Tuesday Teaser!


Howdy Peeps!!

You’ll no doubt be happy to hear that Monday was purrfect.  Mom and I had a snuggly day in spite of the fact she was up and down working on laundry and other things – I was her #1 priority. 

Mom's home!

Mom’s home!

We looked together for a really good Tuesday Teaser…….guess what…….we both decided that we’d post a “semi-easy” Teaser photo this time.  Yep – I think there will be some people who will know instantly where this is.  Not everybody of course but SOME, and we all know that if SOME know, OTHERS WILL FOLLOW.   Yes – YOU know who I’m talkin’ about! 😉 😉

Anyway, here’s your Teaser photo – remember to let me know where this is SPECIFICALLY before the day is over because tomorrow morning bright and early I’m doing the Teaser Tell All – yep – don’t be left out in the cold!  Make sure and guess and win your BIG SAMMY HUG!


Good luck.  Mom says she missed my Sammy Hugs while she was gone and I know that if you haven’t had a BIG SAMMY HUG for a while because you’ve not been able to guess the Teaser, you would like one.  I’m ready, willing and able.  OK???

Mom at the book fair...I'm SURE she's thinking about me!

Mom at the book fair…I’m SURE she’s thinking about me!

This was taken by one of Mom’s friends at the book fair…..we swiped it from Mom’s friend Bonnie Watson’s Facebook album.  Bonnie is a VERY talented writer and gifted artist.   Thanks Bonnie!

Happy Tuesday Teaser

Kitty hugs, Sammy 😀

59 responses »

    • Mom says “gee thanks” on the comment about her “presence” at the book fair. Right about then she was getting ready to go read to the little kiddies in the Childrens Corner area of the event – so I guess she was “practicing in her head” reading her stories. HAHAHA Vienna is your Teaser guess? Well you moggies buddies, come visit me tomorrow and find out if you’re right OK??

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • My goodness Misaki! I love your Italian accent there girl! I can hardly SAY your guess but it sounds just lovely…..however you and I both know that I’m not free to confirm or deny your guess until Wednesday. Meanwhile, have a swell Tuesday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sundae! Yes, that photo was me enjoying the “lap of luxury” aka Mom’s lap. As for the Teaser – I think we’ll have some RIGHT guessers this time – tune in tomorrow to see. Mom’s going to check Facebook to see if more of her friends have posted photos that she’s in – everybody was snapping away like crazy (you would have thought that would remind HER to get her OWN camera out wouldn’t you???!!!!!).

      Love, Sam


  1. I know it too , vatican palace – base of the column of antonius … hmmm… Sammy have you visited the Vatican for a job interview?… I’ve heard they need a new popie ;o) I’m sure your mom was thinking about you all the time – I would do the same ;o)


    • Hi Easy! So you’re guessing even without trash can assistance??? Well, we’ll see tomorrow if you are right buddy. As for THE BIG JOB vacancy at the Vatican. I had an inquiry from THE OFFICE there but declined to be interviewed. That place is a bit too fancy for me…where would my litterbox fit in?? Do they have wall to wall carpeting in those long art-filled hallways to keep my toesies warm?? I’m too afraid of heights to stand on that balcony to make speeches! See? Too many problems. How about you?? Have you thought about applying? The world needs an EASY in charge I think.

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  2. Well, I know where the first picture (of you!) was taken—in Warrenton, VA. The second picture…don’t have a clue with or without trash can help. But I do know where the pic of Mom was taken…Lumberton, NC. Do those right answers get me a Sammy hug, huh, huh!?! Tell Mommy I love the picture of her and her display!


    • Hi Miss June! Message delivered to Mom – she sends a HUG…..as for your CORRECT guesses on who the ginger kitty in the first photo is (uh huh) and where the picture of Mom was taken (uh huh) you most certainly get a hug.

      }}}}}}}}}}}HUG FOR MISS JUNE{{{{{{{{{{{

      Happy Tuesday! Love, Sam


  3. Our peep loved seeing you at Book ‘Em North Carolina! Your display was wonderful and our peep even bought your newest book for our favorite little peeps, her grandchildren! Thank you for coming to Lumberton. Hugs and wet doggie kisses from Mattie the foxhound, Simone the collie, and Eddie & Lucy the JRs.


    • Hi Miss Trish! Mom said your peep bought her kiddies book – it was popular but not as popular as the “Rainbow Forest Fables” book. She had a great time – she was pooped when she got home but it was worth it. Your Mommy did a SPECTACULAR job with Book ‘Em this year – it was wonderful (although if your Mom had kept it from raining it would have been even BETTER!!!!).

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Oh yeah? You think so huh? Well, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see if you’re right!!! Hugs are being sorted on Wednesday as always. Mom smiled when I told her you thought she looked good in that photo….there will be more….lots of people took photos (except for Mom!).

      Kitty hugs, Sam


    • Hi Austin! Thanks for taking a stab at the Teaser this week…..come see me tomorrow and find out if the “Lobby” is on the ball or off base. As for that pope job? I’m thinking they’d frown on my bacon addiction. Know what I mean??

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. How awesome that someone got a photo of your human at the book event! Never happens for mine…

    I have NO idea where this is. If it is in Italy, my human’s boyfriend might recognize it.


    • Hi Sparkle….there are a ton of photos on everyone ELSE’s Facebook pages from this event with my Mom in them but Mom’s camera was comfy and cozy in her purse and she didn’t take but ONE PHOTO. Duh. Good thing other people were on the ball!

      Kitty hugs, Sam


    • Well, this was a teaser that might be easy for some and not for others so I suppose at least it was a “balanced” teaser!! Some visit me tomorrow to see where it was taken………..:D 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Gizmo! So you think this was a toughie huh? Well, it’s on the grounds of where I would live if I DID apply for that Pope job because my parents took the picture at Vatican City! I’m glad you think I’m up for the job but something tells me I’d be better at being a little devil….. 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  5. Dear Sammy, Me thinks the picture #1 is my favorite! Yous looks like such a cuddle bum!
    Me thinks yous at the Vatican somewheres.
    And me thinks your Mommy looks great at her book show!
    Kisses Sammy and gives your Mommy one from mes!


    • Hi Nellie!!! Mom saw your Teaser guess after she’d already helped me with this morning’s blog so I’m going to add you as a SAMMY HUG winner right now! Concatulations pretty girl!! Thanks for saying Mom looked good at the book show – she now intends to lose some weight after seeing the photos. HAHAHA

      Kisses received and delivered……..and we BOTH thank you!
      Love, Sam


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