Cats and Mysteries


Hi Peeps!!

Nothing like a good mystery book and a niptini to make a guy relax in the evening!

Nothing like a good mystery book and a niptini to make a guy relax in the evening!

I think all of us are familiar with a lot of the authors who have great series written that include cats in the cast of characters.  There are some especially fun mystery series involving cats who actually help with investigating!   Mom likes to read those.   However, when my Mom decided to WRITE a mystery wanted the cat in the book to be just  a companion for the main character rather than a partner helping to actually solve the crimes.

Enter Eddy the cat………..he’s the companion to Bailey Ferrol, young female private investigator in the small Virginia town of “David’s Bridge” (yeah – the name of the book is The Mystery of David’s Bridge…..get it???).


Yes there is a bridge in the town of David’ s Bridge and yes there is a mystery involving something NEAR the bridge……….but you need to read the book to find all that out.  What I REALLY wanted to talk about is Eddy the cat and how the “real” Eddy the cat inspired Mom’s cat character.

The "Eddy" who inspired my Mom!

The “Eddy” who inspired my Mom!

You all know by now that Eddy was the “before me” cat in my Mom’s life.  The day after my Mom’s Dad passed away Eddy decided to adopt my Mom – he was a stray in her old neighborhood and Mom was sitting on the steps in front of her house that morning and here came Eddy – he gave her a big head butt and lay at her feet looking adoringly up at her.  Anyway, after investigating his circumstances, she found out he’d been abandoned so that’s when Eddy (at age six or seven) came into her life.  Later when she and my Dad built a new home in the country (where I live now) Eddy came along and lived out his days here.

The Eddy in Mom’s book has some endearing qualities too……..for instance he sleeps with Bailey in her cozy attic bedroom and follows her everywhere when she’s home.  He has a basket by the fireplace in Bailey’s living room and Bailey is constantly finding “treasures” that he’s either brought in from outside OR “borrowed” from Bailey’s room…….or in one instance, REMOVED from her favorite comfy bunny slippers (Bailey finds the ears in Eddy’s basket at one point!).   When Bailey’s had a bad day – Eddy’s there to make her smile.   (BY THE WAY CATS – that’s what we do right?  Keep our humans smiling?????)   Eddy even passes judgment on some of the men Bailey has as friends – he knows when someone is dangerous and he knows when someone is “on the up and up” and in fact when Bailey really does find a good guy and starts dating him, Eddy makes it clear that he approves!

Eddy is Bailey’s “soft place to fall”……………the live of a private investigator can be rather dangerous (as you see in the book) and busy so as Bailey’s cat, Eddy keeps the home fires burning and gives her the love and affection she needs greeting her when she walks in the door after a long day helping the police on a case or investigating something on her own.

In a book full of mystery and intrigue – scary situations and tense action – reading about Bailey and Eddy’s relationship gives little moments of fun before the next round of excitement hits!

Mom had intentions of writing a sequel after this book first came out a few years ago – she even started writing it and then became sick and had a year of treatments which kind of left her not interested in writing anymore.  A very NOT HAPPY situation for her as she loved writing.  Guess what – in the second book (the one she didn’t finish writing), Eddy comes through the cat door one day in Bailey’s house with a tiny kitten that was abandoned by it’s Mom…….Bailey bottle feeds it – and know what she names it????????????????  SAMMY!!!!!  Yep – I was going to be one of the STARS of the second book.  Well, Mom still has that old manuscript and who knows – maybe one day she’ll feel like finishing it (and the other novel she had started which wasn’t a “Bailey” book).  Meanwhile she helps me write my blog……….SO she’s still writing!

If your human likes mysteries – especially with cats in them (!!) – give “The Mystery of David’s Bridge” a try.  It will be back in print soon but right now it’s available on Kindle (there’s a link to it on Kindle on the RIGHT side of my page here!!).

I can highly recommend it………………(tee hee).

Happy Friday………….

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

Pee Ess………….tomorrow is Caturday and I have some Award Catching Up to do!   My buddy Misaki gave me a couple of awards this week and I’ll thank her properly tomorrow! 😀 😀

56 responses »

    • Hi Austin…..well, I mention it from time to time – you know – trying to encourage her to get back into the writing thing – but she’s stubborn (ever known a human who wasn’t????!!!!!). We’ll see……I’m not going to let it go. I can be pretty persistent myself!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. I think it would be great if your mom decided to finish the book that you star in Sammy! Eddy sounds lovely – the real one and the one in the book.


