Sunday Selfie Blog Hop


Gosh is it Sunday already?   Yep – calendar says it is so I guess it is!    Well it’s the day we share a selfie of ourselves on the Hop at The Cat On My Head and if you’d like to join us, click their badge above and link up with us.

It looks like it’s another FLASHBACK Selfie for me this Sunday as Mom has let me down in not taking any new photos of yours truly.    BUT flashbacks are fun and I’m going to see what I have in our files from this same date (or close) in the past…………

OK so it’s a bit silly and a bit blurry but it’s from July 22, 2017 so I was still a relatively little guy and hadn’t lived here long.  I’d already destroyed the lovely red “tent” Angel Sammy left behind but I sure did “love it to death” !!   In fact, I still have this thing and it’s flat as a pancake in the basement with my toys and I LOVE to just lie on it and use it like a very thin mattress!

Then of course Mom worked her magic (or should I say she worked LUNAPIC’s magic) on the photo and came up with this.   She used one of the “NEW EFFECTS” called “K2” to get this one that’s just a bit blinding.

We made a puzzle of this photo just in case you have some free time and need to fill it going nuts putting a puzzle together……………

Click This “Mini-Me” photo for the Jigsaw Puzzle and good luck!


Hope everybody has a super happy Sunday……………….ours will be happier now that The Cat On My Head has a “full house” again with their little wanderer Sawyer back home again after his adventure.    You can read about that adventure on their blog by clicking RIGHT HERE.    Sawyer tells what happened in his own words.    Amazing and true!

MMMM….delicious…..Sunday morning salad!   

Hugs, Teddy

45 responses »

  1. Hey, Teddy, how about some extra virgin olive oil and a bit of mama’s 175-year-old vinegar on that salad? No, huh? Okay, scrap the vinegar, olive oil will make your fur gleam!!! I have it every day on my wet food. But just a teaspoon


  2. It’s nice to have pictures that you can go back and look at… and use on Sunday Selfies. Who can forget the red tent and how much you loved it?! Good Morning, Virginieeeeeeeeeeee! Truly just the bestest news about little Sawyer!


  3. The ones with your tent always makes me smile. I remember what Tubby did to his. I wish you could still get these kind. Now they have cloth ones. Another hot and humid day. Yuck. Son is back to those early hours. Enjoy your day.


  4. First a quick comment to say that’s a cute flashback pic of you, sweet Teddy. And now we’re off to read about Sawyer’s adventure, which, thankfully, had a happy ending!


  5. Teddy we always want to see you whether in a flashback or fresh you are the Ginger Fellow with the MOST! Most Teddy, Most Purrsonality and Most Most. Is that a thing? Hmmm Purrs buddy


  6. WOW that Kay 2 effect ISS brite Teddy!! Kewl Selfie thp’!
    Wee two are so reeleeved Sawyer iss back home! Man what a ruff cuppull of monthss wee have had 😦
    Butt today wee have Sunny Sunday Selfiess rite Teddy?
    **purrss** BellaDharma


  7. We are beyond relieved that young Sawyer is home and no longer causing his family anguish and worry.

    Well, that tent has been loved to death alright! I am glad it makes a good erm…. thin mattress 🙂


    • HAHAHA…..I love to sleep on top of that thin mattress – why? Don’t know for sure but it still smells like Angel Sammy who loved it a lot and left it for me to enjoy.

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. You could call that your Pops Up art. I have one of those cubes and it is funny when it collapses but then pops back up and makes a cube.

    Oh it is just a wonderful relief that our furiend Sawyer is back home!


    • Yes we’re mighty happy Sawyer is home….he’s catching up well too – lots of food, lots of naps and maybe realizing that there’s just “NO PLACE LIKE HOME!”…….I love my cube even though it no longer pops up – but it’s still fun to lie on it and have dreams of when it was an actual cube and not a red pancake!

      Hugs, Teddy


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