is already long would be impossibly long – please my dear friends, if you would like to take this award and comply with the rules and pass it on to your friends in the blogosphere, please do!


Kitty Hugs, Sammy

46 responses »

  1. Is it Blois/France? WOW I’ve won something today – this fabulous award! Thank you very much! I love the videos of the purrime ministerettes – they are super stars! have a fabulous teaser tuesday – I hope I was right – it was a good idea to order a bridge catalog of “toute la france” LOL


    • Good Morning my friend Mr. Easy!! So you think it’s Blois, France huh? Well, as you well know my adorable lips are sealed until tomorrow but who knows – maybe your bridge catalog has come in handy this time around. Good luck…..oh and what a GREAT post you had today on behalf of our buddy Leo! Let’s hope he gets his castle soon out in California….. 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • I was running home today like the wind from my pee patrol – some places are unsigned now, hope Marcel will not damage my copyrights :o) I wish Leo will find the best castle ever and it would be great when his new family would like to blog about him – that’s like the jackpot :o)


        • Well Easy, you certainly do your best to cover all the territory in town with your signatures and autographs and I’m SURE everyone knows what spots are YOURS and they better not “overwrite” those signatures! It was a grand job you did today giving Leo’s search for a home priority on your bloggy! The more we talk about it and tell folks the better chance Leo has of finding his home ASAP!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA 🙂 You amazing animal people 🙂 xxxx
            how i love your language 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
            I am here NOT to Guess
            But To give sammy and all his buddies a HUGG
            geesh – so much happiness here
            i think the page is gonna burst out of the computer 🙂 LOL
            just reading the comments make me smile and GIGGLE
            🙂 Love always xxxxxx
            your cat human person 🙂 LOL xxxxxxxxx


          • Hi Miss Cat!!!! Gosh, I really am pleased that as busy as you are making your videos, writing your songs and just being YOU (!!) that you came by to visit me. I know everyone is happy to see you but most of all ME! We’re always up for a hug ’round here and trust me – every single one of my friends is happy to get a hug from “THE” Miss Cat. Thank you very much – I’m glad I can make you giggle – the world would be a better place if all of us could take time for a giggle and a hug now and again.

            Big Special Sammy Hugs to you from ME ME ME! 😀


    • Oh wow Cody and Miss Caren! You’re guessing today’s Teaser?! Well, tune in tomorrow for the scoop……….you know I can’t tell what’s what until then. We love you guys tons and tons!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy (and Mom)


    • Ah ha! So you have a copy of the sign catalogue that Easy has huh? Well I’ll have to watch that in future……(although these aren’t mine so I can’t photoshop out the hints!). Anyway, come see me tomorrow and find out!

      Kitty Hugs, SAM


    • Hi Miss June! Thanks for the concats on my new awards……..you know how I feel about bling. Glad you liked the travel photos – Mom wishes they were from a trip SHE’D taken although she has been near this spot on a trip.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Goodness me again mumz stumped!…she just doesn’t get out MOL MOL..what great awards you got Sammy!! you are the cats pjamas fur shure MOL…
    The pic-shures are super..and phew no UFOS in sightz 😉
    Kitty hugs Dinnermintz xx


  3. Congratulations on your two new blog awards! Wow, your awards go on and on forever! Woo hoo, Sammy and Sammy’s Mummy! Now to the Teaser… We believe the pictures were taken in France.


    • Hi Terrell Gang! France huh? Well, maybe you’re right – you’ll find out tomorrow but since you just guessed the COUNTRY you might only get half a hug if you’re right! TEE HEE

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. It is definitely France says the Staff (she knows nothing!!) and she googled and also came up with Blois, cos of the signs. But because she is so slow we won’t be first :((( if it is right. Bit of historical fact, one of our Kings came from Blois back in about the 12th century or sometime ancient like that. The Staff practically knew him she’s so old!! 😉

    THANKS for the award, Sammy. It is a weird one though!! All this bowing and stuff, though we Brits should be used to it being “subjects” and all. We have to do all kinds of bowing and stuff. I’ve made her make a note of it this time so she doesn’t go stock piling again!!

    chow, Austin xoxox


    • HA Austin – chances are my staff lady was probably a maid in that King’s castle too cuz she’s older than dirt as well. 😉 Thanks for guessing on the Teaser – and tomorrow you’ll find out the truth of the matter at hand. I thought that was a very weird award too when I got it from Nerissa but hey – you can be creative in responding (as you can plainly see from my sneaky way around some of the “rules”) !!!

      Kitty Hugs and Stuff, Sammy


  5. Congratulations on your awards, Sammy!
    I think that the place is Blois in France. But I see a few people have already said that – is there a consolation Sammy Hug on offer to someone who can’t win?


    • Hi Clowie! Well now my girl, you know that even if you haven’t been the FIRST to guess, you may still have the right answer in which case you still get a Sammy Hug! Tune in tomorrow – and even if you don’t win, I’m available for a hug (in return for a Clowie Cuddle of course).

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Charlie! Well my furry friend, if you come by my blog tomorrow you will find out where EXACTLY the photos were taken. One of my friends was on a vacation and took these photos!

      Happy Tuesday Charlie
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Mollie! It seems like I just don’t see much of you these days but I know (because my Mom told me so!!) that you’re VERY BUSY helping your Mom get new goodies for your store made and ready for sale. It’s lovely that you are so HELPFUL – and I’m sure Alfie’s glad you’re busy so you aren’t pestering him to pieces or trying to push him into the pool! Tee Hee Thanks for cheating guessing on the Teaser – come see me tomorrow to see if you are right (or not)!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. dood…conga rats on yur awards…..while ewe bee on de Charles Bridge in Prague….pleez take a moe mint ta due sum fishin….they HAZ TROUT !!!!!


    • Trout? Did someone say TROUT???? Didn’t know there was trout available in Prague…..Wonder why my parents didn’t bring me one when they were there on vacation a few years ago?! Dang! Well, anyway, come visit me tomorrow to see if these pix were taken in Prague OK?????

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  7. I should have known that bacon would be at the top of your list. heheheh…

    As for the teaser… hmmm…. Well, it’s a town… a town on a river…
    That’s all I’ve got. I have no idea what the name of this town on the river could be. MOUSES!


    • Hi Savvy! Thanks for the congrats…..the bling just keeps on rolling! I’m reminding everyone tomorrow to help find Leo a home……and I just think it won’t be long before we can celebrate that!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam
      p.s. come see me tonmorrow to find out the truth about the Teaser!


  8. On the teaser…I know I’ve guessed England before, but this time, I know it’s close to England, so I’m going to keep guessing England on pictures I really think that are England, and I’m going to get them wrong. I must just like the word England! Ha ha. No kidding, but I’m just going to guess England again! 😛


  9. Wow, two new awards. What a lucky kitty you are, Sammy and, of course, well deserving. We’ve received a new one as well and will try to post about it on Friday. We are going to be playing catch up for many, many days now that our mom is home and can help type. Lisbeth just wasn’t any good at it. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Well Lisbeth tried……….sometimes just TRYING is enough ya know? I may have extra toesies on my front paws for typing but sometimes they get stuck between keys so I’m glad I have Mom here to help me too……..

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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