Sam’s Friday Update…..

Funny Face Sam
How’s THIS for a “face” ???!!! haha

Happy Friday fans…here I am making my funny camera face.  Trying to cheer Mom up.  She’s not feeling too swell this morning.  Something’s “going around” I think.  I know she’s had to use her litter box more than usual the last day or two – – – or something like that!!  Anyway, I’m taking good care of her.  She isn’t helping me with my blog this morning so hopefully I don’t make too many mistakes.

She’s also a little upset about her garden.  I know she tells you all that she doesn’t mind when the deer eat her flowers but she woke up this morning and looked out to see about eight doe and their babies munching like crazy through all of Mom’s impatiens!  I heard Mom say “oh darn” – or maybe it was some other word starting with a “D” – not sure about that – but I think she’d been happy that the deer had been just eating sunflower seeds and leaving her flowers alone.  They are all “mowed down” now…………….
Know what else is happening in our yard?  The oak trees are dropping their acorns already.  It’s early for that to be happening.  I got conked on the head a few times yesterday in the backyard by acorns falling.  At first I thought the squirrels were throwing them at me from up in the trees but nope – they’re just falling on their own.  I’ll have to start wearing a HAT out there I guess!
I think I’ll go check my food dish.  Hopefully Mom has put some breakfast down for me.  Hey – a guy’s gotta keep his strength up right?
Happy Friday Folks
Sammy, One Spoiled Cat

4 responses »

  1. Strange that you mentioned the acorns falling on your head. I wrote a poem back in 2005 that I have since revived, as of yesterday. It’s too long to put here, but I’ll give you the ending . . .

    a tusked hog searched
    beneath what had been the tree
    found a lone acorn
    the last from the tree
    he ate it
    within a few days
    from the dung of the pig
    came a seedling
    trying to rise through the ground

    Sorry about Mom that she was feel so bad mentally as well as physically. there comes a time when you just must take a stand. The people in the poem didn’t, and their tree died.


  2. You did a great job on your own with your blog, Sam! I’m so sorry your peeps aren’t feeling good. And wow, the deer probably felt like they hit the jackpot when they found your mom’s impatiens! I planted more than a hundred tulips one year and the deer ate every single one. So I know how she feels! I hope your peeps feel better soon!


  3. Oh, Sam what a face. Will it cheer you up if I told you we’d subscribed? Tell your mom, I’d say more than darn if the deer ate my flowers. We had to give up planting tulips. Stop by tomorrow for our garden party.


    • YES! That does cheer me up Miss Layla! I think maybe the only reason Mom didn’t have a bigger fit about the deer yesterday is that there were a bunch of little spotted “Bambi” type babies among the crowd that munched through the garden……hard to get mad at them with those long gangly legs and sweet faces. Hey – I’m a TOUGH GUY and even I thought they were cute! Will check out the garden party that’s for sure…….always up for a tour through the greenery – lots to sniff!

      Sammy, One Spoiled Garden Sniffer


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