Tag Archives: valentines party

Onward To The Pawty!


Hi Everyone!  Well the BIG DAY is finally here.  My girlcatfriend Sundae and I are on our way to Mollie and Ranger’s Valentine’s Ball extravaganza.


Our morning started off with a classy limo picking both of us up to take us to the airport where the private jet was waiting for our arrival.

It was a way cool “ride” !   Nothing but the BEST for me and Sundae!

Nothing like a classy limo ride to the airport!

Nothing like a classy limo ride to the airport!

We got to the airport, boarded our jet and headed off to pick up Mollie and Ranger. 

A nice relaxing drinkie, a bag of snacks, and my girlcatfriend Sundae - what more could a guy ask for?!

A nice relaxing drinkie, a bag of snacks, and my girlcatfriend Sundae – what more could a guy ask for?!

They’d asked if they could “hitch” a ride with us and we thought WHY NOT!  The host and hostess of this Ball should travel in style too!


Mollie, Ranger, Sundae and me heading to the PAR-TAY !

Mollie, Ranger, Sundae and me heading to the PAR-TAY !


The rest of today is going to be a whirlwind of activity – so many exciting events will be happening our heads are just spinning – but if you’d like to see what’s up and check out the events of the first day of the Ball – GO HERE – Mollie’s blog will have the details. 

It’s going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME par-tay!

Oh – all you Tuesday Teaser fans……you won’t be disappointed – I got my Tuesday Teaser goodies all set for tomorrow – I’ve got a GUEST TEASER too!  Just because I’ll be partying doesn’t mean I won’t be teasing too……….hahaha

See you tomorrow!

Kitty hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀



Tuesday Teaser


Good Morning!

Are you all ready for the challenge for this week?  Well, I’m not quite sure if it’s as hard as or easier than last Tuesday BUT I will say that even I can see a few “hints” in this photo. 

This was taken by my Mom (who else?) on a trip she and my Dad took in 2007.  She said it started raining about ten minutes before she snapped this photo – she was sitting on a bench in this little “square” admiring this fantastic carousel, and Dad had wandered off to find something for Mom to drink (not a martini…..a cocoa or coffee!!). 

Mystery Photo 114

So here’s the photo…………..gimme your best shot and I’ll tell you tomorrow where/when AND who gets the coveted Tuesday Teaser Prize:

Big Sammy Hug !!

Now, on to other things!  As you probably know if you’re in the loop for where all the “happening” parties are happening, you know Mollie and Ranger are hosting a Valentine’s Ball! 


I’m very proud to say that my girlcatfriend Sundae has agreed to be my date.  We’re going to RSVP to Mollie soon with a photo of the two of us all jazzed up for the PAR-TAY.   If you need details, go to Mollie’s and get them – you surely don’t want to miss this event!

My lovely girlcatfriend Sundae (checking out the outfit she got to wear to the PAR-TAY which is in the bag!)

My lovely girlcatfriend Sundae (checking out the outfit she got to wear to the PAR-TAY which is in the bag!)

Happy Tuesday – Teasers, PAR-TAYS, there’s always something going on in the blogosphere isn’t there?

Kitty hugs, Sammy 😀 😀