Tag Archives: cat surprises

Monster Day


Yep – it’s that time again………sure gets here fast these days – housecleaning day at the Kimmell House.  I will be spending it in one of my two usual locations – – – either peering over the bannister upstairs spying on Mr. Monster doing his thing downstairs OR I’ll go all the way down to the basement where it’s quiet……

Ha!  The Monster can't get me upstairs!!  It's a good place to SPY on it though......

Ha! The Monster can’t get me upstairs!! It’s a good place to SPY on it though……

Now, I’m going to print another of the entries we had for the Scariest Poem contest at Camp.  Did you guess when you read it originally that this one was from Mollie?????


The forest was dark and quiet

A fire was burning low

The dogs and cats who gathered

Sat round the eerie glow

“ What shall we do now” said Easy

I’ve brought my Violin

Perhaps you’d like to have a dance

Or maybe we could sing

No No , let’s have a story

Said Sammy the cat

It’s Mollies turn to tell one

They all looked to where she sat

Well, it was a cold December day

The pond had frozen over

Lot’s of us were skating round

With me and fat cat brudder

On we went, we formed a line

And I was at the back

Suddenly there was a noise

And I fell through the crack

I heard the cries and frantic screams

All going through my head

It was so cold, I couldn’t move

I knew I’d soon be dead

But then I heard the engine

Of my best friends garbage truck

My Gorrilla pal, old Candy Bar

It was a stroke of luck

Grab a hold, I’ll pull you out

Oh thanks I duly cried

I’d forgotton that my dearest friend

A year a go had died.


Good job Mollie!  We loved this one.   Thanks again for entering the contest.  It was a toughie wasn’t it?  All of the competitions were tough!

Speaking of competitions – you kids who won the three competitions (Misaki-scary poem, Savannah-tent decorating, Zena-scavenger hunt) – Mom mailed your surprise packages off to all of you today.  Please let her know when you’ve received them – we always worry about stuff we send out – especially to FAAAAARRRRRR away places!!! 

We all love surprises………..I remember at Christmas when I got this PAWSOME surprise package from the ASPCA which I won on Cody’s blog!

I love surprises!!

I love surprises!!

I got another big surprise a few days ago and I’ll tell you about it tomorrow on my blog.  Let’s just say it involves a package that Santa Paws FORGOT to leave me when he came at Christmas!!!  It supposedly fell out of his bag of prezzies down into his sled and he JUST found it and delivered it to me a bit late.  (I’m still deciding whether I believe that or not!!).

Have a PAWSOME Non-Monster Friday

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