Remembrance Sunday


Hi Everybody!  Happy Sunday………

Sammy most generously gave me a day to blog about a few of my past cats as a tribute to the wonderful lives they led and the happiness they brought to me.  I think of all of them from time to time.  Today just seemed like a good day to share them with Sam’s friends.

When I moved away from home and got my first job as a “government girl” (which was THE thing to do back in the late 60’s in Washington, DC) and got my first apartment, the very first item on my list of “things to do” was to adopt a kitten. As soon as I had furniture in my apartment, I adopted a little kitten from a teenager at the local shopping center who had a box of kittens she was giving away. He was a little red and white “tiger” tabby and I named him Tiger (I know….I know…no imagination right??!).

He was so nice to come home to after riding the bus for an hour every day – his little meow and soft fur……something to care for. It didn’t last long though – shortly after I got him, the rules changed in the apartment complex – NO PETS. I was heartbroken. My sister Carol took little Tiger and found him a home. I had hardly gotten to know him

A few years passed, I got married, and I moved to Florida. I adopted two gray tabbies – one named Moose and one named Michael. Sadly I have no photos of them just as I don’t have one of Tiger. I wasn’t “into” cameras at that point in my life! After a few years of bliss my husband and I separated and I moved back to Virginia but couldn’t bring “my boys”…..they stayed in Florida with a very good friend.

Not long after that, my brother and I got an apartment together and I adopted two little kittens from a litter of ferals found in an old townhouse that was being renovated. Ricky and Linda Sue were TOTALLY different personalities from the same litter. Ricky was my first real “ginger boy”…..and he was a great big love bug. Very attached to me – very sweet always. His sister Linda Sue was aloof, imminently unpettable (!) and as far from a lap cat as you can imagine but she was pretty as you can see below.

Wish the top photo of Ricky was more clear -he was more white than ginger.....the bottom photo is his sister Linda Sue

Wish the top photo of Ricky was more clear -he was more white than ginger…..the bottom photo is his sister Linda Sue

Linda had a terrible personality – biting me all the time – grumpy – refusing to use the litter box although there was no physical illness causing ANY of this…….I finally decided to let some friends who had a farm in the country have Linda – she would be the PERFECT “barn cat”……..she was quite happy there. Meanwhile Ricky grew older and sweeter and sadly developed a number of health problems and after about six months of slow decline, I decided along with my vet that he needed to be allowed eternal peace.

I meanwhile divorced and spent some time on my own……..well not QUITE my own. I got a darling little ginger tabby who I named Charlene (Charli for short!). She had Ricky’s personality – absolutely adorable. Very sweet and loving. She liked to wander the yard and wore a bell on her collar. If I shook a little bell out the door, she heard it and came running. It was our “signal”……….Charli was VERY special. I just adored her.


Sam and Charli would have made a cute couple! They look a LOT alike!

I met my current husband David during this time……and eventually we moved in together but Charli was not happy – she didn’t have the run of the house or neighborhood and was very unhappy. Again my sister came to the rescue and Charli found a new home in the townhouse development where my sister lived at the time. My heart was broken though – it was very hard to give Charli up but she really was miserable living in David’s house.

The day after my father passed away I was sitting on the front steps of our house by myself and a beautiful and very fluffy gray tabby came up and hugged my legs. He pressed his head against my knee – looked at me with his big green eyes, and meowed. That was Eddy…… turned out Eddy had no home. He’d been abandoned by a military family who had moved away and just left him behind. I still can’t believe that people DO that sort of thing – but Eddy was a very friendly guy who’d found some kind souls in the neighborhood (I found out) who would give him scraps and he just “survived” on his own. Yet he’d come to me – made it known to me that he wanted to be mine – and he was from that day forward. My husband and I both adored him. When we moved out to the country he came along and had three years with us before he passed away.   (hard to see photos – you might be able to “bigify” !)

Eddy was such a sweet boy....I'm so glad he "found" me that day......

Eddy was such a sweet boy….I’m so glad he “found” me that day……

Then came Sam! And you know the rest.

Another baby picture of Sam

Baby Sammy

So, that’s the story of the cats in my life prior to Sammy – – – – Sam is very special boy in many ways and perhaps is the MOST special cat I’ve ever had. He’s very tuned into me. Yes he’s a “Mama’s Boy” – – – so what???!!! Nothing wrong with that!!! He also pulled me out of a huge funk I was in when I no longer felt like continuing with my writing and painting after a serious illness. If not for Sam’s inspiration I wouldn’t have given writing “one last try”. His blog and the childrens books I’ve written are the result of having Sammy in my life.

