Tag Archives: living life well

SPARKS on Monday


It’s Monday – yet again!    Another week begins and it’s time to share another bit of HOPEFUL inspiration with a SPARK.    This is a wonderful Blog Hop started by our friend Annie at McGuffy’s Reader…..our chance to join in her idea that if we put a little “light” out there to start our week, we can all stand in that light together and let the power of our shared inspiration carry us through another week.    Thanks so much Annie for giving us a place to share our thoughts and beliefs relative to getting through our lives with power and purpose.    If you would like to join us with a bit of LIGHT of your own today please do – and add your link to the Hop by clicking on Annie’s badge above and filling out the LINKY tool – then we can enjoy your thoughts as well………..

My SPARK today is pretty darn simple!

You’ve heard the expression “living up to expectations”…………well I think you can also “live DOWN to your expectations”………if you decide life stinks, you’re not happy with it, you will never get anywhere – you probably won’t and you probably will not be as happy as you could be.    If you believe that around every corner there’s an opportunity – there’s a chance to begin again – or a chance to be better and happier you WILL GET THERE.

So THINK about HOW YOU THINK!    THINK about WHAT YOU THINK………keep your eyes up and look ahead and not behind you………..and BELIEVE that things are worth achieving.

Happy Monday!

Hugs, Pam