Tag Archives: loving life

SPARKS on Monday


SPARKS is the wonderful idea of our friend Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.   Starting off the week by releasing a bit of an inspirational spark to fire up minds, hearts and souls thereby lighting up the world is a GREAT say to begin another week.    Annie is taking a much deserved break right now but those of us who enjoy the Blog Hop are carrying on with our SPARK posts in her honor and in the hope we can inspire those who read what we choose to post.

I’m returning to AGING with my SPARK this week.   Maybe because I have it on my mind right now – I’m celebrating with my sister this week her 80th birthday.   I know neither of us ever dreamed when we were young and crazy that we would reach our “Golden Years” before we burned out but yet here we are………..full lives and hearts.   Isn’t it great?

I’d say both of us have been able to carry the spirit of the child into our later years…………carrying the spirit of the child doesn’t mean being immature or not moving with the times but keeping the enthusiasm for life, the fun of new experiences, the happiness of watching the stars at night and the ability to love learning something new every single day…….just as a child would do.

I also absolutely LOVE this photo………it even has a cat in it !!    Happy Monday………………….

Hugs, Pam

The Geezer Report


It’s All About ME


Hi Everybody!   I’m getting a lot of mail lately asking how the old guy (yours truly) is doing these days with his medication (yuck) and general health so I thought I’d provide you with a GEEZER REPORT.    

About my hyperthyroidism…….I’m up to two pills (5 mg each) of methimazole every day (one AM and one PM) and my thyroid level is still high……..last vet visit we decided not to up the dose because even though I adore my baby food that I get the crushed pill in, I’m getting TIRED of the taste of the pill no matter WHAT Mom puts it in.   I hate pill pockets and she would pill me with a piller but my arthritis is pretty bad and she’d have to hold me tight and she doesn’t want to hurt me.   SO – we are where we are with thyroid stuff for now.   So far my heart has not been effected – my murmur is the SAME as it was before I started taking the pills.  That’s a GOOD thing.  In fact all my other lab work is GOOD so my thyroid and arthritis are my two “bad things”.

I’m losing my hearing a bit…….Mom used to say she thought I was like Dad and had “selective hearing” (har har har) but in actuality she can be calling me and unless she claps her hands real loud or is right on top of me, I don’t hear her.   I kinda like it really because Mr. Vacuum Cleaner doesn’t bother me like he used to NOR does the doorbell ringing – see?  Losing hearing isn’t all bad!!

I’m sleeping all the time……….well not ALL……..sometimes I ask Mom to let me go outside and I’ll munch grass (which I sometimes return in the form of yakking on the carpet!) and LOVE to sit on the front porch with her and my Dad when the weather is good.   I’ll lie down and just sniff the air and watch the squirrels and birds. 



Taken April 20,2016

I’m not sleeping through the night like I used to…………..sometimes I call Mom from wherever I am (she thinks I wake up confused sometimes and I think she might be right!) and usually that starts around midnight……..she often will get up and talk to me for a few minutes……then goes back to bed…….and an hour or two later we do the same thing.   When that gets to be too much for her and she can’t fall back asleep, she will gently pick me up and carry me down into the basement where I have my litterbox, one of my food spots, and lots of comfy old furniture and she’ll leave me – go upstairs and close the basement door.    THEN she goes back to bed – she will get up at 4AM to be with me – I usually give her all kinds of “heck” when she opens that basement door though!!!!   I am MAD……..and I let her know it!    HAHAHA

I love fresh air....I'll just stand on the sidewalk and sniff........

I love fresh air….I’ll just stand on the sidewalk and sniff……..

I also get sick quite a bit…………but Mom, Dad and my Vet know that I’ve always since a baby been quite a “horker” !!   I just have some trouble digesting and have been on sensitive tummy food (which I hated) and other things to try to keep that from happening but at 16+ years old, Mom is just happy I’m eating ANYTHING.    I eat my pills with Gerber’s Beef baby food (sometimes ham flavor too), love a bit of lunch meat if Mom’s making sammmmiches sometimes, BEG for shrimp if she’s making dinner and using shrimp (she’ll give me 3 or 4 of my very own to eat) and of course you know I do like a bit of bacon!    I also eat Fancy Feast wet food once in a while or Meow Mix “wet food pods”……………and have kibble and treats whenever I want them.    Still I’ve lost a lot of weight.   That’s hyperthyroidism for ya!

oldcatSo that’s the GEEZER Report you’ve asked me for………….I’m doing well for an old guy – so says my long-time vet.   He and my Mom are on the same page about cats growing older and what treatments make sense and what treatments might not be right at this time of life.   I’m in the very best of hands………..

Mom is my BEST friend!

Mom is my BEST friend!

I couldn’t have asked for a better home all those years ago when I was adopted from the shelter………………My life has been wonderful and I intend to hang around for as long as I can to enjoy it with my Mom and Dad and of course……………..

ALL OF YOU!!!!!!

Love, Sammy the Geezer