Tag Archives: tiny tiger

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Time For Double-Header Thursday!

Thankful Thursday with Brian and Poetic Thursday with ME!

First off – I will be THANKFUL and join up with Brian’s Blog Hop where we celebrate all the things we are thankful for!  You can click the badge above and join in if you like!

I am thankful for several things this week – well really I’m thankful for WAY more than “several” but I’ll just mention a few.   One is that we have a ROCK visiting us – Bashful from my pig friend Bacon’s “Hotel Thompson” and I must say, Bashful is being a VERY good rock.    I don’t have any new photos to show you of his escapades while he’s here – he has, in fact, been a very GOOD rock so far although other blog buddies he’s visited have reported that he can be a “handful” !    New photos coming soon I promise.  I’m also thankful that my Mom let me join Cat Scouts because I’m having a TON OF FUN.    My big brother Angel Sam is still a Cat Scout and still a Troop Leader there even though he’s at the Bridge now.   He’s super busy these days but joins me there when he can.    I’m also very thankful that we finally got a day of SUNSHINE after so many days of rain.   I am doing my best to get used to the harness Mom is forcing me to wear (Sammy’s old one) – I’ve never been “restrained” before so it takes some getting used to.    I walk three steps then lie down (Mom says I look like I’m hoping the harness isn’t following me).   HAHAHAHA

So there are many more “thankfuls” but that’s a start…………NEXT UP we have my brother Angel Sammy’s Thoroughly Poetic Thursday where he challenges everyone to play along by writing a poem with the NEXT letter of the alphabet as the title – last week we did “S” and he wrote about SNOW.    This week is “T” and what did he write about??    Well you’ll see below the badge!

“T” is for….

“Tiny Tigers”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell, 4/27/17

Mom has always had a thought

When she adopted me (and Teddy) what she REALLY got

Were tiny tigers – not cats at all

But mighty tigers standing tall!

Moving quietly on padded feet

Hunting for something good to eat!

Wild game is around everywhere we look…..

YOU see a chair, a rug, a book

But WE see buffalo, gazelles, and hyenas galore!

We hear them running across the floor!

We pounce and leap and attack with joy

Even though the reality is, we’ve caught a TOY!

We love to pretend we’re big tigers you see……

But we’re just ginger kitties who PRETEND to be free……..

That was a good one Angel Sammy!   You’re a poet – and we ALL know it!

Monsieur Angel Sammy – my special brother AND poet!

Did you write a poem today?  If you did you can post it in our comments section if you like so you can SHARE it OR you can put your own blog link in my comments and we’ll go visit you and read your MASTERPIECE!!!

Go ahead! You can write a poem I just KNOW you can!

Oh go on! Just TRY!

So Angel Sammy and I will see you next Thursday for another Thoroughly Poetic Thursday?    We will be doing a poem starting with the letter “U”………….no I’m confident Angel Sammy will not be writing about UNDERWEAR…………honest!

OK – enough talking – let’s play!  I wanna be a TINY TIGER!

Love, Teddy