Tag Archives: cat imagination

Happy FRYday….!

Me in a Santa Hat......

I'm just being silly! It's 100 outside but I'm just reminding you that COOLER days are ahead!

Friday….or FRYday as I’m calling it because it’s going to be around 100 degrees today.  YUCK.  I’m staying inside and going to pretend it’s winter and Santa Claws is coming to visit me soon.  I’ll dig into my toybox wagon and drag out my “holiday collection”…..I have some Christmas toys like a stuffed candy cane toy, and a stuffed Santa – you know the kind of toys I mean.  Anyway, I’ll just make believe – I’m good at that.  Whenever I look out a window today I’ll imagine snow.  Beautiful, COLD snow. 

You folks who have cats know that we have great imaginations.  Ever seen us look up at the ceiling or in a corner with BIG eyes and our ears back – “on alert” ??  Kind of like we’re seeing a ghost?  Guess what!  We are!!!  We see stuff you can’t.   

So, if I look out a window today and act like I am watching squirrels or birds playing in the snow……maybe I AM seeing it in my mind’s eye. 

I know this for sure…….I’m going to be wishing it was snowy out there because it’s been way too hot for me to even go outside these last few days and if there was snow out there – I’d be having a ball outside RIGHT NOW!   Sigh…………..instead, I’ll just try to enjoy my

FRYday !!

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat Dreaming of SNOW