

Hi All……so what’s FRYday?  Oh I think if you just concentrate a little bit on what you know about me, you’ll be able to figure it out.  FRY?  What do I like that’s fried?  Hmm????

Another boxtop in Sam's collection of boxes

What’s that I smell in the kitchen?????

On weekends my Mom generally makes a BIG breakfast for her and my Dad.  During the week, like today, that’s not usually the case.  It’s just a weekend treat kind of thing.  However, today I overheard her say that she thought they should start Cleaning Day off with a GOOD breakfast.  And what does that include?  BACON!  Indeed….good old bacon.  It’s not really “GOOD” I suppose as far as artery clogging goes, but it’s certainly good from the taste perspective.  I only eat a tiny chunk (or two) but it’s just so yummy.  The minute I smell it I start stomping around the kitchen or even running around the kitchen island where the cooktop is and say “MA MA” or just try to look as adorable as possible.  It works every single time. 

Sammy Having Breakfast

A little bacon sprinkled on top of my tuna! MMMMMMM

In fact, since I’m starting my day off today with my treat I just might be in the frame of mine to be able to handle that monster out of the closet thing that they do on cleaning day SO MUCH BETTER.  With bacon in my belly I’ll probably be curled up somewhere quiet licking my chops, cleaning my whiskers and face just in case some little morsel of bacon didn’t QUITE make it into my mouth…..YUM.

Sam doing a bit of grooming!

Ohhh…a little bit of grease from the bacon on my neck here….GOT IT!

That monster ought to be coming along soon so excuse me while I finish up this little bit of bacon that someone (thanks Mom) gave me.  

Hi Dad…did you bring me more bacon?????

Aren’t I just awful?  Now come on – I just bet you ALL have some little “probably shouldn’t have this but I’m gonna” type treat that you like and can’t resist – right? 

What is it?  C’mon….you can tell your old buddy, old pal Sammy – you know I won’t tell a SOUL!

Happy FRYday…………..

Kitty hugs, Sammy Bacon Buttie Boy

55 responses »

    • Hi Misaki… like plain bread? My Mom once gave me a tiny piece of raisin bread when I was on her lap while she was eating it. I thought it was fascinating…..well, the RAISINS were fascinating anyway!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • Hi Misaki…..I seem to remember reading about raisins being bad too. Mom says humans shouldn’t eat TOOO many of them either because they can upset their tummies or cause them to spend LOOOOOOOOOOONG periods in what my Dad calls “THE LIBRARY” (but my Mom says is definitely NOT a library…tee hee).

          Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Herman I would have thought CHOCOLATE was your guilty sin – – – then I read about chocolate covered frozen bananas on the blog this morning and I’m wondering if that might be on your list too!



  1. I getz a bit of bacon on a Sunday but my favourie is …..A SAUSAGE, when Daddy does a BBQ, he does em in the rain too, wiff an umbrella..BOL I getz a SAUSAGE, Alf haz a bit too. 🙂 Aw Im’z hungry now 🙂 Have a great Furiday Sammy xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie


    • Hi Mollie! Sausage – hmm….I might like that but my parents haven’t ever tried to SHARE with me…sniff…maybe if I give them “THE LOOK” next time Mom makes it??? It’s worth a go………..meanwhile bacon will do me JUST FINE!

      Happy FRYday……
      Hugs, Sam


      • New that was coming 😀
        The closet thing to it would be Jerky but it tastes remarkably different. It’s very much a South African thing. Dried meat with all sorts of herbs and spices. Truly delicious stuff. So hard to explain flavours in writing (this is really testing my brain cells 😀 )


        • Hmm….interesting….it sounds VERY interesting but I’m afraid it would make me barf – I’m a very strange kitty when it comes to what I eat and how it effects me. Food allergies? Not sure it’s that but I do have issues with a lot of stuff Mom tries out on me. HOWEVER, I manage to eat and adore stuff like bacon, yogurt, pomegranate popsicles and some other weird things!

          WHATEVER it is, enjoy it!
          Kitty hugs, Sammy


  2. Oh, Sammy, I LOVE that pic of you and your Mommy! So cute. Let’s see: I usually only get grilled chicken for a treat. But this week…..Motor Man brought home a little leftover barbecue from dinner. And it is YUMMY! They’ve just been giving me a tiny little nibble at a time, since it definitely isn’t good for me! Be brave with the closet monster….
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…….now BBQ is something I’ve not tried yet. My parents don’t have that often but perhaps if I drop a little hint? My Mom dumps BBQ sauce on her french fries sometimes – maybe that’s a good time to drop that hint!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Sammy you are too cute with that little morsel of bacon that didn’t make it to your mouth! And such a nice placemat you have there. I think bacon could help me to deal with the closet monster much better too. Hmmm, my favorite treat when I can be a little bad would have to be a cake donut with that maple icing. I can barely get by the donuts at the grocery store and CH is no help. He is an enabler! Enjoy your Friday Sam!


    • Hi Miss Pix…..My Mom has a “thing” about those SAME DONUTS! She’s a sucker for Godiva chocolate too. I figure in the scheme of things, a tiny bit of bacon isn’t such a terrible sin!

      I’m in my tent for the duration of the closet monster event today – hopefully my afghan doesn’t get sucked up in that thing!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Oh my sisfur who came before me LOVED bacon. She would come from anywhere to stand and pace and ask for bacons. The bacon gene bypassed me wonders how and why.