Now that he’s getting older – just like I am – we’re quite a pair. I hope we have lots more years together. I am sure though that one day when I’m looking back at my life with cats, HE will be “THE ONE” I remember most………my little formerly feral, polydactyl ginger boy with freckles…….

Happy Sunday!

Sam’s Mom Pam

P.S.  My very dear friend Dianna from These Days of Mine joined me today in remembering her previous cat Beezy… can CLICK HERE to go visit and hear her recollections.  It’s our “Day to Remember”…… In addition may I add that the idea to do the Remembrance Day was Isobel’s on IsobelandCat – she mentioned a few days ago she was setting aside today to remember her beloved Freddy – she blogged about it HERE.

60 responses »

  1. To this day, my human still misses the cat before me – she was the special one, but was gone before blogging became popular. I bet she would have had a lot to say!


    • All of our pets are a HUGE part of who we are – it’s a special relationship to be sure – with each one we share our lives with. I know you are special to your human as well – who could resist that SPARKLE in your pretty eyes and your purrrrsonality! 😀

      Happy Sunday, Pam


    • Thank you……now that Sammy is 13 I seem to be thinking more about how often I’ve had to say goodbye when really I should continue to hope for many, MANY more hellos with my boy Sam.

      Happy Sunday


  2. What a lovely post Sammy, some cats just don’t seem to like people much, like Linda, the farm probably was the best place for her.. Mousie catching.. We have been over and seen Beezy ..You are Mommys special boy 🙂 Lovely post and have a wonderful Sunday xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie


    • Hi Mollie! You’re right about some cats….I guess Linda just wasn’t happy being in a house together with her brother Ricky. She was happy being free to roam on the farm though. I’m happy to be here with my Mom and Dad – spoiled rotten and loving life! 😀 😀 😀

      Happy Sunday!!
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. Aw…..although we DO remember all our former kitties (pets), there always is ONE that seems to be at the top of the list. Bittersweet to look back….
    Happy Sunday, Pam and Sammy, from Sundae and me!


    • Hi Dianna…..yes it is bittersweet to look back. Thanks for joining in with me for a remembrance day of our special pets of the past….we’re both lucky to have special pets in our “present” too!

      Happy Sunday to you and Sundae…….give her a hug from us!
      Pam and Sam


  4. loved reading about the “cats who came before” I think your Dad sent Eddy to you, that is no coincidence you found him right after your Dad passed. The resemblance of Sammy and Charlie is striking indeed! Thank you for sharing your kitty memories with us!


    • Hi Caren! I am positive my Dad sent Eddy to me….he knew how much I loved cats and how much comfort I received from those relationships so it just made it that much more meaningful when Eddy gave me a hug that day. Isn’t it amazing that Charli and Sam look like little twins?

      Happy Sunday dear friend!


  5. What a bitter-sweet blog. Our hearts still miss our beloved pets that are no longer with us. It’s so hard to let them go but we carry them with us in our hearts.


  6. I remember all of my babies who came before Katie Isabellanwith love. Beach had his or her own personality. Each is STILL missed and they all still dwell in my heart but my eyes tear up if I dwell on them too long.


  7. Pingback: Pet Remembrance Day | Under The Oaks

  8. You sure have a lot of experience with cats. Baby Sammy is the cutest boy ever. Mom adopted me a week after her dog Smoki went to the bridge. She says Smoki lives inside my tummy, and she helped Mom find me and she helps me be a good girl (sometimes). Maybe all your remembered cats live inside Sammy’s tummy and that’s why he is so special!!

    Love and licks,


    • What a sweet thought Cupcake! Wouldn’t surprise me if all those other kitties are in Sam’s tummy…it’s big enough to hold them and still have room for treats! We humans do love you furry, fuzzy children who give us so much fun and happiness….I know your Mom loves you TONS. Happy Sunday little girl…..

      Hugs from Sam’s Mom AND Sam (he asked me to give you one specially from him)


    • Oh how sweet you are to say that……Sam has more than made up for any “bad” stuff I’ve endured – he keeps me and SOOOOOOOOOOOO many other people smiling. What’s better than that! 😀

      Hugs, Pam


    • Ricky and Charli both were incredible gingers – so I really DO think (as I’ve often said to you) that gingers are “special little people” ! I love your back story about how Remembrance Day started for you – and LOTS of people have opped on that bandwagon. It’s easy to do when you’ve loved a pet of any sort in your life, that’s for sure.



  9. Oh, it’s so hard, remembering the love of those that have passed but, break our hearts as they will, I cannot imagine life any other way. Our complex has just decided on the No Pet rule being enforced so I’m in fighting mode over this. It was all due to one tenant who is completely irresponsible with her dogs. One person ends up ruining everything for all of us. I’ll fight it but, if I cannot change it, I will have to move. No way I’m giving up any of my precious babies.
    I am so glad that Sammy came into your life and became such a wonderful muse. Would have been such a pity if you had given up writing.


