Brave Little Me

Sam Standing at Front Door

I'll be right here when you get home Mom!

Bye Mom!  Daddy and I will behave ourselves – we promise – right Dad?  Dad?  Oh Dad?  Well, I’ll behave anyway!

Now, what should I do first now that Mom’s gone….let’s see…..I could go pull all the toilet paper from the rolls in all three bathrooms…..or I could go down to the basement and toss all the litter out of my box to give Dad something to do…..or maybe I could just go take a nap up in Mom’s studio where I can pretend she’s at the computer doing her thing.

It’s a rainy and windy day so I’m thinking Dad won’t be “up” for taking me outside, nor will I particularly be interested in getting soaked. 

Maybe I could contact Kozmo from CATFROMHELL and see if he and the FBI (Feline Bureau of Investigation) need me to help out on the Mr. Chirpy caper?  Now that’s something that would surely keep me occupied the next few days…………….See?  I knew if I just stopped and thought about it I could come up with a plan.  Yippeee!


12 responses »

  1. The time will go much faster if you are busy with something, Sammy, but I think you should use your time for something constructive, like sleuthing…and not things that would get you in the dog…scratch that…cat house. Enjoy your time with Dad – I am sure the time will pass quickly and soon enough your Mom will be back home with lots to tell you!

    Hugs, Linda


  2. Sammy, old buddy, old pal: I think you should definitely go for the naps. Much safer. You don’t want to upset your Dad – you might need his lap for a warm napping spot while Mom’s away!

    Love, Sundae


  3. Oh Sammy…your Mom will be home soon…and thankfully you have Dad there and not a house sitter…sometimes I have one of those and I would prefer Dad….I am thinking of you and sending you kitty hugs.



    • Thanks Minnie! I was so distraught over Mom being gone that I’m only just now getting back on the computer to see all the comments from my friends these past lonely (!) days. Mom’s back now and my world is swell. Daddy did a GREAT job of keeping me company though! Thanks bunches for the hugs – I like those ANY time!!!

      Hugs back,


  4. I suspect that you will be feeling the more derived, Pam. After all Sam will have his home, your husband and all those things that smell of you. So my sympathies are with you. Have a great weekend.


    • Hi Isobel…..I’m home now – it’s Sunday evening – I’m exhausted – but had a super good time catching up with my writing friends. Everyone’s producing new books – I had promised them a sequel mystery novel to my first but only had the children’s book as a “new” project! Fortunately that was a big hit anyway…LOL I had fun – Sam has forgiven me after about an hour of pout time when I got home. All is well in EVERYONE’s world (but indeed I missed him probably more than he missed me!).



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