    • Oh Katie – know what? Don’t feel bad that the bacon gene bypassed you because it really isn’t so good for you ANYWAY – – – does that make you feel better?????? It is yummy though (tee hee).

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  5. Sammy we love the photo of you cleaning yourself and the photo of you and your mom. Sooo adorable! I have never tasted bacon, and sadly, doubt that I ever will because of my allergies. My big “treat” is the same ‘ol rabbit kibble I get every day. I guess it’s better than nothing but I sure would LOVE to taste bacon one day! Love, Cody


    • Oh Cody – guess what…bacon isn’t really GOOD for us kitties OR humans either so don’t feel bad. Your rabbit kibble IS good for you and doesn’t make you all itchy or sick so just stick with the GOOD STUFF my friend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • HA….it is a nice word isn’t it? It even SOUNDS crunchy…..gosh – now I’m hoping Mom makes bacon again tomorrow morning…..excuse me but I have to go now…..”MOM…..oH MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!”…..

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  6. Bacon is a piece of the paradise, I think … and just in this minute while reading your post we noticed, we have friday. Mom thought it’s monday, because yesterday we had a holiday …what a silly girl …


    • Hi Easy….you’re right – bacon IS paradise! Holidays are quite confusing actually…..they mess up the whole rest of the week don’t you think? Holidays DO come in handy sometimes though, like when there are presents and treats involved – otherwise all they do is CONFUSE (especially humans).

      Kitty Hugs and Happy FRIDAY!


  7. Dear Sammy,
    Bacon is OK, but me LOVES Whipped Cream, Cheeze Whiz and Jerky! Yummy, yummy
    And Sammy, yous looks so adorable peeking over your Mommy’s shoulder like that! Yous makes me melt.


    • Hi Nellie! You make me think I’m really missing out on some very tasty treats – I must speak to my Mom about this IMMEDIATELY. I’m gonna reach up on the refrigerator and put whipped cream, cheese whiz and jerky on her grocery list RIGHT NOW! I’m so happy you think I’m adorable….Tee Hee…..

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


  8. I dunno, Sammy, everything I like is GOOD for cats! KFC, the leftover tuna salad from the Charlie’s Lunchkits my human has sometimes (I get to lick the container)… all that is totally nutritious, right?


    • Know what Nissy? I’m sure veggie bacon is a whole lot better for you (and them) than our real bacon is. Not sure WHAT it tastes like (your bacon) but mine is mighty darned yummy even if it is BAD for us! 😉

      Kitty hugs and Happy Friday!


  9. Oh, Sammy, we ALL love bacon in our house, too!! And we love the pictures today, especially of the one with your peep momma holding you! Love from Mattie the foxhound, Simone the collie, and Lucy and Eddie the JR’s. And their Peep.


    • Hi Gang! I’m glad you all appreciate a good mouthful of lovely bacon! Yeah I know it’s not all that good for ANY of us but hey…..gotta have a little treat like that once in a while – right???

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Pingback: easyblog FREAKY FRIDAY « Easy Blog

  11. Doggy has never tried human food, apart from hotdogs, I don’t think he would like bacon (I don’t like it so he gotta be the same)
    WP seems to be working better now, reader is back up.
    Have a nice Friday.


    • Hi! Doggy probably does like the same stuff you do….I guess we tend to offer bits of what we eat to our pets sometimes and that’s how we discovered Sammy’s love of bacon in the first place. I’m SO glad you’re not having issues with WP still…..I don’t use the reader but have heard around here that it often doesn’t “coooperate”….! Happy Friday to you too Leo………



  12. I’m sure bacon can make you face the evil vacuum cleaner!!
    Kitshka and I love it when my human has Philadelphia cream cheese for breakfast, She generally takes a little tiny bit on one of her fingers and let us “clean” her finger 😉 We love it!


  13. At the moment it’s puppy food. Yeah, I know I’m no puppy, but if Raffles leaves anything I’m onto it like a shot unless The Producer gets there first. It’s a matter of principle rather than like or even hunger. If he’s eating it, I want it 🙂


    • Oh I totally understand that “copycat” thing (haha) Princess Zena. With Raffles around, you’ll get to practice that indulgence thing a LOT I think. Take advantage of all the neat stuff the new kid in the house gets – that’s what I say!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Bailey! I’m so happy to meet you – I visited your blog this morning after I saw you’d stopped by and I just LUV your boat and reading about how much fun you have traveling back and forth. What a lucky guy you are. Guess what – I LOVE yogurt too! Especially boysenberry which is one of my Mom’s faves. I guess we all have our little guilty pleasures right? My Mom’s is Godiva chocolate. Bacon is my weekend treat………..

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Happy to meet you too Sammy! We have lots in common I think! 🙂 I’ve started trying to demand bacon telepathically, maybe in a couple of days It’ll filter through. Paws crossed. Bisous Bailey


        • Good luck with that BB….you and I know that we CAN exert mind control over our humans if we choose do do that. I’ll keep my paws crossed for you! I suspect we have a lot in common too and my Mom showed my Dad the photo of Nocturne and now he wants to sell his airplane and get a sailboat………LOL

          Kitty hugs, Sam


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