SPARK on Monday


It’s Monday!   It’s time for a Monday thought – a little something to get us through another week.  Everyone is invited to participate by posting their OWN thoughts – SPARKS inspire all of us!   “SPARKS” was started by Annie McGuffy of McGuffy’s Reader but ended when her blog was hacked some time ago.  It was meant to be a way to start out each week with with a meaningful thought – something that spoke to each of us and hopefully everyone else who read it.    Sometimes we need a little “spark” in our lives and these posts were meant to at least be a PART of that effort.    Those of us who enjoyed sharing a SPARK with Annie have continued doing so on Mondays – and we hope one day soon Annie will be back blogging with us again.    Please feel free to post a SPARK of your own and let everyone know you have…….we get energy from each other that way!

The SPARK I chose for today is one I could give a LOT of examples of from my life but I won’t.    I think if you consider choices you’ve made, directions you’ve taken, you probably would also give a LOT of examples.   So today’s SPARK is really just a reminder of something we all already know.    At least I’ll admit that – will you?

Hugs, Pam

51 responses »

  1. Well, this one’s a doozy. Mama says she is so glad she gave up all those boyfriends so that papa could catch her, haha. Just kidding. But they caught each other, or I wouldn’t be writing this.


  2. That’s a great spark. I know this is not completely related but it reminds me of something I read recently about kids spending too much time on their phones and never having a chance to be bored. Because of that, they are not learning to draw or starting a hobby that might be useful.


    • That’s so sad isn’t it. Both my brother and I grew up entertaining each other and ourselves drawing for and with each other and he taught himself to play guitar and I was a moderately successful artist and writer…..that would NOT have happened if we’d had cell phones. I’m GRATEFUL to have been in the “dark ages” (haha).

      Hugs, Pam


    • Glad you got your rain – I know Sharon on the other side of Floridaaaaaaadoooodeeeeeeee from you was mighty happy to get some WET – theirs looked rather torrential but WET is WET after all!!!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. Very true and applicable every hour of every day! It’s surprising how your life changes for the calmer, brighter and better when you allow the right/good things to catch up.


    • You are able now to THINK about what you want……no rush……no deadlines…..and a greater chance being NOT under pressure of doing the “best” thing for yourself too. Adventure is out there for all of us our entire lives but not all of us GO FOR IT. You can…….

      Hugs, Pam


  4. I can relate to that very well!
    Left home to a job 2 hours in a plane away….go home five times in 18 months…leave there to go home again and start school….to change careers, presumably….fail miserably…get sick and have the school police escort me to the bus stop, (LOL)…and then have that ahah moment…just go back to the first career…its what you need to do…and I did for almost 10 years, before meeting my hubby and moving to Michigan…sheesh, my biography in a nutshell..but all those doors in my face, it sure took a long time to ‘get it’!
    I am stubborn:)


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