Tuesday Teaser!


YAY!  It’s time for your photographic challenge of the week! 


Well, here we go again everybody – but at least this time you might be able to SEE the photos a lot easier than last week.  Those old photos Mom made me suggested I me use for my Teaser last week really made it almost impossible for you to guess correctly (although you all did a GREAT job of trying !!).  So, I thought that the very least I could do this week is make the Teaser photos ones you can SEE without getting out your magnifying glass and getting severe eyestrain! 

So here you go………..

Where do you think my Mom took THESE photos?  Hmmmm?????  You know what you get if you’re right………right?   Oh and before you ask, YES that’s my Dad’s big honker majestic nose in the top photo.  AND, also before you ask, Mom kind of blurred the photos a bit because there were signs you might cheat try to enlarge and figure this out easier.

What will those who guess correctly get for their effort???  Well you all know by now it’s going to be:


Now you know you want a hug so give it a try….come on…..you can do it!

See you tomorrow for the “Teaser Tell All” and good luck peeps!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy the Tease 🙂

53 responses »

  1. Holy smokies Sammy! Your Mom did an excellent job blurring up those snaps. I clicked to enlarge and then zoomed to 200 and it was certainly blurred. BUT I see a little something so I am going to wait for CH to get up and ask him. I think he might be able to help me. Besides if I wait for a bit somebody else will comment 😀 Gotta say it looks a little Switzerland like to me.


    • HAHA! I thought that blurriness would add a bit of MYSTERY to the Teaser! Tee Hee…..well, you come back and see me again if you change your mind about Switzerland….OK??? Just call me THE TEASER….can’t make it easy now can I ????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. I have to agree with Pix, that it looks like I think Switzerland looks…even though I haven’t been there. I have seen photos though…I just don’t know! I will have to wait for your big reveal tomorrow!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Ingrid……Thanks for stopping by for a “dose of teasing” this morning! Come visit me tomorrow to see how well you did…….AND please say hi to “the girls” for me! WINK WINK

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Texas! WOW – what good guesses……now you know I can’t tell you the scoop until tomorrow BUT I can tell you put some thought into this one…..I think maybe we got a good teaser going this time don’t you?? 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Well Doggy you have to wait and see don’t you?!?! I never give things away the day before the “Tell All”…….but come visit me tomorrow and see how you did OK??????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy (see you get a hug no matter what from me….I’m easy)


    • Hi Katie….that’s why it’s a Teaser!! Hard to decide!! But you know you’ll have to pick ONE place…..so think about it and let me know before I post the answer in the morning girlfriend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Okee Dokee Mollie….I guess you’re thinking Doggy just HAS to be right since he’s “hot” just now huh? Come see me tomorrow to see if you were right to hook your star to his! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Hi Sammy,
    This time you sure didn’t leave as nice a clue as in the picture from Rüdesheim! 😉 Let me guess, though: could that have been taken in Stratford-upon-Avon in England? No, actually, on looking at it again, I don’t think it’s Stratford. England, definitely not. And for the city/town? I’ll make a new guess and opt for Chester. This is my final decision then: Chester in England.
    Take care, and have a good one,


    • Hi Mr. Pit! Thanks for guessing……..I thought this might be one that would have people looking once, twice, maybe three times! I’ll be posting tomorrow who’s right on this Teaser so visit me in the morning!! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Tuesday…….Sammy


    • WOW….way cool…I’ll go tell Mom – she’ll be thrilled!! 😀 😀 😀 Hope you win – if you don’t let me know…I’ll write a poison pen letter to National Geo on your behalf….. 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Misaki!!

      Thanks for taking a whirl at the Tuesday Teaser…..guess what……it WAS in England but not Stratford on Avon…it’s the town of Chester on the River Dee! Pretty place isn’t it?

      How about a consolation prize Sammy hug??
      }}}}}}}SAMMY HUG{{{{{{{{


    • Hi Miss D! Sorry – no Swissy this time although it DOES look kinda Swissy doesn’t it?! It’s the way cool city of Chester on the River Dee in England…it’s known for this pretty half-timber architecture (so says Mom)….pretty neato huh?

      Happy Wednesday and Sammy Hugs too!


    • Ah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! You tried but couldn’t…..my Mom worked on making the photos “blurry” enough (she thought) that enlarging wouldn’t show the signs enough to get some hints! Sounds like it worked pretty well huh? Well, at least you ADMIT to trying to cheat….well, I’ll tell you this morning that they were on a vacation to Scotland but it included some stops in a few English towns along the way including this one – which is known for its’ half-timber architecture….it’s the beautiful town of Chester on the River Dee in England! Pretty isn’t it?

      Thanks for trying anyway Katie! Happy Wednesday….
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Harry, Dexter and Tipp! Thanks for visiting me and checking out my weekly adventure in “WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE MY PARENTS???” otherwise known as my Tuesday Teaser. I admit – they are tough – but then if they were super easy it wouldn’t be as fun right? Anyway, I appreciate you coming by and I’ll return the visit – always happy to meet new friends! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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