Bakin’ For Thanksgiving With The King


Happy Almost Thanksgiving from The King and His Assistant Miss Ingrid!

We hope those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving are getting your menus organized and checking them twice to find out who’s naughty and……oops – wrong holiday!   Anyway, we have a couple of fabulous ideas for Thanksgiving goodies courtesy of our guest today Miss Ingrid.    She’s been here in the Castle Kitchen before and always has delightful ideas for meals and today we have TWO of her ideas for you to think about for the upcoming holiday.


This is almost too easy but it’s also very delish!   If you don’t have a lot of time this works GREAT

In a skillet cook 4 chopped slices of bacon till crisp. Drain.
Reserve 1TBS of the fat.
Use a 6 oz box of stuffing from the grocery store, and prepare as directed.
Add 1/2 cup of dried cranberries to that mixture. Then the bacon with the reserved fat. Add in 1 TBS of chopped fresh thyme…and voila! Easy! YUM!


Well now – with Ingrid’s help, we have a couple of possible changes to your standard Thanksgiving menu!    Thanks Miss Ingrid!!!


Giving thanks for your friendship………King Teddy

32 responses »

  1. Oh, yes, we will for sure need those elastic waist bands, LOL, LOL!!

    I found a way to make that stuffing vegan, so our vegan son will enjoy it too…A little harder to make that casserole vegan…sigh…
    And I will make a spicy cranberry relish. That is vegan even though I have been making that for years!
    One year we tried a vegan ‘turkey’…it was AWFUL! Even vegan son hated it, LOL! So he eats beans, I will make him a lentil soup, a salad, and who knows what for a main. Dessert isn’t too hard. I have recipe books…
    We – aka the rest of us – will have turkey! YUM!

    And then I have to start thinking about the menu for Christmas…

    We hope everyone will enjoy these recipes, even on any day!
    Have a great Saturday!


  2. WOWSER! Bacon and cauliflower…great idea! Mama is making her mama’s cornbread stuffing for a little chickie we are going to have. A big ole turkey is too much for those two…UH, HELLO, MAMA, THREE! Maybe they will reconsider, haha.


  3. Holy Cow! Seriously! That has GOT to be completely delicious!!! My kids love that brand of stuffing.. to the exclusion of home made I am here to say. And add cranberries? Has to be delicious~


  4. Chef Teddy you have Ingrid for an assistant. I bet she prepares beautiful dishes just like all the beautiful photos she shares.
    Hugs Cecilia


  5. The cauliflower and bacon casserole would definitely be a recipe we will try. We could get into the cranberry and bacon stuffing too. SSNS never takes a bite of stuffing without jellied cranberry sauce so cranberries are always on the table in some form. Good work Baking King Teddy and Assistant Chef Ingrid!


  6. Absolutely love the Garfield meme. I am for elastic waistbands everyday. These two recipes sound so delish. I will have to try them; though, it won’t be at Thanksgiving. My contribution is always the pies. Love to all from me and angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


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