    • Hi Clowie! Well, I’m not actually THE STAR in the second book but I certainly play a role as Eddy’s new baby sidekick! I’m sure that I’d be somebody impawtant though – maybe I’d solve a mystery or two!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Bailey! Now that your sailing adventure is over perhaps your Mum will be able to read my Mom’s book – – if she does, my Mom would love to know if she enjoys it!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. The whole time I was reading this, I thought, “Eddy is fine and dandy, but where’s Sammy’s story???” Now I know. Your mom better dust that sequel off and get busy! Mom is ordering the sample of David’s Bridge right now.

    Love and licks,


    • Hi Cupcake! Yep Mom decided to bring ME into the second book but left us all hanging when she stopped writing! Eddy finds me outside Bailey’s house allllllll alone (sniff sniff) and brings me inside Bailey’s house and right into his bed by the fireplace where Bailey helps him take care of little baby me!! I keep telling Mom I need to have an adventure in this book – you can’t leave me (and everybody else) hanging without finishing the story!!!!!! Mom doesn’t listen much to my whining though – she says she’ll finish writing it (or not) in her own time. Humans can be VERY persnickety!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. My mommy will vouch for how wonderful your Mom’s book is! (And she adds her wishes that your Mom will one day finish the sequel, How COOL that you’re in that one!)
    Have a good Friday, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Ingrid……how kind you are to offer. My novel was written several years ago and was in print for years – then my publisher (small press Hillard & Harris in Maryland) went out of business and I got my rights back but never pursued self-publishing. Right now I don’t have a lot of copies in print – I just released it in Kindle format because so many people are doing ebooks these days. However, I do have some copies and would gladly send you one. It’s not really a “cat mystery” as I said in Sam’s blog today – just has Eddy the cat as a “side kick” to Bailey. If you think you might enjoy reading it you could just read it for FUN and not feel obligated to do a review unless you really wanted to. I’d never “hold you to it” !!! LOL If you send me your mailing address I’ll send you a copy. Thanks!



  4. We are so happy for you! How wonderful! It sounds like a great mystery book. As soon as our lives settle down enough to sit still for five minutes, you can bet we will read it 🙂

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig


    • Hi Miss Katie and Cocco! Perhaps when you get moved and settled in and get “de-complicated” you can read the book – it’s actually a fast read (mainly because people say once they pick it up they can’t put it down…..). I know you’ll be happy when the move is over with for MANY reasons! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. I’ve read The Mystery of David’s Bridge and absolutely LOVED it. I first purchased it in print but when it recently became available on Kindle, I downloaded it. I loved it so much that I wanted to keep it in both formats. It’s a fabulous book, I loved Bailey and Eddy and I do hope there will be a sequel!


    • Oh Trish thanks for saying all of those nice things. How wonderful you wanted to read it more than once…LOL……of course I’ve read most of your books AT LEAST twice – You know a big part of me would love to write the sequel and then some. It’s (a) finding the time without giving up Sam’s blog, and (b) wishing my muse would come back from his or her extended vacation!

      Hugs, Pam


  6. I loved loved LOveD your Mom’s book Sam and keep encouraging her to do the sequel. I think she will, I hope. Eddy and the bunny ears/bunny slippers cracked me up because I kept thinking about my bunny slippers. I worried at first that something would happen to Eddy but cause I knew your Mom was doing the writing I just knew little Eddy would be fine.. 🙂 It was very special to read this book knowing that your Mom was the author. Enjoy your Friday Sammy!


    • Hi Miss Pix! Mom and I were both very happy to hear after you read the book that you liked it……when it first came out it was truly very popular BUT after her publisher went belly up (like I do when I’m sleeping) it kind of died down…….now it’s on Kindle finally – maybe Mom will get fired up enough to do the book with ME in it after all…..time will tell!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy
      Pam Hugs, Pam 😀


  7. Hi Pam and Sam, Mommy is on about page 60 of the book and is enjoying it. She wishes she had more time to read as she is anxious to find out what happens, She agrees that you should finish the second book. Sammy has so many followers and fans that even if his role is very small in the book, all his admirers would be clamoring for it. Have a stunningly wonderful weekend. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Hi kitties! I’m glad your Mom’s enjoying the book……..and I agree that I DESERVE a book that’s got ME in it! Mom’s even written two childrens books since that one and one was even about cats but were any of the characters named SAMMY?????? NO!!!!!! Harumph.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • WE WANT SAMMY…WE WANT SAMMY…WE WANT SAMMY! What do you think? Maybe if we can get all your fans to take up the chant, it could happen. Have an easy Sunday. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


        • Oh gosh that makes me feel so yummy in my tummy and I promise I’ll work on Mom to get that second book finished – I’ve had to wait for YEARS hoping she’d get around to putting ME in one of her books – all she has to do is FINISH IT!!!!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. Hope your mummy does decide to finish the sequel, and increases your role in it 🙂
    Could you let me know when David’s Bridge is back in print? Mummy is old fashioned and refuses to get a kindle *sigh*


  9. dood…sew yur mom HASTA finish bookz two…sew when peepulz N uz kittehs start buyin de seaquell…ewe can pawtograff em…how kewl wood THAT bee !!! we doez knot haza kindle; hope de print comes back soon….n hay, enjoy yur week oh end !!


