Sunday Selfie Hop


Glory be it’s Sunday again!   Time to HOP…………….if you want to Hop along just click the badge above and LINK UP!   Our Hosts at The Cat On My Head would be happy if you did!

Sorry to say it’s another FLASHBACK SELFIE for me.    Mom didn’t take any new photos of me this week…………so back to ancient history we go to find a photo of me taken just about this same day in a prior year.

This was taken by my Mother (who apparently managed to save my dignity with the daisy) on August 6, 2017.     She whacked my head off when she took the photo I guess and I have no idea what Lunapic filter she used for this but at least it’s a Selfie of me about this time of the year three years ago.   Time flies when you’re having fun napping right?

Mom made a puzzle of this masterpiece……….(haha)

Just click this MINI-ME photo and it will take you to Jigsaw Planet where you can get eyestrain doing a puzzle!!



53 responses »

  1. Well that is a different selfie, Teddy! Maybe your mum chopped your head off so we wouldn’t know it was you wearing a daisy. 🙂


    • Mom must have been focusing on SOMETHING in particular which was NOT my adorable face when she snapped this photo. I’d lived with Mom and Dad for six months by then and probably just didn’t CARE. LOL

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Teddy, you were responsible for giving me my very first smile of the day as made my way thru emails seeing what had come in. That was perfect for you, handsome boy!


  3. MOL MOL MOL Teddy we all need a daisy for our dignity sometimes.
    Did you hear about the 2 earthquakes just outside of Sparta NC?
    One at 2 am 2.6 one at 8 am 5.1 felt all the way down in parts of our county, not us though
    Hugs Cecilia


    • Know what Miss C??? MAMA felt it here in her office! My Dad’s chair wiggled around a little and she felt it JUST BARELY as she sat in her chair at the computer. She asked my Dad who was downstairs in the library if HE felt it and he didn’t. I think Mom and I are just MORE SENSITIVE. Glad you are OK! They say it was felt in FOUR STATES!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. OMCod! Is there NOTHING the Humans won’t take a picture of??? I mean, Fine, she put a daisy over it. But still–has she no sensitivity or respect for your privacy and decency??? Humans.


    • Apparently she finds my nakedness so offensive to the eyes that she has to put a daisy over “it”……but you’re right – why photograph someone in their most vulnerable moment in their most vulnerable position? i’m SURE she wouldn’t want me photographing her in the shower OR sitting on the porcelain convenience!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Michelangelo’s David didn’t need a daisy! He showed off his stuff loud and proud to millions of art patrons and old ladies throughout Florence! Though then again, I doubt that David had undergone the “procedure”…


  6. Your in the favorite position of all ginger cats and a few others as well. It was nice that your mom at least sort of preserved your dignity. Thank you for being a faithful hopper. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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