Tag Archives: muddy paws

Saturday With Sam

Keepin' Cool INSIDE!

Just had breakfast...just resting while I digest!

Taking a little post-breakfast rest under the dining room chair.  From here I can observe what’s going on this early Saturday morning.  Actually, Saturday morning is usually pretty quiet around here.  I did change things up a bit this morning though – it’s been a while since I asked Mom if she’d take me out in the dark….I spend a lot more time in the house than out these days.  However, since both my parents were actually up EARLY while it was still dark I thought “why not!!”…..so they harnessed me up and we went outside in the back yard.  The sky was totally clear so while Mom and Dad pointed out their favorite star formations, I ate some grass and sat observing.  I could hear the rain drops plopping through the trees onto the ground but not even the birds were awake yet so it was pretty quiet out.  Nice. 

We only stayed outside for about ten minutes.  I just wanted a little fresh air.  It was too muddy to walk around much – my white paws would have gotten all yucky!!  Once we got back inside, we all went up to the family room where I hopped on Mom’s lap and did a quick “clean up” to make sure I was spotless as usual.  A guy’s got some pride you know……………. 🙂

I’m not sure what my parents have planned for today but if it’s a typical Saturday the answer is NOT MUCH.  Fine by me.  Mom said something about maybe going shopping – that might mean a new toy for me but as you all know, my toybox (wagon) is already full of stuff……still, a new toy might be just the ticket!!

My toy box is actually a toy WAGON!

It's full...but there's always room for JUST ONE MORE!!

Nothing like a new toy to perk a guy up after several days of rain!

Hope your Saturday is super in every way…..mine’s gonna be.