    • Thanks Tabbies! We hope you have a swell weekend too…..I’m definitely workin’ on Mom to get the book back in print…..when that happens I’ll ANNOUNCE it here for sure! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Your horoscope will be emailed to you sometime next week if that is OK. I have your email. As I promised one yearly for you and one for mum No worries it will be in your inbox before the end of next week.
    Best wishes Molly


    • YAY! I’m quite excited (or actually WE are since Mum gets one too!). Thanks Oh Great And Wise Mystic Molly! It was a great thing to donate to the auction. Everything we donated was snapped up too so we’re quite pleased to have been a part of Stella’s HUGE auction effort.

      Happy Friday and thanks for the note!!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. How nice it was from Eddy to adopt your mom – maybe it’s true that kitties have a special sense for special situations? Are you sure that the Eddy in the book is really a kitty – finally he killed the bunny-slippers ….


    • HAHAHAHA…….well, I hadn’t actually thought of it that way (the bunny slipper ear-removal thing) but perhaps Eddy in the book is at least PART some other animal????? Like a hunting dog perhaps????? Mom is sure that the real Eddy cat that came after her Dad had died just might have been “sent” by her Dad….he knew my Mom loved cats and she didn’t have one at that time. Who knows…..who’s to say? Stranger things have happened!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  12. Pawsum fer yer Mum Sammy!!! me Mum used to write bookz …dere iz a BIG poetry book n a book called ‘Vampire’s Trilogy’ n a Aboriginal inspired book called “Rainbow Visionz’….like yer Mum me Mum haz bin too sick to write much anymore. She helpz me wif da blog n it seemz to help her feel guud….
    Me wuud like to know how me can purrchase an actual book fer me Mum?? She LUBZ misteriez n kittehz so she wuud LUB diz story….we shuud meow sum more about diz!!!
    Lub frum Nylablue xo


    • That’s way cool Gizmo!!! Promise me you’ll get your Mom to let my Mom know if she enjoys the book – AND of course you need to let ME know how YOU feel about it too OK????

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Weekend


    • Hi Miss Ruthie! So happy you liked your notecards……My Mom did a bunch of those some years ago when she had her notecard biz. Nice that someone will have them “back in circulation” again!!!! ENJOY!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  13. Pingback: Japanese Dogs | My Three Moggies

  14. I just got the kindle download after reading this but it will take forever for me to read it probably cuz I have such little free time these days and have 3 other books in front but will definitely get there as it sounds good! Also, I am know to be curious/nosey…whatever but may I ask about what caused you to have treatments and if you are better now? Of course you can just ignore this if it is too personal but I guess I ask in wonder if it was the c word as I sure would like to know someone who had a positive outcome, I truly apologize in advance if this is too personal a question then forgive me please! I am just pretty much an open book myself and sometimes ask too many questions 🙂 Either way, I hope you’ll do the second book as from the comments, people really seem to have enjoyed book 1! 🙂


    • Oh goodie! I hope you like the book when you have time to read it!! Yes I had the c word and at that point it was the THIRD time I’d had it for pete’s sake (talk about being unlucky!). Had to do the treatment thing for an entire year but I didn’t let that slow me down much (we had a vacation on the Rhine River in fact the year I was sick)……but it did CHANGE me – that’s why I stopped writing. HOWEVER, having said that, I’m pretty danged stubborn so I just might push through that (after all it was several years ago) and give it a whirl again (the writing not the c thing)! 😀 So if you’re looking for positive outcomes, obviously I’m your girl!! I’m happy to confirm that I never had one “off” review of the book so that is a good sign I think!



  15. Sammy, me and Mommy LOVED reading your Mommy’s book and Eddy was such a great character in the book. Wes lived that your Mommy included him!


    • I’m so happy you and your Mommy loved my Mom’s book…….Eddy was my favorite thing about the book although I kind of liked that Eddy felt about Bailey like I feel about my Mom!!! Thanks for telling me you enjoyed it though – it made Mommy smile REAL BIG and I really like it when she does that! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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