Friendly Fill-Ins Blog Hop Time


Yay!  Time for filling in the blanks courtesy of our co-hosts!    We get two sentences from each of them every week and all we do is fill in the blanks any way we want to.   It’s fun.   You can join in if you want – click the badge above and LINK UP with us!

Here are this week’s sentences and this week I let my Mom fill in ALL the blanks…………her words are in GREEN.


1. My main concern right now is staying healthy – getting my Covid Booster today!

2. I plan to have candy for trick or treaters available for Halloween this year.

3. If I saw a ghost, I would introduce myself (just kidding).

4. This time of year, baking more than usual is a personal tradition of mine



Thanks Mom for taking over for me today.   I was too busy thinking about Halloween and whether I’ll help you hand out candy (assuming we have kids this year!) or if I’ll have to run and hide.    I’m going to try to be brave.    Honest.

Hugs, Teddy

46 responses »

  1. Good day, Happy Friday, Spooky Scary Weekend … we too, just got the “booster” this week, and the
    flu one, too! Baking … don’t we wish we could, sigh.


    • NORMAL is good…….VERY good……..and I’d like to be going out to dinner too BUTTTTTT since I have a few NEW Halloween decorations and I’ve bought candy for the goblins I guess we’ll be home! Maybe watching HOCUS POCUS or something fun!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. It is the perfect time of year for baking plus it warms the house up a bit. I am glad you are getting your booster. We hope to soon, but have to wait until our colds are completely gone. Have a wonderful weekend. XO


    • I know you enjoy baking too! Teddy’s about to put his post for tomorrow together and we owe it all to you since you gave him/us the bacon baking book!!!!!!!! Stay warm and I hope your colds go away soon!!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. I hope you are very brave, Teddy!

    We hardly see any little trick or treaters here, we live too far away from the town, and the houses here are too far apart. So there is no candy here…and none to have left over to tempt us, LOL!

    Our house is from 1907, so who knows how many ghosts are dwelling here to haunt us…however, its a rather rickety frame home, and so we think all the winds it has sustained over the years likely blew them all away! LOL! At least the place is still standing!!

    I love to see all the beauty of the fall colors, so I take the back roads on my way into town…much more peaceful and certainly prettier!


    • Good luck with the booster. I was amazed – looked at our local pharmacy – they gave me a choice of times and days and I only waited TWO days before my appointment was due – walked in the pharmacy – no line – got the shot in about two minutes – EASY PEASY.

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hope you can get a booster soon……my husband hasn’t had his yet but I honestly feel more protected since I got mine. We give out popcorn balls vs. candy. And not even sure we’ll have kids this year but they have not discouraged trick or treating here as they did last year.

      Hugs, Pam


  4. We love your answers! Don’t worry, we all hide from the Open Door too – that one that goes into the huge scary room our people call “The Outside”. Hey! You guys all have a great weekend and hugs to you all.


  5. I think your fill-in for #1 is how most feel. Oooh, baking. I can’t wait for pecan and pumpkin pie. Yum. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


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