Sunday Selfie Hop


It’s Sunday again………….and you know what that means!     Time to show ourselves off in the Hop hosted by The Cat On My Head………………………..they’ve had some major website problems for days so we’re not entirely sure how this will work this week but if you click the logo/badge above it should take you to their blog where you should be able to link up.    However – when you have problems, there’s no guarantees!     I just know they are working hard to get back in business.

At any rate you get to see a photo of yours truly that my Mom took yesterday at noon on our front sidewalk (which appears to have some moss growing on it!).     I was just getting back from a cruise around the perimeter of the house looking for introoders when Mom appeared on the porch with her camera.    Yes I was looking at her until she snapped the photo – just part of my usual behavior with the camera.   Cooperation?   NEVER!   HAHAHAHAHAHA    Oh and before you ask, yes I think that’s a spot of bird poop behind me.    We have very impolite birds.

This is a boring photo other than the fact I’m in it……………so Mom had to dress it up a little with Lunapic………………..but here’s where we started:


Not boring thanks to Lunapic’s “Hunger” (new art filter)

And of course we did a puzzle………….what would Sunday be without a puzzle???????   


Happy Sunday!!!  Hugs, Teddy


47 responses »

  1. Teddy, you look awesome. You are like our gang, with looking away, which is why C.J.’s selfie today was such a big deal. The art work is amazing. We love how it made your fur look. Really accentuated those stripes. Thanks for your support through our blogging mess and always. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I didn’t know that about the Commodores – but it sure worked for them and I think it worked for Lunapic too. Just can’t quite see any other way other than opening a dictionary and pointing at a word for it!!!



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