Speechless Sunday



(my version of a Wordless Wednesday!!)

Sammy Following Mom's Path in The Snow

We’re all complaining about the hot weather…..I thought I’d just remind you of what’s coming sooner than you think!


Sammy 😀

54 responses »

    • Tee Hee……..I am a little devil for reminding everyone that winter isn’t THAT far away….not sure if I’ll be out playing in the snow this year like I did the year Mom snapped THIS photo but I do like to watch it fall…..

      Happy Sunday!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Linda! I thought that might help those of us who have been sweltering in this heat lately….snow will be here before you know it! 😀 😀

      Happy Sunday……..
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh I bet Doggy would LUV romping in the snow! Getting little frozen snowballs in his long hair – I can see some pretty cool photo ops for you if you take him to the mountains with snow! 😀 😀

      Kitty hugs, Sammy (and his Mom)


  1. Bring it! I will take it over this heat and lack of moisture any old day. We have 13 inches of precip to make up! You will NEVER hear me whine about winter again. Well, unless we have an ice storm that messes with my Oaks 🙂 Sammy! I can’t imagine you in that snow, you will get cold little toesies and you have more toesies than most kitties to get cold.


    • Hi Miss Pix! That photo of me was taken two winters ago and I’m not sure I’d be up for hiking in the snow again since I’m two years OLDER than I was back then!! We have a long way to go on rain too – Isaac’s leftovers are taking their sweet time getting here but SUPPOSEDLY we’ll have some rain today and for the next couple of days. I do prefer WARM toesies than COLD, that’s for sure – I’ve already put “bunny slippers” on my Santa wish list this year! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • We’re not crazy about it here either! The size of the acorns falling from the oak trees this year is amazing though…AND supposedly that’s an indicator of a hard winter which in turn COULD mean a lot of snow. We’re hoping that “supposedly” thing is just plain “wrong” !!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. I’m more than ready for winter as long as I don’t have to go out if it snows. But IF it snows here, it’s usually here today and gone tomorrow (or the next day!)
    Enjoy that bacon, Sammy Snowman!


    • Hi Miss June! I wish our snow would “come and go” but there have been years when it’s stayed FOREVER even though it was NOT welcome to do so! Anyway, it’s HOT today so looking at a snowy picture is nice and refreshing!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Texas! Kind of puts all our complaining about the hot summer into perspective doesn’t it?! Anyway, it was fun…..and I didn’t have to bore everybody with a long post about bacon, Sunday newspaper, and napping in my tent! 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Good Morning! That’s one smart cat you have there Pam. As you know we love snow and embrace it with glee up in these parts. Winter is a welcome rest from our daily outdoor, sometimes sweaty jobs! That said we’ve been blessed with a tolerable beautiful summer (though we could have used more rain – as if we get to pick!) up here but still look forward to the changing colors off the Autumn and then that beautiful white stuff falling down so we can PLAY! 😉
    Happy Sunday
    p.s. Hope you had a bit of bacon!


    • Hi Miss D!!! YES I did get my Sunday bacon-o-rama and have enjoyed giving everyone a nice cool photo to look at this morning as a respite from the heat. I know how you love snow and I had a feeling this one would make you smile BIG 😀 😀 ! I can’t wait for Fall too….it’s my favorite time of the year. If I was a few feet taller I’d probably like the snow more too but being so short means not being able to see over the path in the snow and I don’t like that! Not to mention cold toesies….!

      Kitty Hugs for Sunday (and always)
      Sammy (and his Mom)


  4. Hi Sammy,
    Whenever you get snow (like that), send some of it this way, please. The last time we had snow down here was winter 2004! And then for a day only. That’s one thíng I’m really missing living in southern Texas: the snow in wintertime which I was used to from Germany. Well, maybe some times in Germany I would have wished for less snow. 😉 Humans are cointradictory! 😉
    Take care, and have a great one,


    • Hi Mr. Pit! My Mom says she remembers when she lived in Weisbaden as a little girl that there was a LOT of snow and they had a boxer doggy who would pull her on a sled on the snow. I’m sure you do miss seeing snow since you were so used to it in Germany. We usually get at least two feet in the winter in our area of Virginia but it mostly melts fairly quickly.

      That’s the thing about snow……it’s pretty and you like to look at it but it’s difficult to “deal” with!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Hi, Sammy, sorry to be late reading and commenting today. My pawrents are out and about today! (Wait til they see that I went online by myself….!)
    Cool picture, no pun intended. Hey, can Motor Mommy borrow your idea? She may have a Speechless Sunset Sunday sometime…! OR…..it could be “Sundae’s Speechless Sunset Sunday…”!!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I hope you’re not having a wild pawty there while your parents are out and about! I’m sure Marshall is making sure you behave yourself! Of course your Motor Mommy can borrow my Speechless Sunday idea….I’m going to continue doing it on Sundays I think. “Sundae’s Speechless Sunset Sunday” is a mouthful….how about just “SSSS” (no wait – that sounds too much like a hiss!!!).

      Love, Sammy


    • I know what you mean ladies…..I miss being able to munch on the grass – I get pretty excited when things start melting and the tippy tops of the grass show through….!! I only stay outside for a few minutes anyway in the winter. Just long enough to realize how lucky I am to live INSIDE!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I know…..I KNOW! But alas, it will arrive EVENTUALLY – until then, we can enjoy our gardens, porches, yards, etc. and baking in the sun. I’ll try to remember to post some HOT SUMMER photos in winter so we can start the cycle all over again…tee hee….Happy Sunday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Well, now that I’m a “cat of a certain age” and a bit arthritic, I don’t really look forward to cold weather and snow like I used to either! Maybe I need a fur-lined parka and snowboots….and maybe Mom could pull me around on a sled…..and maybe I could have a hot toddy when I get back inside…….and maybe I’m a DREAMER!!! HAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Odin’s a wild man – ready for ANYTHING! It seems that with dial-up, the more things there are to load up on a page (website or blog), the longer it takes – not just photos but things like plug-ins. I think also because of dial-up there are “better times” of the day to be able to surf the net and have less issues. It’s just finding those times to make visits to our friends that’s the problem! We miss being able to visit you all. You can’t imagine how frustrating it is to be restricted….we hope to have that cleared up SOON with a high speed connection. Just know that we love you and think about you and “the boys” all the time….most especially Merlin.

      Love, Pam and Sam


    • We’re getting some rain from the “leftovers” of Hurricane Isaac and we needed rain like crazy so no complaints here….it’s still warm and super humid of course BUT better that than the snow which is only a few months away!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Melanie!! Mom loves that picture of me….she had made that trail for me with her snowboots so I could explore the snow – and I had fun hopping from one footprint to the next….. 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks! Even using my Mom’s footsteps to walk in, it’s not easy trudging around in the snow….luckily we don’t get all that much snow here in Warrenton, Virginia….USUALLY 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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