Tag Archives: spring hope

SPARK on Monday


Happy Monday……….you know what some of us do on Mondays – we share an uplifting (hopefully) thought – something to inspire us for the week ahead.   “SPARKS” was started by Annie McGuffy of McGuffy’s Reader but ended when her blog was hacked some time ago.  It was meant to be a way to start out each week with with a meaningful thought – something that spoke to each of us and hopefully everyone else who read it.    Sometimes we need a little “spark” in our lives and these posts were meant to at least be a PART of that effort.    Those of us who enjoyed sharing a SPARK with Annie have continued doing so on Mondays – and we hope one day soon Annie will be back blogging with us again.    Please feel free to post a SPARK of your own and let everyone know you have…….we get energy from each other that way!

I was in the mood to find a SPARK that had to do with Spring……….I am looking forward to Spring more than I can EVER remember before this past year.    The time most of us have spent during this past year hasn’t been what we’d call “ideal”……..social distancing, cutting back on trips, staying home, cancelling plans that had been made pre-virus.    For those reasons I know I am looking forward to the change from Winter to Spring – Spring is more cheery, more hopeful and maybe the start of some semblance of normalcy as the world becomes vaccinated and SOME of our routines return.

Anyway, I really like this HOPEFUL expression of Spring!

I’ll admit that as far back as I can remember, I’ve looked forward to Spring anyway, but…..this year for me, Spring equals HOPE.    Maybe a new beginning?    I think a lot of us are wishing that would be the case.    It’s time for us to be hopeful like never before.

With Love and Hope, Pam