A Feeble Flurry or Two

January Snow Flurries

They called this a "dusting" of snow......

So this was the snow we got yesterday morning…..they said snow flurries but I’d say snow dusting or maybe “powdered sugar”…..it stuck to the roads, sidewalk, driveway but not much in the front yard as you can see.  What you CAN’T see is that it was like 35-40mph wind gusts too!!!  Now THAT’s what kept yours truly inside his house, snug as a bug in a rug all day.  I actually DID go outside for like – 30 seconds – Mom was in the basement getting my litter box ship shape and when she took the trash outside to empty it in the big trash can I came out with her – – – didn’t get any further than the slate step outside the door before I put my brakes on and began screeching for her to hurry back and let me back inside.  Windy?  Oh yah………….

What’s with wind?  Well, it makes it hard to sniff for danger; you know like animals that don’t belong in my yard that I need to protect my Mom or Dad from.  Besides, it was already below freezing out there and with the wind blowing – let’s just say it wasn’t COMFY out there.  The minute Mom heard me screech she came back lickety-split and we both came inside and didn’t venture back out all day. 

For years I looked forward to winters so I could go outside and play in the snow.  This is (so says Mom anyway) the first year I’m really feeling the cold.  Either we get me a fur-lined winter parka and snowboots or I’m going to WATCH the snow from inside the house from now on!!!


14 responses »

  1. Sammy, you’d look so cute in a fur-lined parka and snow boots!! But, seriously, inside is the bestest place to be – for sure!
    I imagine that slate step was a little cold on those kitty paws.
    I think Mom said she saw a flurry or two yesterday, but not even as much as you had.
    Stay warm, buddy!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae….I’ll probably be staying inside today too even though no snow dusting is predicted and even less wind. That slate step was cold on ALL parts of me (if you get my drift) yesterday – not just my paws! I made the mistake of thinking I could have a sit down until Mom reappeared to let me back inside. WRONG!!

      I know you’re nice and warm in your window seat……
      Love, Sammy


  2. Yer gettin’ old, Sammy. I have the same problem. Cold affects me much more these days than it used to. Still, I bet if it comes a good snow you’ll be out there playing around in it like a little kitten.


  3. Well, Sammy, the only way I know it’s cold outside is the weatherman said so!! I’m staying on the inside looking out. No snow, but plenty of cold and wind!
    Is it spring yet????


    • Well Miss June – HOPEFULLY Spring will hurry up and get here….it was 17 degrees outside this morning when my Mom left to go grocery shopping….I’m glad I got to stay home on my fleece throw and nap! The weather guy said we might get more flurries this afternoon……if they’re like YESTERDAY’s flurries, we can handle it!

      Stay Warm!!!


  4. This post made me pause. Last year was the first time Cat chose to use the indoor facilities first thing in the morning rather than go out into the cold. Sammy’s coat looks very like his – short and dense, like teddy bear plush. I hope Sammy’s not turning into as old boy as he becomes a teenager. Keep him warm and wait for the sunshine so he lie out in it and soak up the heat.


    • Hi Isobel…Sam has always been a litter box boy except in the really warm weather when if he’s already outside, he’ll find a nice spot in the mulch around the plants!! We actually had about ten minutes of sunshine an hour or so ago before the clouds moved in and he went out on the porch and rolled around a bit feeling the sun. He’s still very much a kitten with his toys and in his playfulness but I think he just FEELS the cold more this year than ever before so prefers to enjoy his sun on a window perch or on the back of a comfy chair!



    • Hi Cody! Staying inside and staying warm makes more sense than anything else in the winter….I used to go out a lot no matter WHAT the weather was like but those days are long gone……give me a warm lap and a nap any old time these days!! 🙂

      Love, Sam


  5. We know just what you mean Sammy about the cold. We are having some really cold weather here too and believe me, we are coming in for the cold nights. And would also much prefer staying inside where it is warm. You are so smart to just stay inside. Have a purrfect day Sammy.


    • Hi Marg and Company! Yes – inside is best this time of the year IF we can be inside. Some animals are too big to be indoors or don’t LIKE being indoors….but there’s always danger of freezing or frost so I’m glad to spend most of my time warm and cozy. I do worry about animals that don’t have homes when it gets this cold………sigh…………

      Hugs, Sam


    • I agree rumpy! It was more like a “tease” of snow than a flurry of snow!!! Booooo Hissssss……but there’s more winter coming. I just keep reminding myself!

      p.s. I nominated you for an award today……take a peek at today’s blog (tee hee).


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