Thankful Thursday & Poetry with Angel Sam


Thursday has arrived and it’s time to be THANKFUL “out loud” with this great blog hop Angel Brian has every week.    We participate because we ALWAYS have something to be thankful for – it’s a good chance to voice those things out loud to share.    We are thankful for continued stretch of really nice weather although rest of this week will be HOT – it’s been nice the past 3 days.   PURRFECT you might say!    We’re also thankful that even though Angel Sammy is now at the Rainbow Bridge he continues to send us a chance to have fun together with poetry every single week.    We’re thankful for all of our friends too – we wouldn’t be blogging without you.

Let’s see what Angel Sammy send us for today shall we?

Hugs, Teddy


Hello Poetic Friends!

It’s that time of the week again – our time – sharing poetry and getting a giggle together is something I look forward to every single week.    I give you a photo to use as inspiration and you have a whole week to come up with a poem to share with everyone who visits our blog on Thursdays.    Ready?   Good – me too!

Here’s the photo I gave you LAST week to use for today’s poem – my poem follows the photo:

“Tight Space”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©6/12/24


This photo is a bit confusing

What glasses was that cars’ driver using?

Optic lenses making a parking space look BIGGER?

Or was alcohol perhaps the trigger??

Accidentally not shifting to reverse?

If on purpose this was quite perverse!

Did the car decide to go forward by itself?

I think the driver should hang his keys on a shelf…..

Give up driving – it’s time to stop

I bet the same thing would be said by the cop!


It looks like this car was on the other side of these two cars – maybe parked here – maybe not – maybe someone was pulling into a space and hit the gas too hard – maybe they hit the gas instead of the brake when finished parking?    Who the heck knows – all I know is the cops are there – they’ll figure it out……but someone is in a world of hurt and several lawsuits!

I have another photo for you for NEXT Thursday……….here it is:


Yes that is what you think it is………….those bathrooms on planes are small and you don’t have a lot of room to “maneuver” round in!   Anyway, should make for some fun poetry right?    We’ll share next Thursday!

In the meantime……………

Be happy……stay healthy……be POSITIVE!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Your Forever Friend, Angel Sammy










48 responses »

  1. Yes, we too are thankful for the nice weather we had….now we are going into the hot oven…and bad storms might happen later todsay. Hopefully no tornadoes …

    Your poem is fun, and yes, OMC!!!

    Next week’s picture is hilarious!! The lady watching from her seat really looks like my sister, I had to get out my magnifying glass to look closer. Will ask her some time if she saw anything like this incident… (She flies a lot…)

    Here’s my little ditty:

    I had to sneeze;

    So my car took a turn,

    And now I’m in a squeeze!

    Liked by 3 people

    • LOVE THE POEM!!!!! I think the photo for next week is truly hilarious… can see the little “smirk/smile” from those two guys on the aisle who see what’s happened!

      Hugs, Pam


  2. IT’s like the two were parked legally and within the allotted space and someone was mad and wanted to show them a lesson. But no, that’s not it. I would love to know what really happened here. And Sammy, that was a perfect poem! Very appropriate!


  3. Pingback: Poetic Thursday: Man Makes, Man Destroys | these days of mine

  4. That sure was one crazy picture for this week, and Angel Sammy did a great poem! I hope you like my poem, too. (P.S. I don’t really drink anything harder than water, BOL!) XOX Xena


  5. That was a fun prompt and great poem. Next week’s is going to be fun too. Thanks for finding such interesting prompts. XO


  6. Angel Sammy finds us the crazIest photos to write about. He did a great job on this week’s poem. Here’s the link to our mom’s:

    The situation in next week’s photo would be our mom’s nightmare. The only thing worse is getting your dress tucked into your panties or panty hose.

    We too have had some gorgeous weather the past few days.

    Love and hugs from Mom and XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


    • Angel Sammy sure does find some whoppers doesn’t he? This one was confusing but funny and the toilet paper one next week is ALSO my Mom’s nightmare! LOL Today is picture perfect weather-wise but Mom says “all good things must come to an end”….hopefully not before I get more sunny days for my trips outside with Mom!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Glad your weather has been nice and you’re likely spending some time outside in it. Stay cool and safe once it gets too hot. We’re experiencing the heat now (and unfortunately those high temps are bringing high ozone alerts too so we’ve been going on our walks at the crack of dawn). What a furbulous poem from Angel Sammy. That was quite a pickle that driver got himself into!


    • Our heat starts today and Mom and I will probably enjoy our FIRST “out” before it gets too warm….maybe 5AM when it’s just a bit light out. I’ll try to curtail my whining to drag her outside TOO much today. Maybe.

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

        • I’m doing my best to enjoy being out in a heatwave – I know the best shady spots and when the sun moves around and takes THOSE from me, I come up to lie on the cool concrete in the shade on the front porch. We learn this stuff early – comfort is #1 !! LOL

          Hugs, Teddy

          Liked by 1 person

    • I would love to know the details about that photo we had for Poetic Thursday but couldn’t track anything down. The police look as puzzled as all of us who saw the photo were!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


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