SPARK on Monday


Hello Monday and Hello to all of you…………..SO – first of all what is SPARKS on Monday?  “SPARKS” was started by Annie McGuffy of McGuffy’s Reader but ended when her blog was hacked some time ago.  It was meant to be a way to start out each week with with a meaningful thought – something that spoke to each of us and hopefully everyone else who read it.    Sometimes we need a little “spark” in our lives and these posts were meant to at least be a PART of that effort.   Please feel free to post a SPARK of your own on your blog and let everyone know you have…….we get energy from each other that way.

Last week on Monday’s SPARK post I confessed that I’m recognizing (eek) that I am aging and maybe more quickly now than ever before.    I think whenever I go to the doctor I tend to “refocus” on my body more and that’s when I realize that “I’ve Come A Long Way Baby!”………and hopefully have a long way to go.     I had an eye appointment for the first time in a couple of years; partly due to Covid and partly because I wanted to find an opthalmologist closer to home – which I did – and I like her a lot.    Anyway, she told me my cataracts are ready for surgery whenever I want to do that.    I’ve had them for a while – terrible vision but I’m kind of “used” to it.   I’m going to have that surgery after we take our vacation this Fall.    THEN I had my 6 month physical with my primary care doc and told him I’m having a bit of a problem catching my breath lately on the stairs or walking up our hill in the front yard especially if I’m having to carry my boy Teddy the 23 lb. cat up the hill to bring him inside (when he doesn’t want to come inside).   SO I have a pulmonary function test scheduled next month now too.   Dermatology doctor and dentist are both in August as well.    BODY MAINTENACE is time consuming!   But as my SPARK today illustrates – our body is IMPORTANT……….maybe now more than ever!

Yep – that says it all right?    Right!    So I will not complain when I spent most of next month in physicians’ offices.    It’s worth it.    Totally.

Hugs, Pam

51 responses »

  1. Pam, all of these check-ups are important. But if you eat low-fat food, exercise and maybe let Teddy walk on his own, haha, you’ll be in good form. There’s an awful lot of butter in those bacon recipes, haha. And remember that a glass of red wine is essential for heart health! Woohoo.


  2. That couldn’t be more true. Getting old is certainly no fun but it is part of life and we have to try even harder to take care of ourselves. I hope you have a fun vacation and I hope the surgery goes well.


  3. Love the thought you gave us today, and boy, that’s the truth. The only place you have to live. In my work, we had intensive physical exams every year. The pulmonary function test was one of them. The first time I had one, I got tickled at the hose they handed me to blow into, and I couldn’t stop laughing. Laughing to tears rolling down my face. I told them between gusty laughter that it was like blowing into a vacuum cleaner hose. Just hit me funny. Took me several times if having to do it to finally not laugh.
    XO Katie Isabella


  4. I will be thinking about you when I spend most of August and September in Doctor offices… Ha! I hate going to the Dr. I feel like it is a test and I never do well on tests. Your Spark is so true… my body, it’s all I got!!!!


    • Oh I hope you do well too – things seem to become more frequent when we age don’t they. I keep thinking “didn’t I just go to the doctor for my checkup????” – every 6 months pops around QUICKLY. You must have a lot of stuff getting checked out girlie – glad you are taking care of yourself! 🙂 🙂 🙂


  5. Sending tons of purrs and prayers that all goes well! My sister-in-law had the cataract surgery and she said her vision has never been better! There is no pain involved or anything! I have cataract issues too (and am overdue for a checkup), but he said I could wait to have them done (but that was over a year ago). Um, anyone carrying a 23 lb cat up the stairs would be huffing and puffing!!! xoxoxo


    • I know it’s a chore having to transport Teddy but I really just want to make sure I don’t have anything brewing – like COPD. Good to have these things checked out – catching stuff early pays off!!!! I am excited about the cataract surgery – it took them long enough to “ripen” so I could have the surgery that’s for sure!!!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


  6. You know I can relate, Pam. I honestly do not know how you can even pick Ted up. I cannot pick up my 19+ pound ginger boy, but then Coop is very squirmy. I am happy you are taking care of yourself. We all want you to be around for a really long time. Love and hugs, Janet

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think (believe it or not) Ted has lost a couple of pounds but I guess we’ll find out when I get him in for his next shot before we go on vacation. He’s still an armful and will squirm to get down too which means (as you know) scratches or bruises for GOOD OLD MOM !!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


  7. I hear you very well, Pam! Our bodies need tons of TLC, the more as the years pile up…but for now, despite bumps and hurdles and a zillion scars to prove them…I am humming along, pretty well (oiled)!

    I hope all your checkups and tests don’t give you more cause for concern. Sending lots of hugs to help you get through them with flying colors!


  8. That’s a great Spark! The Dad totally understands, he got new eyes/glasses, new dental implants, now hearing aids. He says he’s the 6 million dollar man, at least that was the price tag.


  9. Oh blerg! This Spark is very true, T. Your mama is taking her own advice right there. It’s smart to get ahead of whatever is going on, then there’s no rush to attend to everything at once. Good luck in all the upcoming procedures and tests. Mom and I said a prayer, so we know you will do fine.

    Love and licks,


    • Thank your Mom for me please Cupcake and I thank you too!!!! I try to keep an eye on Mom – like I’m sure you do with your Mom – but humans can be a little stubborn. Have you noticed that?

      Hugs, Teddy


    • A lot of us live our lives NOT hydrating our bodies and it does cause a lot of problems….I’m guilty of it myself but I have tried to be better these last couple of years. I have a cup I keep with me at all times and when it becomes empty I try to fill it RIGHT THEN.


  10. Yes, we do have to look after our bodies. I do have to say that carrying 23 pounds of cat used to make me puff going uphill too!


    • I’m hoping that I do have good lung capacity – I remember them testing that when I was in the hospital after the hip surgery but that was because of the anesthesia I’d had……I guess this will be an “off anesthesia” test to see how well my lungs are working. My sister has COPD and copes well with it but if I am starting to have yet another health problem, I want to address it EARLY! 🙂


  11. LadyMew sayss yore SPARK iss furry true. Shee did so much damage durin her teenss an 20’ss an even early 30’ss to her body….BAD ddamage an it led to sum of her purrmanent problemss now.
    LadyMew treiss her best to get help butt our Meddycal System iss inn shambullss so LadyMew sorta lickss an stickss herself back twogether
    free-quently!!! 😉
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ❤ LadyMew
    Pee S: Teddy yore a hunk a hunk of burnin ❤ Love ❤


    • I know that to be true…..I’ve always tried to “listen” to my body and I’m sure if not for that, I would have had a worse time with my cancer issues and other health “stuff” through these many years!


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