Sunday Selfie Hop


Sunday – and a VERY SNOWY one here I might add!    Big fat white flakes coming down and while it’s pretty, it means I won’t be heading out for a walkabout like I did yesterday!    No worries though, I’m going to nap.    Good way to spend a snowy Sunday.     Selfie Sunday is hosted by our friends at The Cat On My Head and if you would like to share a selfie (or you or someone else or anything you can think of) just go over (click badge above) and link up with us!

I have a SNOW selfie today.     Not one of yours truly for a change – it’s just such a pretty sight out our window I’m sharing it with you!

My Dad is already chomping at the bit to go out there and use his snow thrower on the driveway………….Mom says “wait until it’s finished!” – it’s actually scheduled to change over to rain in a little while.    Anyway, while it’s here – I think it’s pretty – magical even.    SO, we thought it would be fun to do a puzzle of this – since it’s basically black and white, it may be a challenge!    THEN when I was getting ready to construct the puzzle I thought I’d throw in a SECOND challenge – the photo I made the puzzle of is a slightly DIFFERENT photo than the one above – same view but just a bit different – aren’t I sneaky?



Good Luck and Happy Sunday!    Teddy

61 responses »

  1. That is going to be a wonderful wintry puzzle! Gorgeous photo… big fat flakes are so pretty to see. Teddy, stay warm! Have the Mom and Dad lay a fire in the fireplace, have some wonderful Super Bowl FOOD even if you are like me and not much interested in the Super Bowl. We will be watching the Kitten Bowl! Hugs to the Mom and Dad and scritches for YOU!


    • Hi Miss Pix! I’m already reserving special nap spots for this snowy day around the house. My list: (1) guest room bed (2)behind guest room chair (3) basement on top of the planting bench (4) my cat tree in the basement (5) behind living room couch. That ought to do it – I’ll just cruise around from spot to spot!!! Mom might watch the Super Bowl – not Dad……..and since we don’t have cable – no Kitten Bowl. Mom usually catches it AFTERWARDS on You Tube! Hope you and Mr. Jerry have a wonderful Sunday WITH NO STORMS!

      Love, Tele-Teddy-Tubby (haha)


  2. That’s a pretty winter wonderland that’s definitely missing here. We got a few snowflakes, then about ten inches of arctic cold. It was 4 degrees this morning with hardly any snow on the ground… and it isn’t going to come near 30 degrees for at least a week! If it’s gotta be that cold, we should get that pretty view too…


  3. WOW, I have never seen snow! Mama says I could make ice cream with it….yum. Thank you for a fantastic photo. We had to put on coats to look at it!


    • It was pretty cold out there but know what? Not long after that photo, it stopped, the sun popped out and now it’s almost ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL melted! I love looking at snow but I do NOT like it on my feet!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Tell your Dad to be careful. It is snowing HUGE flakes here. Years ago when it snowed Dad had a plow and chains on our tractor. As soon as he would start the neighbor would come out with his thrower. He was really ornery an never said a word but the Race was ON! MOL


  5. Your snowy Selfie Sunday could be here! Teddy, that shot of you through the railing is stupendous! We have had loads of snow here too and now we have the Polar Vortex and a weather warning for extreme clod! We can’t wait for SPRING! Stay warm guys and may you and yours today be filled with fun!


  6. That looks like heaven to us. Actually our yard is a bit similar but with less snow and not as much magic. AND it is bitter cold. Happy Sunday, Teddy and Mom.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  7. Mom and Dad used to live in a place that snowed like that all the time throughout the winter. They’re thinking of moving us all back there maybe this year. Good thing I have lots of fur, but I think the doggy will need to wear a sweater. Winks.


  8. Your snow was so pretty. What we got on the weekend is all gone, but some of what we got from the previous storm is still hanging around! Hope neither of us get hit badly with the next round that is on its way. Stay warm.XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


    • I hope it won’t be bad but it sounds like it might be more snow than the last one – at least all the snow we had from a few days ago is GONE here. Melted in last two days!! Stay cozy!

      Hugs, Pam


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