    • I believe everything happens for a reason so I think I really wasn’t meant to give up writing…even though I felt like I should at the time. Sam helped me get over that. Animals are so tuned into their humans it’s amazing. I hope you can get your complex to simply address the one person who is causing a problem instead of making everyone “pay” for her sins! That’s so sad. I wish you luck – perhaps a petition would work?

      Hugs, Pam


    • Thanks so much…..we have to honor the “befores” because we’ve learned so much from them…..and it makes us appreciate the “nows” that much more too. I know you feel as lucky as I do to have our “nows” in our lives!!

      Happy Sunday


  10. I loved reading about all your kitties! I too think that Eddie was sent to you. It was not a coincidence!! And there is no doubt that Sammy is a special boy, like Austin is for me! 🙂


    • We all have had some special “furrriends” in our lives and they leave paw prints on our hearts always. Isn’t it grand we have such great relationships with these guys of ours??

      Hugs, Pam


  11. Hi there Sammy’s mom!

    Ummm…. I just wanted to tell you that I think your Linda has been reincarnated and is livin’ here in Nova Scotia. Her name is Tess and the peeps say she’s my sister. I don’t believe it!

    Tess bites (although peep #1 says she NEVER breaks the skin) and growls all the time, too. She growls at the weather! Okay… I’ll be honest. I’ve been known to do that, too.



    • Hi Nerissa……since cats have nine lives perhaps Tess is Linda reincarnated! Wouldn’t surprise me – Linda Sue was VERY stubborn…it would be just like her to come back and pester someone else….

      Hugs, Pam


  12. Lovely to read all about your cats. They really wind their way into our hearts, don’t they? And they are all so different. Like you, I’ve had many cats over the years, and have three at the moment. They are all very special, and we love them to bits. I think this is such a great idea of Isobel’s – all our lovely animals deserve a day set aside to remember them!


    • I agree…..I enjoyed taking a quiet Sunday away from everything else to spend with Sammy on my lap looking at me with love in his eyes reminding me of the “ones before” who often were gingers like him. We all celebrate a myriad of other occasions throughout the year – why not one JUST for our animals.

      Happy Monday….


  13. What a lovely tribute! They all seem like pawesome cats and each and every one special in their own way. Sammy you are soo lucky to be THE ONE! I’ve never dared ask my humans where I stand in this list. I’m my dads first cat but I know that mum had quite a few before me. Two of them are still alive and living with my mum’s mum, because when she got into difficulty with her housing arrangements they went to stay there on the farm for a while and they loved it sooo much mum and her mum decided it was kinder to let them stay than to make them move to the big city where she was living at the time. I get a little jealous still when mum goes to visit but paws crossed I’m the extra special one too! Bisous Bailey


    • Bailey I’m SURE you’re super special to your pawrents – I daresay they never had a boat-cat before, and lotsa cats would be way too scared to be on a boat like you are….you’re VERY special because you love Nocturne as much as your pawrents do!!!

      Kitt Hugs, Sam


  14. Great to know a little more about Sammy’s ‘family’. The Help has had a few cats in the day. Maybe she’ll let me write about them but like you, few photos.


    • Hi Princess Z…..there were a lot of gingers before me but Mom says I’m the mostest specialist one ever. That’s good enough for me! I think remembering is good though – don’t you?

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  15. Oh Pam…such lovely cats…the stories so touching & poignant!!! Reading your story I felt like I was reading mine… you I never had a cat for it’s whole Life until Mingflower….we spent 18 12 yrs together & now Nylablue & I are coming up to 7 yrs together…..
    Charli looked alot like Sammy or the tother way around!!! It was touching about eddy tho’…aren’t cats absolutely amazing????
    Thank you for sharing your fabulous felines with us.
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue xoxo


    • Those of us who have known the “wonder” of having a pet that we are SOOOO close to and recall so many special moments are lucky indeed. I’ve been VERY lucky to have a number of “soul kitties”……Sammy is certainly very special to me as well. It was nice to talk about all of them!



      • Hi Pam: I so totally agree with you!!! I love talking about the ferals & strays I have cared for & my actual 4 legged pets…each holds a spot in my heart to this day!!! I loved one feral above all named “White Paws”. he was a long, lanky black tom with 4 white paws & he was terrified of humans….I fed him day after day & it got to the point I could sit inside the screen door with White Paws outside eating & listening to me!!! i fed him for 5 years!!! Then I had to move away….I wonder what became of him?? I hope someone else cared for him…oh now I am nostalgic…lol…
        Sherri-Ellen xo


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