Monster Day


Yep – it’s that time again………sure gets here fast these days – housecleaning day at the Kimmell House.  I will be spending it in one of my two usual locations – – – either peering over the bannister upstairs spying on Mr. Monster doing his thing downstairs OR I’ll go all the way down to the basement where it’s quiet……

Ha!  The Monster can't get me upstairs!!  It's a good place to SPY on it though......

Ha! The Monster can’t get me upstairs!! It’s a good place to SPY on it though……

Now, I’m going to print another of the entries we had for the Scariest Poem contest at Camp.  Did you guess when you read it originally that this one was from Mollie?????


The forest was dark and quiet

A fire was burning low

The dogs and cats who gathered

Sat round the eerie glow

“ What shall we do now” said Easy

I’ve brought my Violin

Perhaps you’d like to have a dance

Or maybe we could sing

No No , let’s have a story

Said Sammy the cat

It’s Mollies turn to tell one

They all looked to where she sat

Well, it was a cold December day

The pond had frozen over

Lot’s of us were skating round

With me and fat cat brudder

On we went, we formed a line

And I was at the back

Suddenly there was a noise

And I fell through the crack

I heard the cries and frantic screams

All going through my head

It was so cold, I couldn’t move

I knew I’d soon be dead

But then I heard the engine

Of my best friends garbage truck

My Gorrilla pal, old Candy Bar

It was a stroke of luck

Grab a hold, I’ll pull you out

Oh thanks I duly cried

I’d forgotton that my dearest friend

A year a go had died.


Good job Mollie!  We loved this one.   Thanks again for entering the contest.  It was a toughie wasn’t it?  All of the competitions were tough!

Speaking of competitions – you kids who won the three competitions (Misaki-scary poem, Savannah-tent decorating, Zena-scavenger hunt) – Mom mailed your surprise packages off to all of you today.  Please let her know when you’ve received them – we always worry about stuff we send out – especially to FAAAAARRRRRR away places!!! 

We all love surprises………..I remember at Christmas when I got this PAWSOME surprise package from the ASPCA which I won on Cody’s blog!

I love surprises!!

I love surprises!!

I got another big surprise a few days ago and I’ll tell you about it tomorrow on my blog.  Let’s just say it involves a package that Santa Paws FORGOT to leave me when he came at Christmas!!!  It supposedly fell out of his bag of prezzies down into his sled and he JUST found it and delivered it to me a bit late.  (I’m still deciding whether I believe that or not!!).

Have a PAWSOME Non-Monster Friday

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀

50 responses »

    • Your poem was super swell Mollie – I figured people KNEW that one was yours but since I didn’t publish WHO wrote WHAT for the competition, I wanted to give credit where credit was due!! My surprise is pretty cool…..

      Happy Friday
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I was just glad that Santa’s helpers found my missing prezzie when they were cleaning up Santa’s sled……things can fall out of that big bag and down into the recesses of the sled quite easily when he’s flying around delivering gifts I suppose.

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  1. Neat poem! Purrfect spooky one for telling ’round a campfire! Well, Sammy, our monster came out of the closet yesterday. (I avoided it, but Mom just put it back in the laundry room, NOT in the closet, so I have a feeling we aren’t done with it just yet….) I hear her and Motor Man talking about “company” coming, so maybe I’ll get to meet some new friends tonight!
    Motor Mommy THINKS she might know what your surprise is….! But she won’t tell me…..
    Happy Friday!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Sam, I’m still waiting for the pictures when you guys burnt Mollie.
    Did I miss that post?
    Cleaning lady comes to my place today, Doggy and her are now friends because she vacuums his fur, don’t ask, Doggy is weird, he likes those things.


    • Hi Doggy……remember we had Marshmollies around the bonfire…..that was as close to a Mollie roast as we got!! I’ve heard of dogs who like the feel of a vacuum cleaner…just proves my point that cats are so much smarter than dogs……..TEE HEE!!! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. The monster doesn’t come out of the closet as often as he should at my house.
    Can’t wait to see your delayed Christmas present!


  4. We had monsterday today too. But I found out, how to be safe: I’m always close behind my mom and we shuffle along threesome through my crib like the three (UN)holy kings, first the monster, then mom and then me – the caravan of madness :o)


  5. I guess I should battle the monster today too, eeeck. I love the picture of you on the stairs all dappled in the sunlight. I really got scarred reading that poem. I used to live at a lake and that was one of my biggest fears….OMG, so scary


    • Hi Boomdeeadda……I’m glad you like that photo of me posing on the stairs in the sun. Typical cat that I am, I adore sun puddle. Tomorrow’s poem is the last one that was entered in the scariest poem contest – it’s SCARY TOO!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. I like Mollie’s poem! It had me a little scared! But living here in the Great White North, yous knows it is a furry cold night when yous can hear the ice crack!


  7. A present misplaced since Christmas better be good and not perishable. We can’t wait to hear about it. Thanks for continuing to share about the camping trip. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


  8. I hope the Monster will not bother you too much, Sammy! I am also not a fan of this Monster, although lately I do not let him chase me away from my favorite spot on the couch so easily. So far I have survived 🙂


  9. Yow Sammy…we just reread Mollie’z poem n it iz bery guud….too bad we cuud not gibe her a prize too!!!!
    Mum got all leaky eyez when she read it today. (Wonder how she missed diz poem when me was away??)
    Anyway, me iz bery eggcited to see what prezzie Santa Pawz just found fer ya…it haz happened here too…de old guy fergetz me finkz!!!!
    Oh n you look so cute on da stair in da Sun puddle!!! Me found one here earlier… was lubly to lie in me bed n soak up sum rayz fer shure!!!
    Habe a great weekend
    Lub Nylablue ❤


    • Hi Nylablue…..well, all the poems were posted during camp BUT we didn’t say who wrote them so it would be more fun to vote. Mom and I thought it would be good to repost them with their authors so everybody could see WHO wrote WHAT! Great poems all.

      Happy Sun-puddle filled Sunday
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Yow Sammy!! it iz great to read da poemz agin & see who wrote what!!! Dey are very clever poemz fer shure!!!!
        me fund a sun puddle in da bedroom earlier n waz baskin in da sunlight 🙂
        Wish Spring wuud sprung already!!!
        *kitty hugz* Nylablue xo


    • They sure do…… much talent! LOL When you read all the poems people submitted for the camping trip you really realize just how incredibly creative a lot of bloggers are!!

      Pam (and Sam)


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